I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 320: If You Eat My Food, You Are Mine (Third Watch)

Gao Yan informed Luo Bing of this news, actually is not to please Bureau S.

After all, in terms of Dan Jin alone, plus himself, there are only five here.

The Lu family still has 14 pill energies. It would be very troublesome to kill these dan energies, unless you use the gang energies experience card.

But the Gang Jin Experience Card is a life-saving hole card, so don't use it if you can't use it.

It's better to tell Bureau S about the fact that the Lu family has a lot of strength, and let the Daxia officials deal with it.

After all, the two sides have long been incompatible.

If it weren't for the lack of strength, Daxia officials would have turned against the five super Martial Dao families long ago.

Today, Gang Jin is born in Wuzu.

Then, it is probably time for Daxia officials to launch a counterattack and liquidate against the five super Martial Dao families.

After informing Luo Bing of the news, Gao Yan took a shower and went to bed.

Unbeknownst to him, his phone call caused quite a stir in Daxia's special organization.

The next day, Saturday.

After Gao Yan ate the breakfast prepared by Chu Xing, he drove towards Nandu University.

When he stepped into Chen Youwei's house, they all packed their luggage in advance.

"Brother-in-law, have you had breakfast?"

Chen Youling hugged Gao Yan's arm affectionately and asked.

"Eat it, how about you?"

"We ate too."

"Okay then, let's move."

Gao Yan waved his hand.

It wasn't long before the grandparents and grandchildren checked in, so they didn't have much luggage.

The first trip only brought a small number of salutes, and sent people to Ludao International first.

Then I left my grandma and Chen Youwei to decorate the new house.

Gao Yan took his sister-in-law to move the remaining things.

Not to mention Gao Yan, my sister-in-law also has a physique of 80, so this move is very easy.

In just over an hour, the move was completed.

Sure enough, Chen Youling seemed very happy to have her own room.

On the contrary, grandma was quite embarrassed, and took Gao Yan's hand and said words of gratitude.

Then she told Chen Youwei to live a good life with Gao Yan, and also told Chen Youling to listen to her brother-in-law, remember her brother-in-law's kindness, and repay her brother-in-law well when she grows up.

Facing her grandmother's explanation, Chen Youling nodded seriously, but a shameful thought arose in her heart, and she subconsciously glanced at her brother-in-law.

But her brother-in-law smiled at her.

For a moment, her face flushed slightly.

After setting up the new home, it was still early.

So Gao Yan took Chen Youwei and Chen Youling to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Originally Gao Yan proposed to eat outside.

But Chen Youwei has always been frugal and has to buy vegetables to cook at home.


A family of four sat around the table.

A delicious dish has been placed on the table.

Gao Yan raised his glass: "I propose, to celebrate moving to a new house, let's have a drink together."

"Wait brother-in-law and sister, can I drink?"

Looking at the juice in her glass, Chen Youling eagerly said.

"I'm happy today, you can drink, but not too much!" Chen Youwei chuckled lightly.

"Thank you sister!"

Chen Youling cheered, then quickly replaced the juice in her glass with beer, and then toasted together.

Everyone had a great time at the moving lunch.

After dinner, grandma goes back to the house to take a nap, which is her habit.

Sisters Chen Youwei and Chen Youling washed the dishes and took care of the housework together, while Gao Yan sat on the sofa in the living room drinking tea and watching TV.

This actually is not that he be lazy, but that both sisters won't let him do it.

And the excuses are all the same, how can a big man be allowed to do housework.

In desperation, he can only enjoy the treatment of a master.


What is broadcasting on TV at the moment is a variety show that Yu Feifei, the most popular under Star Entertainment, participated in.

Today, Yu Feifei has become popular in the entertainment circle with the song "The Past".

All kinds of endorsement announcements were received softly, which would also bring a lot of benefits to the company.

