I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 201 Baodan Four Realms, Beijing Airport (Part 2)

Stepping into the yard, Gao Yan waved his arms and began to practice a set of Fist Technique.

His movements are not fast.

It even feels quite slow.

But every punch and every kick of his is full of power, but once it hits the target, the power contained in the fist will pour out.

After finishing a set of punches, Gao Yan stood on the spot and comprehended carefully for half a quarter of an hour.

After reaching Dan Jin, one can achieve perfect control over the body and every bit of strength in the body. With holding Dan, the blood and essence in the body will become more condensed.

The same amount of qi and blood, after reaching Baodan, can produce at least several times the destructive power of Huajin.

If the qi and blood of Huajin are compared to wooden knives and wooden swords, then after reaching Baodan, the qi and blood are like steel knives and steel swords.

Now Gao Yan has just stepped into the realm of Baodan.

As he continues to hold pills in the future, his blood and essence will continue to rise.

But there is a premise.

The body needs adequate nutrition.

Just holding the pill for an hour, and then forcibly dispersed, it means that the nutrition in his body is not enough.

With a thought.

Gao Yan took out a bottle of medicinal wine from the mustard space, opened it, and drank it all.

Soon, the medicinal power of the medicinal wine spread in his body, and the cells in his body were like nectar, crazily absorbing the medicinal power.

At this time, Gao Yan squatted slightly with both legs, and put his hands in front of his lower abdomen, making a hugging posture.

The qi, blood and essence in the body quickly gathered towards the lower abdomen as if being summoned, forming a pill shape again.

With the opening of Bao Dan, the nutrients stored in his cells will be consumed at an accelerated rate, thus speeding up the consumption of the medicinal wine's potency!

Two hours later.

Gao Yan's throat tickled, and with a bah sound, a mouthful of thick phlegm spewed out of his mouth.

This mouthful of thick phlegm is all necrotic cells and impurities in his body, which are gradually cleaned out during the process of holding Dan!

Therefore, Baodan is also a process of cutting hair and washing marrow.

When he reaches the peak of Baodan, he can even clean out the impurities and toxins in the bone marrow.

Therefore, Baodan is divided into four realms: meat refining, viscera refining, blood refining, and bone refining, corresponding to the early stage, middle stage, late stage, and peak respectively.

After completing the four-step training, the physical body can achieve Vajra indestructibility.

Closer to home.

A bottle of medicinal wine can keep Gao Yan holding Dan for two hours.

Plus he could hold pills for an hour.

In other words, he can hold pills for three hours a day.

More time to hold Dan can also speed up the improvement of his Cultivation Base.

Just two hours ago, his physique increased by 1 point, reaching 111 points!

"It seems that the effect of medicinal wine is still underestimated."

Thinking of this, he decided not to sell medicinal wine casually in the future.

next morning.

After Zhuo Jiangyue woke up, she didn't find her boyfriend by her side.

She was not surprised by this, knowing that no matter how hard her boyfriend was tossing that night, he would still get up early the next day to exercise energetically.

With such an energetic boyfriend, she didn't know whether to be happy or worried!

Picking up the phone next to the bed to check the time, it was only seven o'clock in the morning.

They booked the flight for 9:40 in the morning.

It's still early to board the plane.

She turned over, went to the bed and looked down, and found that her boyfriend was squatting slightly, with his hands in front of him, his back to her, and he didn't know what the hell was going on!

"Honey, what are you doing?"

Zhuo Jiangyue shouted with a light smile.


"Oh, then you continue to practice, I'll go wash up first!"

After Zhuo Jiangyue finished washing, Gao Yan also finished practicing, and the porridge cooked in the kitchen had already exuded a strong fragrance.

Randomly fried two side dishes, and the two ate together.

Then I changed my clothes, put the two suitcases into the car, and headed for the airport.

When they went through the security check, Zhuo Jiangyue received Song Yufei's WeChat message that their plane was ready to take off and they would arrive in the capital one step ahead of them.

And make an appointment for the two sides to meet in the capital.

Gao Yan’s air tickets were booked in business class by entrusting him to Su Zi, the customer service manager of Longxing, and because he is a diamond black card user, the air tickets are 30% off, which is not much more expensive than the price of economy class.

To put it simply, it is to spend the same money and enjoy more high-end services.

nine thirty.

Gao Yan and Zhuo Jiangyue boarded the plane ahead of schedule.

Along the way, they all enjoyed the enthusiastic service of the stewardess.

And the stewardess who served them was also the most beautiful one Gao Yan had seen on several planes, with a face value barely reaching 90, and with makeup on, it looked at least 95.

But it's a little low, only 60 points.

More than two hours.

The plane successfully landed at Beijing Airport.

At this moment, a group of young men and women are sitting in a coffee shop in the terminal building.

One of the girls complained: "Yufei, when will your friend arrive? It's too boring for us to stay here!"

"How about you and Chu He go first?"

Song Yufei glanced at the speaking girl lightly and said.

The girl who spoke was Jiang Tiantian, who was also her high school classmate, but in high school, her boyfriend Chu He had been chasing her.

This made Jiang Tiantian always hold a grudge against her.

"Yufei, don't get me wrong, Tiantian is just talking casually!" Chu He on the side quickly explained.

Hearing this, Jiang Tiantian's eyes showed some dissatisfaction, but she said in her mouth: "I'm sorry, Yufei, I just complained casually, and there is no other meaning!"

"I have no other meaning!" Song Yufei responded calmly.

Seeing this scene, the other three people exchanged glances, and they all thought it was quite amusing.

They could all see that Jiang Tiantian was hostile to Song Yufei.

But it seems that Chu He has a bit of ulterior motives towards Song Yufei, but Jiang Tiantian dare not really make trouble, every time she makes subtle provocations, but Song Yufei won't let her go, just go back directly.

In their opinion, this Jiang Tiantian is a typical dish who loves to play!

at this time.

Song Yufei's phone rang.

After hanging up the phone, she said to the other five people: "They are already here, let's meet them at the exit!"

"The shelf is really big, we have been waiting here for so long, and we have to go and meet them!"

At this time, Jiang Tiantian began to get angry with Yin & Yang again.

"You don't have to go!"

Song Yufei glanced at her, got up and pulled the suitcase and walked out of the cafe.

The other three smiled and followed.

Chu He glared at Jiang Tiantian with some dissatisfaction: "Can you say a few words less?"

"Are you still in love with her?"

When Jiang Tiantian heard her boyfriend's reprimand, she finally couldn't bear the grievance in her heart and asked.

"Jiang Tiantian, are you going to make trouble for no reason?"

Chu He's face suddenly turned cold, and when he looked at Jiang Tiantian, he was already somewhat dissatisfied.

Seeing that Chu He was angry, Jiang Tiantian panicked immediately, and quickly grabbed her boyfriend's arm, and said pitifully, "Chu He, don't be angry, please, it's his fault, I'm sorry!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Chu He didn't bother to argue with Jiang Tiantian, so he picked up his suitcase and followed.

After a few minutes.

Gao Yan and Zhuo Jiangyue spotted Song Yufei at the exit.


"Jiang Yue!"

The two hadn't seen each other for a while, and they were both very happy to see each other again, and couldn't help but hugged each other.

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