
, the evening lights are red and green, and the bustling metropolis is always so fascinating.

Since what happened a few years ago, Anlin City has not been as prosperous as it used to be.

But as a modern city, countless people who are addicted to the night are still unmoved, and as the sun sets, night owls gradually begin their actions, so the whole city is full of the smell of drunken gold.

On the side of the road, a yellow-haired young man squatting and smoking looked at a teenager not far away with interest, and asked his companion next to him.

"Ah Hao, do you say that kid wants to confess?"

"Huh? What confession? The young man named Ah Hao was stunned and looked in the direction where the yellow-haired young man was pointing.

I saw a teenager in a cheap and washed white school uniform, standing by a telephone pole, holding a cheap pink rose in his hand, motionless and watching the gradually setting sun.

"Did you see it, look at the clothes on his body should be the school uniform of the third middle school, gee, now these young people, they can play." Forget about using pink roses, it's better to wear it formally. Otherwise, it's strange that other girls can agree.

The yellow hair was amazed, and then took a sharp puff of the cheap cigarette in his hand.

"It's really pink roses."

Ah Hao's gaze fell on the rose in the young man's hand, and he was stunned for a moment, but the school uniform was automatically omitted by him, and he muttered: "If I'm not mistaken, the confession should be made of champagne-colored roses." The

yellow-haired young man snorted, and his tone was a little disdainful.

"Unexpectedly, you are a single dog for 10,000 years and still know this."

"That is." Ah Hao replied proudly, and then pretended to take out a cigarette, lit it unhurriedly, and took a sharp sip, only then said:

"I think I was


The next moment, a big hand slapped on his head, "I want to be a fart back then, what's the matter, have you been in love?" The

yellow hair looked disdainful and said coldly.

“...... Ahem, that's not true. Ahao blushed a little.


Next to the telephone pole, the young man looked at the bus stop sign not far away for a while, and then took a deep breath.

"Actually, I know the result, but I just feel a little unwilling..."

"I'm so stupid, really-"

With a self-deprecating smile, the boy's eyes were complicated, and he turned around with a soft sigh, casually throwing the cheap rose in his hand into the trash.

After the college entrance examination, I still decided to confess to the beloved person under the support of my friend.

"If you don't seize the opportunity this time, there will be no chance in the future."

The teenager thinks the same way.

Although it may not be successful, but at least I have worked hard, and even if I am old in the future, I will not regret it. At least, he was brave, and these brave acts can pour a heavy stroke on his youth.

Unfortunately, the person who was waiting in his heart never came.

The teenager laughed self-deprecatingly, turned around and dashed away without dragging mud and water.

Behind him

, in the green trash can, a bright pink color is so dazzling.

"After all, I don't deserve it."

Perhaps this is the youth of most people, and many people like their own girls, and what they like is always someone else.

The so-called child of someone else's family studies well and has a superior family.

The key is that he is also very handsome....

On the side of the road, the yellow hair put on the shoulder of his companion, and when he saw the boy throw away the rose, he chuckled.

"This gives up?"

Ah Hao didn't answer, just took a puff of cigarette, looked in one direction fixedly, at this moment there was a trace of vicissitudes in his eyes, and after a while he whispered:

"It's a pity, if you wait a little longer, it may be a different result..."

The yellow hair did not hear clearly, and looked back at Ah Hao.

Ah Hao just shook his head and stared not far away.

Suddenly, an elongated luxury car in the distance slowly drove in.

The yellow-haired eyes were straight, and his lips were straight, "Lying groove, this car is... Lamborghini. Under

the bus stop, a beautiful girl slowly walked out of the luxury car parked on the side of the road, as if feeling something, she suddenly looked up into the distance, her brows frowning slightly.

The girl wore a white dress, her eyes were curved, her skirt was embellished with various dazzling jewels, and her delicate face showed a hint of expectation, standing under the bus stop and constantly looking into the distance.

The expression also changed from initial expectation to deep disappointment.

