I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 982: painting and falling

"Hoo... hoo... hoo..."

On the top of the mountain, the wind howled, Lu Zheng waved his hand, and blocked the wind with his true energy.

Si Lingxi looked around, only to see the looming mountain peaks in the sea of ​​clouds, the white clouds were long and green.

And not far to the west, another slightly higher mountain stands among the clouds, green and white, like a lotus flower blooming.

"There is Lotus Peak, which is a little higher than Tiandu Peak." Lu Zheng said.

No matter how sharp the eyes are, they can see the tourists going up and down on Lianhua Peak.

Si Lingxi nodded, turned her head to look at the stone carvings on the top of Tiandu Peak, and said with a light smile, "Climbing to the peak, the capital of all the immortals, is a big deal."

"There is indeed no place with more fairy spirit around here." Lu Zheng defended the ancestor.

"I know, just looking at the surrounding roads, it is indeed difficult and dangerous to be able to reach the top of the Heavenly Capital in ancient times. It is not surprising to talk about the residence of an immortal."

Si Lingxi agreed with a smile, and then enjoyed the surrounding scenery with Lu Zheng.

"Huangshan has four wonders, strange pines and strange rocks, and sea of ​​clouds and hot springs." Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows and smiled.

As soon as Si Lingxi turned her eyes, she knew what Lu Zheng meant, and she couldn't help but chuckled, "Then let's see if your painting suits my liking."

Lu Zheng's face turned bitter, "No way, how can I draw better than you?"

Si Lingxi glanced at Lu Zheng with a phoenix eye, and then waved her hand to take the drawing board, canvas, brushes and various paints.

Lu Zheng kissed Si Lingxi, then laid out the drawing board and canvas, and sat side by side with Si Lingxi.

"An oil painting on Tiandu Peak." Lu Zheng shook his head, "I always feel that the painting style is wrong."

Si Lingxi raised the corners of her lips again, and said leisurely, "Is it possible to show the artistic conception of China with Western painting?"

Lu Zheng blinked, scratched his head, and after pondering for a moment, nodded fiercely, "Yes!"

He added a lot of light of luck to the painting before, and now the cool-down period has not passed, coupled with his various understandings, he was able to paint the "Picture of the Phoenix Girl Playing the Qin" that even Si Lingxi is amazing s work.

Therefore, although Lu Zheng's painting skills are still far behind Si Lingxi's, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best in the world apart from Si Lingxi.

So although Si Lingxi's request was difficult, but after Lu Zheng thought about it, it wasn't impossible to do it.

Work hard, you can't rely on the jade seal and the light of luck for everything, right?

"Speaking of which, Brother Yuyin, when will the cooling-off period for painting pass?"

Yuyin, "..."

Fixing the treated linen in the picture frame, adjusting various paints and turpentine, Lu Zheng prepared several kinds of brushes and painting knives, and then looked at the scenery in front of him, thinking about which angle he should paint.

With Lu Zheng's current skills, there is absolutely no need to do the initial drafting work.

Lu Zheng thought about it carefully, and decided to use the Lotus Peak in front of him as the main body of creation. Although this is simpler, it is safe.

Moreover, the shape of Lotus Peak, combined with the surrounding peaks and sea of ​​clouds, can more easily highlight the Chinese artistic conception in the painting.

Lu Zheng's eyes glowed, and he stared at Lianhua Peak not far away, as well as Yuping Peak between the two mountains. He quickly conceived the composition, color and artistic conception in his mind.


Toning! write!

With a few strokes of "唰唰", Lu Zheng has already set the tone of the painting.

The sea of ​​clouds and white lotus are in full bloom.

Glancing at Si Lingxi next to her, she has already started to create in a leisurely manner, but Lu Zheng still can't see what she is painting.

Then Tiandu Peak fell into silence, and both of them started to paint quietly.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and a picture of "Lotus in the Sea of ​​Clouds" gradually appeared under Lu Zheng's hands.

The sea of ​​clouds in the painting seems to be flowing slowly, rising and falling, and then a jade lotus with green leaves and white flowers is swaying in the sea of ​​clouds, as if it is about to bloom at any time.

And this kind of unopened momentum can also make people feel the sense of power in this lotus flower, which just blends in with the magnificent mountain of Lotus Peak.

Combining the two, this sense of power can easily be transmitted to the hearts of the audience, allowing the audience to experience a sense of openness that makes them uncomfortable.

What is artistic conception?

This is the artistic conception!

Facing the competition with Si Lingxi, Lu Zheng has already put all his strength into depicting the details in the painting with all his attention, in order to achieve the best effect.


! "

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded like nothing came from a distance.

With a flash in Lu Zheng's eyes, he broke away from the state of painting with all his strength in an instant. When he looked up, he saw a small black spot falling down the cliff on the opposite side of the Lotus Peak.

"Someone fell off the cliff?"

Lu Zheng's eyes flickered, but before he could move, he saw Si Lingxi waving his plain hand lightly, and a breeze invisible to the naked eye appeared out of thin air under the black shadow, holding it up, only slightly slowing down, It stopped the falling trend of the black shadow, and then took advantage of the trend, turned in one direction, slid gently through the void, and landed in an unoccupied place behind the Yuping Tower on Yuping Peak, which is the closest to Lianhua Peak.

Lu Zheng blinked, shook his head and smiled, then turned around and continued painting.


! "

On the top of Lotus Peak, a girl exclaimed while looking down, and a middle-aged man pulled the girl while holding the iron lock on the guardrail on the cliff with red eyes.

Lianhua Peak is too dangerous, and the strong wind howls on the top of the peak, most people dare not approach the edge of the cliff at all.

So the girl and the man only saw their family fall off the cliff, but they couldn't see the specific situation.

Surrounding tourists were also panicked, some approached to comfort them, some called the police, and some sighed nearby.

"Huangshan falls off the cliff every year."

"They all don't listen to advice, and feel that it's okay to be careful."

"It's the same with the elder sister just now. She insisted on climbing to the rock on the edge of the cliff to take pictures, but her family couldn't persuade her, so she slipped and went down."

"It's scary!"

"Woooooo...Mom..." The girl burst into tears, holding on to the boulder on the edge of the cliff, unable to believe the facts in front of her.

"The police have been called, why don't you go down the mountain first, after all..."

The next moment, the girl's cell phone rang suddenly.

The girl sobbed and took out her mobile phone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ subconsciously glanced at it and instantly opened her eyes wide.


The middle-aged man also saw the phone screen, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Mom! Are you okay?"

The girl immediately connected to the phone and asked anxiously, "Where are you? How are you doing now?"

"I...I'm fine..." A confused female voice came from the phone.

"We have called the police, and I will go down the mountain to save you now!"

"No...no need..."

"Aren't you hurt? Did you hang on a tree? How are you doing now?"

"I...I'm in Yuping Tower right now, next to the stone elephant in Yuping Hotel."


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