5th floor.

"Ye Chen, these 'mysteries' are all hatched by a production?"

At the entrance of the stairs, Chu Zifeng frowned, his face was not very good-looking, and asked Ye Chen next to him.


Ye Chen nodded gently, the express clothes on his body had already been soaked in blood, the straight knife in his hand was dripping with blood, and in the corridor behind them, blood was everywhere.

Every room was more or less bloody.

Unexpectedly, there are many 'mysteries' on every floor of this building, and some rooms have long been devoid of living people, so it greatly reduces the difficulty of their search. It's just that those who died were a group of children who were happy and ready to go to college.

Only a few survived, hidden by them in the corner of the room.

The super warning provided by Chu Zifeng's forbidden ability avoided many dangers.

However, it still almost overturned.

Suna'er was pale, there was also a lot of blood on her body, and her spiritual power was overused, but fortunately, these 'mysterious' strengths were only in the 'source' realm.

With her 'Chuan' realm's physical fitness, dealing with these little minions is not a big problem.

"I... I'm not willing.

Suddenly, a roar rang out.

At the same time, a mysterious fluctuation came, which seemed to carry a dazzling brilliance, and passed through the air like a wave of water.

"This is..." A

trace of doubt flashed under Chu Zifeng's eyes, and he reached out and touched it, but his palm went directly through and did not touch anything.

"The power of forbidden tattoos." Ye Chen shook violently and raised his eyes to look at the sixth floor.

"Someone has awakened the forbidden tattoo, go quickly. Don't let him be killed by the impregnated.

After that, he took a few steps and quickly rushed to the sixth floor.

Suna'er also had a flash of joy in her beautiful eyes, followed and said softly, "A Feng, keep up." "

Ah Feng is also your name?

Chu Zifeng raised his head arrogantly and snorted softly, I haven't promised yet.

Even if I like you, is it proper for you to say that I am your boyfriend and call me so intimate?

This is not relevant.

So, wait until I confess. No, it should be waiting for you to confess... It's not right either....

"Here it is."

Chu Zifeng paused for a moment, then answered, and strode towards the sixth floor.

As soon as he arrived on the sixth floor, Chu Zifeng saw the head of a hideous face flying high, and then rolled in front of him.


Without hesitation, he kicked down directly, and saw the head fly up and land in the grove not far away.

"It's disgusting." Chu Zifeng frowned in disgust.

"What are you?"

Ye Fan's brows furrowed slightly, the long knife in his hand was clenched, and there was a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

"Lin'an City Fight More People Squad member, Ye Chen."

Ye Chen, who was the first to come up and stood in front, said in a deep voice.

Ye Fan's eyebrows still did not slacken, and the girl who followed behind naturally knew that Sunaer, the school's hero.

"Tiangong trainee Suna'er... Huh, is that you, Ye Chen?

Suna'er spoke gently, and when she saw the person in front of her just after coming out of the stairs, she was a little shocked, obviously knowing the boy in front of her.

In fact, how could they, as the "top" group of people in this school, not know each other.

"Ye Fan?"

Chu Zifeng raised his eyes, slightly stunned, and then there was a hint of joy in his eyes, "Are you still alive?" Hearing

this exclamation, Ye Fan turned his head slightly and saw Chu Zifeng following behind, and then he was also slightly stunned, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then said angrily: "Nonsense, you are still alive, I can't live?"

Chu Zifeng grinned, showed a mouthful of big white teeth, strode forward, and hugged the latter, "It's good to be alive."

"Well, it's good to be alive."

"Have you two big men hugged enough?"

Suna'er looked at Chu Zifeng holding so tightly, snorted softly, and said angrily.


Ye Chen's eyes rolled around, as if he had discovered some new continent, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Hey, hey." Chu Zifeng let go of his hand, touched his head, and grinned: "The two of us came out of the same orphanage, and the relationship has always been very good."

Ye Fan nodded, and a smile appeared on his originally cold face.

Then, the long knife in his hand turned into a rain of light and disappeared, he pulled up Chen Zhi on the ground and put it on his back, the forbidden lines on his neck flickered, and a hemp rope appeared out of thin air and tied up.

"This is..." Chu Zifeng spoke with some doubt.

"My classmates, he always called me the boss." Ye Fan replied lightly.

The next moment.