"Didn't you come, or don't want to come..." The

girl was a little stunned, her face was calm and a little afraid, and finally glanced at the distance.

She stood stunned in the wind for a long moment before getting into the car in disappointment and galloping away, leaving only a remnant of the silent night.

"Men really don't have a good thing..." The

yellow-haired man and Ah Hao not far away looked at each other, and the words were so loud that they both heard it.

But this pot, we good men don't carry it.


Chu Zifeng walked so aimlessly, and when he came back to his senses, he didn't know where he went.

Having lived in the city for eighteen years, it stands to reason that he should know everything about the city, but because he lived alone, he really hadn't traveled the city seriously, so he hadn't been here.

He began to look around, there was not a single shop on the side of the strange street, even the street lamp had to be separated by a long distance to have one, and it was estimated that he had reached the edge of the city.

Don't talk about people around, there isn't even a ghost!

Chu Zifeng sighed, and then silently squatted on the side of the road and took out his worn-out mobile phone that he didn't know how many hands it had gone through.

Staring at the screen and hesitating for a moment, he finally ruthlessly deleted the friend called Sunaer in the QQ note.

Since they have graduated, with the status of the two, there will be no chance to meet in the future, and naturally there is no need to leave friends.

In the future, everyone will go their separate ways, living in all parts of the world, and no one will see anyone again, so it is better to delete it, so as not to feel uncomfortable looking at it.

"Mispaid, after all, it was still wrong!"

Chu Zifeng smiled bitterly, finally calmed down his frustration, put his mobile phone in his pocket, and then got up.

If you don't know the way, you can only honestly return the same way.

Chu Zifeng walked forward by the light of the street lamp, thinking about the next thing, this is due to his character

, even if he encounters suffering, he can recover quickly and live his own life again.

After coming out of the orphanage, I lived alone... Well, he lived alone and barely finished high school on government benefits. For him, life is a luxury, and only the word "alive" can describe his situation.

If, he said if.

If you are really admitted to a university, then it will be followed by various expenses, tuition, accommodation, food, etc., which is a lot of money.

Even if you don't get in, then you have to live a life, you also need a lot of money. After all, if you want to buy a car and a house, you need a lot of money, otherwise you won't even be able to marry a daughter-in-law in the future.

And without a source of income, this holiday is not destined to be easy.


By the time Chu Zifeng returned to the path he usually walked, it was not too early.

It was dark all around, only the buildings in the high places showed a glimmer of light, and because I lived in an old residential area, this road was not passed by many people.

Chu Zifeng raised his head and looked around vigilantly, but his feet were as strong as flying, and he strode forward.

"It is said that some time ago there was a horrific robbery here, the victim was stabbed in the abdomen, and now they are still lying in the hospital." Chu Zifeng's little heart thumped, his eyes widened like copper bells, and he carefully observed the surroundings.

I hope not to encounter robbery unlucky, Chu Zifeng thought secretly in his heart.

However, the development of things is always unsatisfactory, and it will always develop in an unexpected direction, and Chu Zifeng did not notice it.

In a dark alley he walked through, a black shadow quietly flashed, fast and cold. There are also occasional rats squeaking and running by the sewers.

In the end, the black shadow man stood up and stood in the darkness, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes, staring at Chu Zifeng in the distance, opening his blood basin and mouth, revealing his white teeth.

His eyes were full of excitement, but also hesitation, and his sharp and cold claws left five deep grooves on the ground.


Its tyrannical eyes glanced at the rear and let out a muffled roar, as if there was something terrible behind it.

However, immediately after that, it glanced at Chu Zifeng who was running in the distance, hesitated for a moment, and finally quietly followed.

PS: Because Tunzi's level is not enough, the protagonist's character is not clear, the cool point is not well grasped, and the plot is too fast, resulting in a feeling that the plot is not coherent, but Tunzi has been studying very hard.

I myself know that there are many problems in this book, and you can criticize (o・'з・ ́o) but still cheekily ask you for five-star praise o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o

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