I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 399 Blood God Sect (Part 2)

Sun Yuan has kung fu in himself, and he is also an early stage Practitioner.

After completing the ancient martial arts cheats, his strength directly went up to the First Stage.

But in the days that followed.

He found that the ancient martial arts he practiced had become stagnant again.

Therefore, he suspected that if he wanted to practice this ancient martial arts secret book, he might need blood to assist him. After all, he also sucked his wife's blood to cultivate this ancient martial arts secret book.

But after all, sucking his wife's blood was done under the condition of Qi Deviation. Now that he is back to normal, if he wants to suck blood again, he still can't pass the psychological test.

So, while he was struggling, time passed for a while.

Immediately afterwards, his tomb robbery was reported.

He was also pursued by the police.

In the process of fleeing, he was in danger several times.

In order to have stronger strength and thus escape the hunt, he ventured into a village and kidnapped a woman.

After sucking the woman's blood, combined with ancient martial arts cheats, the stagnant Cultivation Base really grew again.

This discovery directly made Sun Yuan unable to stop.

Embarked on the evil path of blood-sucking practice.

With his strength greatly increased, Sun Yuan escaped from the blockade of the local police and came to Xiangxi.

Because he is a wanted criminal, he should not be exposed.

Therefore, he established the Blood God Sect, attracted many people to join, and changed the ancient martial arts secret book to "Blood Nerve".

He has disciples to help him arrest people for him to practice.

Sun Yuan's strength improved rapidly.

As his strength grows, Sun Yuan becomes more and more courageous, absorbs more believers, and arrests more and more people.

With the emergence of a large number of missing persons.

It also attracted the attention of the local police in Xiangxi, and even alarmed the senior management of Daxia.

Not long after Sun Yuan founded the Blood God Sect, the organization was not very strict, and he was quickly targeted by the police.

Knowing that Sun Yuan was very powerful from the arrested members of the Blood God Cult, the local police reported to the high-level, and finally sent four Huajin Practitioners to help.

In the end, the Blood God Cult was wiped out.

But Sun Yuan was seriously injured and fled. As for the four Huajin sent above, two died and two were seriously injured.

Naturally, the higher-ups would not let Sun Yuan go, so they sent more experts to chase him down.

As a result, Sun Yuan had no time to recuperate from his injuries.

In the end, he took the risk to lurk back to his hometown, passed on "Blood Nerve" to his only son Sun Tong, and told his son everything about him.

Although Sun Tong is only fifteen years old, his personality is extremely mature.

He knew that the police should monitor him, so he stayed at home honestly for three years.

Until the police relaxed their vigilance, he directly smuggled out of the country and came to Nanyang.

Sun Tong is also a genius in martial arts. Even if he has not practiced "Blood Nerve", he has reached the Ming Jin middle stage at the age of eighteen.

He has worked hard in Nanyang for two years by virtue of his strength and established a small gang.

Then he secretly caught people sucking blood to practice "Blood Nerve".

In just five years, he had reached the level of energy transformation, and the forces under his command grew stronger and stronger.

Because Nanyang was relatively chaotic at that time.

It is not uncommon for people to disappear, which is convenient for Sun Tong.

At the age of thirty, Sun Tong finally reached the Danjin level through "Blood Nerves".

There are not many strong Dan Jin in the whole Nanyang.

So, Sun Tong re-created the Blood God Sect.

At the same time, he subdued a group of Huajin Practitioners and Anjin Practitioners with his powerful force, and taught them the simplified version of "Blood Nerve".

After more than ten years.

Sun Tong, who is over forty years old, has also stepped into Gang Jin, and the four guardians under him have also been promoted to Dan Jin.

There are more than 70 Huajin envoys.

The Blood God Sect is clearly in Nanyang, why did Sun Bin and Sun Qiang appear in Nandu?

the reason is simple!

Today's Blood God Sect is one of the strongest underground forces in Nanyang.