A hissing sound sounded, followed by a chain reaction, the hissing sound of this floor rose and fell one after another, emitting super strong sound waves

, and then a monster dressed only in tattered human clothes slowly walked out of the room, their faces were distorted, extremely ugly, as if they had been covered with bricks, tattered and disgusting, and looked terrifying.

They opened their abyss mouths, and the fishy saliva dripped on the ground, making a sound of nourishment, and swayed towards the four people with their teeth and claws.

On the other side, a scarlet monster appeared, its head had been shattered, and the white brain pulp was mixed with scarlet blood, leaving only half of its head.

Ye Fan looked back and was suddenly startled, "Shi Haojin?!" In

an instant, the lines on his neck flickered, and a long knife appeared in his hand, cold and sharp!

"This is the dipper at the peak of the 'Chuan' realm?"

Ye Chen frowned, and after glancing around, his face was a little ugly.

If it was just one 'Chuan' realm, he would not be afraid, but there were also densely packed 'Source' realm impregnated people around here, let alone forty or fifty. A few of them were even infinitely approaching the 'Chuan' realm, and with his strength, he could not match so many dippers.

With so many impregnators, even a heap can pile him to death.

And Sunaer's forbidden tattoo is obviously not lethal, and besides, she has used the forbidden pattern power so many times just now, and her spiritual power is almost exhausted, even if her fist and foot kung fu is okay, it can't resist so many impregnators.

As for Chu Zifeng and Ye Fan, both of them have just awakened, and they are only the strength of the 'Source' Realm, even if their physical fitness is strengthened, it will not be able to stop it.


A trace of hesitation flashed in Ye Chen's eyes, but those who were immersed did not have the slightest hesitation.


The roar continued, and the next moment, this group of immersed people was like a tide, swarming densely.

Chu Zifeng turned his head and saw that every dormitory on the entire sixth floor walked out of one by one soaked humans, and at the same time a fishy smell spread in the air.


The [Prophet] forbidden pattern on his arm flickered, and a strange picture appeared, which made Chu Zifeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze fell on Ye Fan's body.



The danger warning reappeared, without thinking. Chu Zifeng flashed, the speed was extremely fast, directly ran and then jumped up in the air, passing between Suna'er and Ye Chen, and the Ling Yan's attack brought a breeze.

The next moment, an impregnator hidden in the wall actually appeared behind the two people, and at the same moment, Chu Zifeng's figure arrived, swept it sharply, and kicked the hideous impregnator away.

The Impasser hidden in the wall had only half a bloody head, four arms, each with sharp and sharp claws, and the fluctuations on its body were obviously much stronger than the other Impregnation.

After being kicked into the air, the four-clawed dipper roared, and the white eyes on half of his head were violent, and then violently knocked a soaker down.


It was roaring, then turned into a black shadow and struck again.

"This is a mutated impregnator?"

Suna'er was very surprised, with her 'Chuan' realm's spiritual power, she didn't perceive it? If it weren't for Chu Zifeng's strong early warning ability, I am afraid that he would have been sneak attacked.

Ye Chen was also surprised, but then he clenched the straight knife in his hand, his gaze froze, and he turned into an afterimage and killed the past.

"Do it!"

The voice fell, Ye Chen swung his knife straight, and fought with the four-clawed impregnator.

Without hesitation, Ye Fan on the other side also struck, carrying a human being, the straight knife in his hand was cold, and the sharp knife slashed through, and the cold was compelling.

He whispered softly, his eyes bursting with endless killing intent.

"To Grandpa... Death..." He

shot without logic, the long knife in his hand was like a watermelon knife and slashed indiscriminately, bringing bursts of blood and minced meat, the fishy smell made his face visibly pale, and at the same time he kept vomiting.

"Afan, I'll help you."

Chu Zifeng drank heavily, and then with a big leap, he directly kicked the dipper who was ready to sneak up on Ye Fan.


The corners of Ye Fan's mouth raised slightly, the light of his left hand gathered, and a simple long knife appeared again, which was thrown towards Chu Zifeng by him, "Next." "Good

!" Chu Zifeng laughed, reached out to catch it, and then violently cut a dipper who rushed over in half, blood splashed everywhere, and blood and flesh mixed with white brain pulp flowed to the ground.

"That's rude." Suna'er's brows furrowed slightly, and then the whole person seemed to turn into a goddess of war, her every move was full of beauty but also with a fierce killing intent, and every time she struck, she would break an impregnated person into pieces, and the blood was dripping.


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