The roof of the teaching building of the No. 2 Middle School.

Hu Wenbin leaned on the railing on the balcony, looking at the artificial lake not far away, his face slightly solemn.

At that time, when building this artificial lake, the god of the sea was found to be forbidden by the god Poseidon, because humans cannot directly use divine weapons, coupled with the divinity of this trident, the resistance is too strong and cannot be used by humans.

Therefore, several guardians at that time placed a confinement here.

The purpose is not to be discovered by people with intentions, but unfortunately, people are not as good as heavenly calculations, not long ago, the Shenhe suddenly fluctuated strongly, which triggered this forbidden divine power, causing the people who were forgotten to find clues.

Otherwise, such a small city as Lin'an City, they may not be able to find it for a few years.

"It's been eventful." Hu Wenbin sighed and immediately looked at the tall building in the distance.

"The three guardians of the Sword Venerable, the Sword Emperor, and Mr. have not made such a big movement for several years."

A hint of worry flashed in Hu Wenbin's bloodshot eyes, and then he looked at the playground not far below.

Several people were striding towards the meteor.

Hu Wenbin touched the headset, connected it, and said in a deep voice: "Zhao Tianlei, come to the rooftop of the teaching building first." "


A man's voice came from the headset.

At the same time, among the several people below, a man in a black trench coat raised his head and glanced at it.

Hu Wenbin nodded, signaled the other party to come up, and hung up.

After a while, Zhao Tianlei came up first, followed by Chu Zifeng and the three, and finally Huang Lao stepped into the rooftop slowly.

"Zhao Tianlei, deputy captain of the Lin'an City Fighting Squad, has seen Commander Hu." Zhao Tianlei gave a standard military salute.

"Huang Mingyou, a logistics teammate of the Lin'an City Fighting Squad, has seen the commander." Elder Huang followed closely and gave a military salute.

Hu Wenbin raised his right hand, saluted back, and then asked solemnly, "What about the rest of your squad?"

"Captain Gou Xu was seriously injured in a previous mission and is still in a coma." Zhao Tianlei was silent for a moment, and continued, "The rest are on their way. "

Hmm." Hu Wenbin heard the other party's displeasure, and after a moment of silence, said: "The organizational materials will arrive soon, and Gou Xu's injury will definitely be cured by then."

After a pause, he continued: "The squads of the changers from other towns are also coming to this side, and we don't know the opponent's attack time yet, so we must always be ready."

"Now, I have laid a forbidden object here—Hakkei Palace."

Hu Wenbin was silent for a moment, "You may need to go to each floor and guard that floor." "

Hakkei Palace?" Zhao Tianlei's pupils shrank, a little shocked.

"Hmm." Hu Wenbin nodded, and then he looked back, looked at Chu Zifeng and the three, and said in a muffled voice: "Chu Zifeng, Ye Fan, Chen Zhi, are you three willing?"

The little fat dun was stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Fan and Chu Zifeng next to him, pointed at himself with his finger, and said suspiciously: "Uncle, you know us?"

"He should be Old Zhao Tou's boss, so naturally he knows our situation." Chu Zifeng touched his chin, grinned, and revealed a mouthful of big white teeth, "And perhaps, they have a special detection device that can detect where there is the awakening of the forbidden tattoo."

Ye Fan was silent, looking cold and not entering.

Carry a straight knife and concave shape there.

Hu Wenbin was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chu Zifeng with a strange look, "You kid is a little interesting, this can also be guessed?" "

Read it in the novel." Chu Zifeng grinned.

"Yo?" Hu Wenbin squinted, "Who wrote it, it's quite interesting." "

Three Nine Big Guys." Chu Zifeng's nostrils were facing the sky, his hands were crossed at his waist, and he was proud like a peacock with an open screen.


Zhao Tianlei was interested.

"That's a must." Chu Zifeng looked proud, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Hu Wenbin.

"I'll have time to elaborate later." Hu Wenbin interrupted Chu Zifeng's words with a wave of his hand, and then said with a serious face: "Because the three of you don't know what the function of the Bajing Palace is this forbidden object, so... Zhao Tianlei, you will explain. Zhao

Tianlei was slightly stunned when he heard this, and the corners of his mouth twitched, good guy, I thought you had to explain it yourself.

After sorting out his thoughts, Zhao Tianlei spoke: "The Bajing Palace, in myths and legends, is the purple mansion in the purple mansion of the dojo Xuandu of Taishang Laojun.

Xuandu Zifu: Xuandu refers to the Da Luo Palace, and the Zifu refers to the Bajing Palace.

One of the three supreme immortal palaces (Xuandu Zifu: Da Luotian - Bajing Palace, Yujing Jinque: Kunlun Mountain - Jade Void Palace, Immortal Domain True Realm: Penglai Island - Biyou Palace).

It is located above the Da Luo Palace, inside the Xuandu Cave.

It is the ancestral court of the Taishang Ren Sect that enjoys the reputation of "observing the world without doing anything, and being too ungrateful and proud of the Holy Venerable".

Although the number of disciples of the Bajing Palace is small, they are all people with deep roots.

There are "Nine Wonders" in Hakkei Palace! However, due to the extreme number of nine nais, it did not conform to Taishang Laojun's way of "not daring to be the first in the world", so Taishang Laojun named the dojo "Bajing Palace". Chu

Zifeng nodded slightly, thinking a lot, he also had some understanding of the Bajing Palace.

It is said that Lao Tzu's dojo is known as a saint, but it is clear that the Bajing Palace in Zhao Tianlei's mouth is just a powerful forbidden object.

It's just that he doesn't understand that forbidden objects of this level should be able to withstand the opponent's attack.


Chu Zifeng's eyes flashed, as if he had thought of something.


At this moment, the forbidden lines on his arm flickered quietly, a strong sense of danger appeared, and then a picture appeared in his mind.


Chu Zifeng was slightly stunned, and glanced around without a trace.

Then, after a little thought, he sank his spiritual power into the prison of the gods.

Prison of the Gods.

In the small courtyard, Athena was sitting on a stone bench, her fleshy little feet swaying, holding a lollipop in her hand and licking it with satisfaction, her eyes crooked.

"Chu Zifeng, are you here?"

The little girl looked at Chu Zifeng in an official uniform striding over, with a smile on her face, and she crushed and swallowed the lollipop three times by five.

Then Xiao jumped down and rushed to Chu Zifeng's side and touched everywhere, muttering snacks and lollipops in his mouth.

After not finding what she was looking for, little Loli raised her head and said, "What about snacks?"

Chu Zifeng coughed lightly, "Don't touch it, I didn't bring it this time, bring it to you next time, okay?"

"Hmph. Little Lori pouted, snorted unhappily, and then disappeared instantly, and then appeared not far away and sat on the stone bench, and said seriously: "Say, what are you looking for this god?" "

..." Chu Zifeng's face is dark, your face changes quite quickly.

But now is not the time to think about this, Chu Zifeng sorted out his thoughts for a while, and spoke: "I originally planned to go to the Western Desert, but something happened to me. "

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