After all, Sun Tong was from the Great Xia, so he was naturally unwilling that the Blood God Sect's influence was limited to Nanyang.

So he sent his son Sun Yunjie back to China to form a branch of the Blood God Sect.

Sun Yunjie, who practiced the full version of "Blood Nerve", is only in his twenties, but his strength has also reached the Dan Jin early stage. After returning to China, he opened a foreign trade company in Shanghai as a cover, but in fact he secretly developed the Blood God Sect.

At the same time, he also brought back the White Tiger protector, one of the four great protectors, and twelve Huajin Envoys.

Sun Yunjie grew up with a golden key in his mouth, so he is quite picky, and he only sucks young and beautiful girls who are full of Blood Qi.

But the country is no better than Nanyang.

Even if he is Dan Jin, he dare not act recklessly.

So, he sent Sun Bin and Sun Qiang to other places to secretly search for young girls full of Blood Qi for him, and send them back to the magic capital for him to practice.

In this way, even after the incident, he cannot be tracked down.

Why did Sun Bin know so much.

Because he is Sun Tong's cousin.

After Sun Tong gained a firm foothold in Nanyang, he sent people back to his hometown to pick up many of his fellow clansmen to go to Nanyang.

Sun Bin was the first group of people who went to Nanyang to join Sun Tong.

Therefore, he is one of Sun Tong's most trusted confidants.

And Sun Yunjie also trusted him more, so he sent him out secretly to help him hunt down young, beautiful women with full Blood Qi.

Because the people of the Blood God Sect suck blood and practice kung fu, they are more sensitive to Blood Qi, and they can often tell whether the opponent's Blood Qi is full at a glance.

Now, Sun Bin has traveled to many places across the country and has helped Sun Yunjie arrest more than 50 young women secretly, because they often shoot one shot for another, even if the local police find something, they cannot be tracked down.

Three days ago, Sun Bin and Sun Qiang arrived in Nandu.

And temporarily rented a private house in this village as a temporary base.

And yesterday, two young women were taken into the cellar successively.

They planned to arrest two more people and then evacuate from Nandu.

So I came to the University City to check out spots, and found Chen Youwei in the snack street.

It's just that there are too many people in the snack street, and Chen Youwei has been in the shop all the time, so they have never had a chance to make a move.

Gao Yan already knew everything about the Blood God Sect.

Then, how to deal with Sun Bin and Sun Qiang.

Is it to kill directly?

Or hand it over to Bureau S?

Slightly hesitant, Gao Yan still decided to hand it over to Bureau S.

So Gao Yan dialed Luo Bing's phone number.

Gao Yan waited here for half an hour.

Two SUVs drove into the village and came straight to Wafang.

Through spiritual perception, Gao Yan learned that six people came from Bureau S, the leader was Xiao Nanjun, the director of Yangdong Branch of Bureau S, Huajin Practitioner.

In addition, there are two dark energies and three bright energies.

Gao Yan didn't intend to meet them, and when he knew that the people from Bureau S had come to take over, he left directly.

Anyway, on the phone, Gao Yan told Luo Bing everything he knew.

After the people from Bureau S broke in.

They found the two young girls who were tied up and Sun Bin and Sun Qiang who were subdued.

Xiao Nan's army, who didn't find Gao Yan, was slightly disappointed.

Because he also followed Luo Ju to Su City, and knew that Gao Yan was a fierce man who dared to confront Su Long.

To be honest, the people in Bureau S didn't have much affection for Su Long.

Because in their opinion, Su Long is too domineering, and his behavior is too rough.

Relying on his identity as a Gang Jin Practitioner, he never put the S game To put in one's eyes.

If the martial arts team hadn't left the S game and went it alone, maybe they had defeated the five super Martial Dao families.

Just like that, Xiao Nanjun felt a little gloated at seeing Su Long deflated.

He is also willing to have some friendship with a fierce person like Gao Yan.

Unfortunately, Gao Yan did not give him this chance.

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