Gao Yan, on the other hand, was doing two things at once, watching the variety shows while watching the situation of Geng Zuhui and Chen Cuilian with insight.

Geng Zuhui's gym continued to experience power outages in the morning.

There was a power outage yesterday, and today is also a power outage. This made members who are used to exercising in the morning very dissatisfied. Some members have already expressed that if there is another power outage tomorrow, they will have to return their cards.

However, Geng Zuhui no longer cares about the gym.

He was taken into the police station last night and released near noon.

The husband and wife have completely torn their faces apart.

As soon as they left the police station, both husband and wife were going to ask a lawyer for a divorce.

Afterwards, Gao Yan paid attention to Wang Tienan again.

After the opponent discovered the benefits of stance, he has been practicing this stance hard.

What made her happy was that although she had a big meal last night, after practicing Zhuang Gong, she didn't gain any weight when she got up in the morning.

After practicing Zhuang Gong in the morning, I lost three catties.

Therefore, she secretly decided that she must handle the matter that Gao Yan explained.

It's a pity that today is the weekend and the school is closed.

Otherwise, she can't wait to clean up Geng Xiaolong.


Gao Yan took sisters Chen Youwei and Chen Youling to play in the city for a long time.

In the evening, after sending their sisters back to Green Island International, Gao Yan went straight to Qian Baoer's game company.

Because the game company's second game is already in the testing stage, Qian Baoer, the boss, has to work overtime every day.

Downstairs in the company.

Gao Yan took the food box from Chu Xiu, which he asked Chu Xing to prepare in advance.

"Mr. Gao, you are here!"

As soon as they saw Gao Yan, the front desk quickly said hello.

Gao Yan nodded towards them and strode towards Qian Baoer's office.

"Xiaoqin, have you noticed, why do I feel that Mr. Gao is much more handsome than before!" one receptionist said to another receptionist.

"Indeed, our boss is blessed!" Another receptionist nodded approvingly.

"I heard that when our company encountered difficulties, Mr. Gao helped tide over the difficulties. Otherwise, the company would have closed down!" the receptionist continued.

"Yeah, I've heard about it too, you said...!"

Hearing the discussion of the two receptionists, Gao Yan smiled secretly, then pushed Qian Baoer's office directly and walked in.

"How did you come?"

Qian Baoer looked up and saw that it was Gao Yan, a little panic flashed in his eyes.

"Shouldn't I come to see my own girlfriend?"

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows.

"I didn't even agree!" Qian Baoer lacked confidence.

"But you didn't refuse, isn't it a default if you don't refuse!" Gao Yan put the suit on the desk while speaking: "You haven't eaten yet, I brought you something to eat!"

"No, I've already ordered takeaway!"

Qian Baoer refused.

"What's so nutritious about takeout, I have someone carefully prepare it for you!" While speaking, Gao Yan opened the food box, took out the dishes inside one by one and placed them on the desk.

These dishes were carefully prepared by Chu Xing. It can be said that they are delicious in color, fragrance and flavor. For a moment, Qian Baoer couldn't help swallowing.


Gao Yan served a bowl of soup to Qian Baoer.


Qian Baoer hesitated.

"Why do you need me to feed you?"

Gao Yan said with a half-smile.

"No, no need, I will do it myself!"

Qian Baoer quickly took the soup bowl, and after taking a sip, her eyes narrowed into a line. She is also good at cooking, but she can't make such delicious soup.

After drinking half a bowl of soup, Qian Baoer ate vegetables again under Gao Yan's urging.

After tasting the taste of the dish, Qian Bao'er nodded again. The dish was very delicious and very suitable for her taste.

after dinner.

Qian Baoer took the initiative to clean the bowls and chopsticks and put them in the food box.

Then he urged Gao Yan to leave quickly, she still had to work.

"If you eat my food, you are mine!"

Gao Yan smirked, stretched out his hand and pulled Qian Baoer into his arms, and kissed her deeply.

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