I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 985: Goodbye Shouyi

Watching Du Yueyao leave with Zhilan Shengnv and Fan Boyu, Lu Zheng took two catties of good tea from his gourd, held it in his hand, and walked slowly to the outside of the Wang family's mansion in the north of the city. roundabout

As soon as they came to the gate, the gate of Wang's family was opened, revealing a pretty face, it was Wang Xiaowan.

"Brother!" Wang Xiaowan greeted with a smile.

"Hello Junior Sister, I heard that Master Zun Shou Yi is here?"

"Come here, I went to Lu's house to look for you, but you haven't been at home these few days." Wang Xiaowan hurriedly let Lu Zheng into the house.

Lu Zheng nodded as he entered the room, "Take Qingyan and the others out to play."

"I know, I didn't even bring Yueyao with me." Wang Xiaowan nodded her head and snickered.

"Are you joking about Yueyao? Let me tell you, don't think that you are the only one backed by master, Yueyao's master has also come." Lu Zheng and Wang Xiaowan chatted as they walked, and then they saw the girl who was waiting on the side. Reverend Shouyi at the gate of the courtyard. roundabout

"I've seen Senior Shouyi!" Lu Zheng stopped and raised his palm to shake his head.

"Yuan Zheng, your cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. I'm really gratified!" There was a hint of shock in the eyes of the real Shouyi.

And Wang Xiaowan also said in surprise, "Has Yueyao's master come here?"

When Master Shouyi heard this, his eyes flickered, "I said that all the sensations just now disappeared in a flash. It turns out that she is the saint of Yuansheng Sect. She really has profound morals and deeds."

Lu Zheng laughed, "It's the Saintess Zhilan and Priest Fan Boyu of the Yuansheng Sect, and they have just arrived."

Reverend Shouyi nodded knowingly. He heard Wang Xiaowan talk about Du Yueyao, and he also knew the distinction between the original religion and the Protestant religion in Yuanshengjiao. Shouting to kill, it seems that he can't beat the Zhilan Saintess of Yuan Shengjiao.

"Come in and have a seat." Reverend Shouyi said to Lu Zheng. roundabout

Lu Zheng nodded, and handed the tea bag to Wang Xiaowan casually, "This is the safflower tea produced in Yuling Road. It has a clear fragrance and is the best in the world."

Wang Xiaowan took the tea bag with a smile, said "I'll make tea", and hurried to the side room.

Lu Zheng entered the room with Master Shouyi.

"I went to Shaotong Mountain when I came, but I didn't expect that Mingzhang had already been recalled to Baiyun Mountain. It seems that the Baiyun view will be handed over to Yuan Jing in the future." Real person Shouyi said, "But Yuan Jing It’s also up to the mark, considering the background of the disciples, the current cultivation level is not inferior to that of the disciples of the direct disciples.”

Lu Zheng laughed dryly, nodded again and again, looking for something to say, "But if I want to see Master in the future, I have to run to Sanjiang Road."

"This is a good thing. I just heard Mingzhang say that you stay in the county all day to live your life. It has been two consecutive years since you went to Baiyun Mountain to participate in the New Year Dharma Conference, and the disciples of Baiyun Temple also There isn't much communication." Daoist Shouyi said, "It's a good thing for Mingzhang to go back, and you are a disciple of Baiyun Temple after all, so go back a few times if you have nothing to do."

The real person Shouyi's words are really good for Lu Zheng, so Lu Zheng naturally accepts the teaching with an open mind. roundabout

As soon as she said a few words, Wang Xiaowan came back with a wooden plate, on which was a purple sand teapot and two clear sand tea bowls.

Put the two tea bowls on the table next to Master Shouyi and Lu Zheng one by one, then picked up the teapot, tilted it slightly, a stream of slightly red tea flowed out from the spout, and poured it into the tea bowl, floating It has the fragrance of bird and bird tea, revealing a fragrance of flowers.

"Good tea." Reverend Shouyi picked up the teacup, sniffed it lightly, and then drank the tea in the bowl in one gulp.

Lu Zheng introduced, "This is a group of traders we met during the disaster relief in Yinnan Road. They happened to be trapped by the flood and were rescued by us. They gave us a few catties of tea from Yuling Road. This safflower tea It is the best among them, and it is said that the annual output is only more than 100 catties."

"Not bad." Reverend Shouyi praised, "Xiao Wan also told me about the disaster relief work of you wandering around the four realms. You really put your heart into it, and you spent a lot of money."

He had heard from Wang Xiaowan that Lu Zheng was called a large sum of medicine delivery along the way, and he put out food with a big hand. The medicinal materials were given in baskets, and the food was sent out in one sack for each household. He walked through hundreds of villages and towns in dozens of days. I don't know how many tens of thousands of catties of food were released.

Wang Xiaowan also asked her family to prepare some food at that time, but compared with what Lu Zheng sent out, it was a drop in the bucket. If Liu Qingyan hadn't reassured her, Wang Xiaowan would have felt that Lu Zheng had exchanged all the money she had earned in the past few years The finished medicinal materials and food were sent out. roundabout

"Senior is over-reputed, and junior has a lot of property, and there are special channels to buy common medicinal materials and food, so it's just a few supplies, it's not a big deal." Lu Zheng waved his hand.

At this moment, the old man Wang who got the news from the disciple came slowly.

"Young master Lu came to the door, why didn't you send me any news." Old man Wang said.

"I've been meeting and chatting with you in Leping Tower all day long, what more news do you need?" Lu Zheng said with a smile, "I just heard that Master Shouyi is here, so I'm here to see you."

Just now when Lu Zheng came, he showed his aura, real person Shouyi noticed it immediately, and asked Wang Xiaowan to go out to greet him, so Lu Zheng didn't call the door at all, and only a gatekeeper waiting at the gate knew all this. After taking him away, he slowly rushed to inform Mr. Wang.

Old man Wang greeted Lu Zheng, and then greeted Reverend Shouyi. As Wang Xiaowan's mentor, Reverend Shouyi naturally received great respect and courtesy in the Wang family.

"Sit outside the staff."

Knowing that Old Man Wang was gossiping, and what they were talking about was not confidential information, so Lu Zheng asked Old Man Wang to sit down and continue to chat with Master Shouyi about flood disaster travel, talking about subduing demons and eliminating demons, and chatting. Mr. Wang also listened with great interest to the things about the scenery and customs of various places, and said a sentence from time to time, which could also be said on the key points.

The time soon came to You o'clock in the afternoon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lu Zheng bid farewell in due course.

"Sir, stay and have dinner before leaving?" Old Wang said to the guest.

"No, there are guests at home, it's inconvenient, let's try another day." Lu Zheng declined politely.

Old man Wang naturally wouldn't force him to stay. Reverend Shouyi knew what Lu Zheng meant, and of course he wasn't interested in getting to know Saintess Zhilan, so he naturally bid farewell to Lu Zheng.


When Lu Zheng returned home, he found that Si Lingxi and Shen Ying had returned from Taohuaping, and Shen Ying knew Zhilan Shengnv, and had fought side by side, so she talked with Liu Qingyan, and Si Lingxi was drinking tea, but did not speak.

"Lu Lang is back, have you met real Shouyi?" Liu Qingyan greeted him.

"I've seen it. Reverend Shouyi made a special trip to see Xiaowan and teach her how to practice. I think she will stay for about half a month." Lu Zheng nodded and said, "So tomorrow's hot spring trip is only for us."

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