I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 361 Two Parties (Part Two)

The battle between Gao Yan and Lei Yushan seemed like a farce.

But his fame spread among fellow Martial Forest.

Especially knowing that he is only 20 years old and has already reached the peak of Huajin, which makes many Huajin think that he is old.

Sioux City.

In a small courtyard in a large garden.

The red clay tea stove is emitting green smoke, and there is also a gurgling sound from the teapot on the tea stove.

Then a vigorous hand picked up the teapot, poured the tea in it into three teacups, and said to the other two: "Brother Dongfang, please, Brother Dong!"

Brother Dongfang is a middle-aged man with a square face who looks to be in his forties. He has a short one-inch beard on his chin.

The one called Brother Dong was a middle-aged handsome guy with a fair face and a handsome face, and he also exuded a sense of elegance.

Neither of them cared about the boiling hot tea.

Picking up the teacup and bringing it to his mouth, he drank it all in one gulp, while praising the good tea.

Similarly, the black-faced man who was the host also picked up the teacup and drank it down, and then the three of them put the teacup on the tea table together.

"Brother Nangong, you invited the two of us at this time, but you have something important to discuss with us?"

The next moment, Brother Dongfang took the initiative to ask.

Nangong Xin glanced at the two of them slowly, and said with a light smile: "It's already at this time, you two don't have to pretend that you don't know anything, if I'm not wrong, you have already come from the Lu family. Did you receive the news there and send someone to investigate secretly?"

"Brother Nangong is referring to?" Dongfang Lin asked in confusion.

Seeing his puzzled expression, Nangong Xin laughed angrily, then picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup, poured it into his mouth, and said angrily: "Forget it, since you like to pretend, I don't bother to deal with you, My Nangong family has confirmed that Wuzu has indeed given birth to a Gang Jin!"

"Is there such a thing?" Dongfang Lin exclaimed.

Dong Tianshi was also shocked and said: "This is a big trouble, the martial group has given birth to Gang Jin, we are afraid that we will be in trouble."


Seeing that the two were still performing, Nangong rolled his eyes angrily: "More than that, during this period of time, the martial arts group has probably subdued most of the Martial Dao families, and it's time to clean up our five super Martial Dao families."

Hearing what Nangongxin said, Dongfang Lin and Dong Tianshi became serious.

Dongfang Lindao: "How does Brother Nangong plan to deal with it?"

"That's right, Brother Nangong, since you've already found out about this news, you should have a way to deal with it, right?" Dong Tianshi asked.

"What the hell!"

Nangongxin came to his senses when he heard what the two said. No wonder the two pretended to be ignorant on purpose, because they didn't want to be the early bird.

After all, whoever comes first will definitely be hit hard by the martial arts group.

So, he said in a sincere tone: "You two, although our three families usually have some fights, but this time, we have encountered a common enemy. Why don't we put aside our previous suspicions and join hands to fight against the enemy?"

"Alright, since we're talking about this, my Dongfang family will definitely support the Nangong family and send five Dan Jin to obey the Nangong family's orders!"

Dongfang Lin said firmly.

"My Dong family also supports the Nangong family, and sent five Dan Jin to obey Brother Nangong's command!" Dong Tianshi once again acted as an echo.

Nangong Xin took a deep look at the two of them, and suddenly felt a deep sense of helplessness in his heart, what the hell, at this point, the two are still calculating.

He didn't believe that the Dongfang family and the Dong family didn't know that the Wuzu had more than ten Dan Jin alone, and there was Su Long who was Gang Jin.

Their Nangong family only has 13 Dan Jin, plus the 10 supported by the two, it is 23.

It seems to have an advantage in numbers.

But people have strength.

Besides, Dongfang Lin and Dong Tianshi said nicely, let Dan Jin of their family obey his orders, if it was time to desperately, Dan Jin of their Nangong family would dare to fight for their lives, but it was hard to say for the Dongfang family and Dong family.

Moreover, the Wuzu came for the three families this time, so why should they ask the Nangong family to make the greatest sacrifice.

Thinking of this, he showed a sneer on his face: "Since Brother Dongfang and Brother Dong are so insincere, let's let go of this cooperation. The big deal is that our Nangong family will submit to the Wuzu. Don't overdo it!"

Hearing this, Dongfang Lin and Dong Tianshi's expression changed, Nangong believed in this bastard, and would flip the table if they disagreed.

Immediately, Dongfang Lin picked up the teapot and poured Nangong Xin with tea: "Brother Nangong, why are you so angry? Our five families have been detached for many years, how can we be grandchildren of others?"

"No way, people are not in the same place!"

Nangong spread his hands and looked at the two mockingly.

Dongfang Lin didn't care at all, and said softly: "Brother Nangong, we were just joking just now, why should you take it seriously? The three of us are relatives by marriage, so of course we have to advance and retreat together, Brother Dong, what do you think? ?”

"That's right! The three of us should advance and retreat together!" Dong Tianshi nodded approvingly.

Seeing the shameless two people, Nangong Xin was laughed out of anger again.

"Since the two of you have the intention to advance and retreat together, let's discuss how we should deal with the attack of the martial arts group!"

Capital city, inside the Wuzu base.

Su Long is calling all Dan Jin for a meeting, even the injured Hu Lei and Deng Wu are not absent.

Su Long said in a deep voice: "This mission only needs to be successful, not to fail. Do you have confidence?"


Everyone said in unison.

"Okay!" Su Long nodded in satisfaction: "I'll assign the tasks. Chen Yujiang and Su Xiaoxiao were invited to participate in the Martial Dao Exchange Conference, so you don't have to hide, just go to the Red Leaf Villa in a fair manner. Lao He and Liu Tiemin are accompanying you, I believe no one will doubt you!"

The four nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, Su Long looked at Jin Hai: "Boss, you sneaked into Suzhou City from Jiangyun secretly with the third, fourth, and eighth, and fifth, you sneaked in from Hui Province with the seventh, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth. Be careful not to expose your own whereabouts!"

"Team leader, what about me?" Hu Lei couldn't help being anxious when he realized that he hadn't been assigned a task.

"Yes, team leader, I also request to participate in this mission!" Deng Wu, the sixth child, also shouted.

"You two are injured, stay at the base to recuperate!"

Su Long said in a deep voice.

"Team leader, our injury is nothing, it has little effect on our strength!" Hu Lei said hastily.

"That's right, what we're dealing with this time is the super Martial Dao family, we can't be sloppy, one more person means more combat power!" Deng Wu also said.

"Leader, why don't you let them go with me?"

At this time, Jin Hai opened his mouth and said.

Su Long nodded.

At this time, another deputy team leader, the fifth Shangguan Yumo, said: "Team leader, do we want Bureau S to cooperate with our actions?"

However, Su Long smiled disdainfully: "We don't need them, and our military team can easily complete this task!"

Seeing that Su Long refused, Shangguan Yumo didn't say anything.

After all, the martial arts team is still dominated by Su Long.

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