
Their goals all turned to the figure floating in midair.

At the same time flutter.

After seeing this picture, the hearts of all the audience became tense again.

Because the size of every monster is actually bigger than that figure.

Not to mention the three heads!

They are very worried about whether this figure can hold the attack below.

However, the next second.

They know that their worries are unnecessary.

It was still the slightly raised right hand.

I saw a tiny electric ball directly condensed in the palm of his hand!

No one doubts the power contained in it.

When the three ugly monsters rushed over, they just exploded!


The figure still stood, but his enemy, Chi was knocked out again.

Looking at the spattered flesh and blood spattering in blue and black.

I don't know why, all the viewers who watch the live broadcast have only one feeling.


Chapter 13 Mecha, man's romance!

Azure branch, office lobby.

Looking at the picture on the big screen, Zhang Guoding did not relax at all.

The strange beast shown on the screen, they had encountered before.

Named the red-eyed hyena.

The hazard level is rated as two stars!

Because what was sent was ten well-armed elite teams with a total of 100 people!

You know, among the hundred people, there are even ten people carrying their latest research on exoskeleton armor technology.

However, only three people came back in the end!

Only three people in exoskeleton armor returned.

The remaining ninety-seven were all killed!

At that time, there was only one red-eyed hyena they faced!

Sure enough, in the next second.

What he worried about happened.

I saw the three red-eyed hyenas that were shot into the air on the screen and roared at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, their bodies swelled again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhang Guoding knows.

At this moment, these red-eyed hyenas are entering violent mode.

The power is stronger.

Speed ​​is more flexible.

Even steel, in front of them, may be easily torn apart.

That figure may also...Huh?

Zhang Guoding's eyes suddenly widened.

Because he suddenly saw that the figure in the picture moved.

First it rises slightly.

Then his calm hands were slightly closed.

The small currents begin to condense again.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Guoding saw a "electric ball" larger than before appearing in his hands.

Immediately fell down suddenly.


A violent explosion sounded, and the smoke filled.

However, when the smoke slowly dissipated, Zhang Guoding suddenly discovered the three violent forms that he had thought would shred the suit of armor in front of him.

It's gone!

It's as if it's just being evaporated, and it's gone.

Except for what remains on the ground... part of the wreckage!


At this moment, apart from the subtle electric current, no other sounds sounded.

And the few people sitting on the ground after that figure.

It was as if he had regained a new life from the face of death.

Wow, I cried.

The figure in the Iron Man armor is naturally Su Ze!

At this moment he is floating in the air.

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