Run some distance.

Gao Yan couldn't help laughing up to the sky, this time, he let out a bad breath.

After laughing.

He summoned any door and shuttled back to No. 15 Yujingyuan.

As for the other side.

Old Ten and Old Eleven worked together to get Su Long onto the boat.

Su Long seemed to have suffered too much, and kept his eyes slack.

"Brother Ten, what should we do? Can Brother Ninth recover?" Old Eleven asked worriedly.

"Should...he should be able to recover. After all, Brother Nine is still strong, and he shouldn't be so fragile in his heart!" Old Ten was also uncertain, and hesitantly said.

"I hope so!"

Old Eleven sighed softly, Su Long is the pinnacle of the Armed Forces Control Bureau, if something happens to him, it will be a question whether the Armed Forces Control Bureau can continue to exist.

Gao Yan who returned to the bedroom was still in a state of excitement.

Unable to fall asleep, he simply studied the Soul Refining Cultivation Technique in the Feng Shui Sutra.

This Cultivation Technique is not difficult.

Getting started is easy.

After Gao Yan tried to cultivate, he felt that his own Mental Energy had been tempered and became more refined.


Gao Yan smiled with satisfaction and continued to practice!

In a blink of an eye, it was the morning of the next day.

Gao Yan, who practiced all night, didn't feel tired at all, but was extra energetic!

These are the benefits brought by Soul Refining Cultivation Technique.

And overnight, his Mental Energy was purified by at least one-tenth. To his surprise, his Mental Energy also increased by 2 points.

Reached 308 points.

It turns out that this Soul Refining Cultivation Technique cannot directly increase Mental Energy, but when the purity of Mental Energy reaches a certain level, a new Mental Energy will be born in the mind!

No wonder that Zhuge Yongming is only Ming Jin Practitioner, but Mental Energy is comparable to Gang Jin.

There is no class this morning.

It just so happened that the Black Panther Security had already summoned 100 trainee security guards.

Gao Yan decided to go and have a look!


Xiao Sang waited downstairs with his assistant in advance, and when he saw him coming, he hurriedly stepped forward to open the car door for him!

"Xiao Sang has worked hard!"

Gao Yan smiled at Xiao Sang.

"Should be the boss!"

"Let's go, let's go up!"

After a while, Gao Yan came to the Black Panther security company on the fourth floor!

It turned out that this place was a large fitness club, divided into upper and lower floors, enough to accommodate hundreds of members to exercise.

"Call everyone together and let me see!"

Gao Yan ordered.

Soon, hundreds of trainee security guards were summoned.

Gao Yan took a quick look and found that the physical fitness of these trainee security guards was quite good.

With a thought.

He glanced around with his insight eyes, and found that the physical fitness of this batch of trainee security guards was comparable to that of Ming Jin Practitioner, and the physique of the strongest had reached 80 points.

"As expected of a recruitment card produced by the system!"

Gao Yan secretly thought, if there is no recruitment card, it is impossible to recruit a group of people with physique above 70 in just a few days.

Of course, physique does not mean combat power. Even if the physique reaches 80, without practicing martial arts, he will still be brutally abused by Ming Jin early stage.

"Okay, it's all gone!"

After some simple lectures to let them know who is the boss, Gao Yan asked them to continue to exercise.


Gao Yan and Xiao Sang came to the office.

"Xiao Sang, how is their treatment determined?" Gao Yan asked.

"Boss, the internship period is three months, including room and board, and a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan!" Xiao Sang said.

"It's low, the salary for the internship period is set at 10,000, and it will be 50,000 after becoming a full-time employee!" Gao Yan thought for a while and said, he trains Practitioners, and to make them return to their hearts, the salary must not be bad!

"Okay boss, I'm going to announce it!"


Gao Yan stopped Xiao Sang: "Four new instructors will take office, and they will be fully responsible for training this group of security guards in the future. Just remind you, these four instructors are very strong. If you have any problems in cultivation, you can ask them They ask!"

"Can the boss reveal their specific strength?" Xiao Sang asked curiously.

"One gang energy, three pill energy!"

Gao Yan said with a smile.

"How is it possible?" Xiao Sang exclaimed, she was secretly motivated, and she was already considered a master, but she didn't expect the boss to get three Dan Jin and one Gang Jin!

"Why is it impossible!"

Gao Yan said: "They are all Shaolin monks. I managed to fool you here. I entrust you with a task. It is best to let them have a sense of belonging to the company. After completion, I will have a big reward!"

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely complete the task!"

Xiao Sang promised immediately.

After chatting with Xiao Sang for a while, Li Feng has followed Fa Xiang and Fa Long to pick up the security company!

Don't think that the four brothers are all masters.

But they are relatively simple after practicing in the mountains for a long time.

Therefore, they are still a little embarrassed to have been taking Gao Yan's money and not working during this period of time.

After some pleasantries.

Faxiang assured Gao Yan that he would use all his strength to help him teach these security personnel, and said that he could take up the post today!

Seeing that the security company is fine here.

Gao Yan withdrew directly.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was Saturday!

News came from Qin Zhihui that Gao Yan had already got what he needed.

But put it on Heimon's side.

After all, it is quite troublesome to transport this kind of thing back to China.

Gao Yan said no problem, he went to Heimian to get it by himself!

Using any door to teleport to Heiman, after taking away the C4 explosives and matching detonators, Gao Yan traveled to the canyon on the deserted island.

In the past two days, he also took time to study how to detonate the C4 explosives.


Accompanied by a deafening explosion.

A deep pit more than ten meters deep and more than twenty meters in diameter appeared on the ground above the Spirit Stones!

Gao Yan jumped into the deep pit, placed the explosives again, and then hid nearby to detonate!


After a while, the depth of the explosion crater increased by more than ten meters!

After maneuvering back and forth dozens of times.

The depth of the explosion crater has reached more than 400 meters, and there have been several soil collapses during the period, but it is not a problem for Gao Yan, just use the mustard space to transport the soil away!

After another eight blasts.

The bottom of the deep pit is only three or four meters away from the location of the Spirit Stones.

Gao Yan came to the point where the explosion was stuck, took out a military shovel and started digging.

He has great strength and endurance.

Plus there was room for mustard seeds to collect dirt, so in just a few minutes, he dug to where the first Spirit Stones were.

After obtaining the Spirit Stones, Gao Yan was very satisfied after appraising them with the Eye of Insight.

Because the spirituality contained in this Spirit Stones is as high as 92 points!

You know, among the five Spirit Stones that were previously bought from Christie's auction house, the one with the highest spirituality was only 80 points.

half an hour later.

The other five Spirit Stones were also obtained by Gao Yan.

Among them, the one with the highest spirituality actually reached 95 points, and the one with the lowest spirituality also had 88 points!

With a thought, Gao Yan stood at the explosion crater and continued to explore downwards.

"I go!"

Gao Yan found more than 20 Spirit Stones after only going down more than 30 meters!


Gao Yan was startled, and he swung his engineering shovel and started digging wildly.

Two hours later.

Twenty-three Spirit Stones were collected by Gao Yan, and the spirituality of these Spirit Stones is very high, the highest one has reached 99 points!

He released his insight eye to probe downwards again, and more and more Spirit Stones appeared in his sight.

When his eyes sank one hundred and thirty meters, Gao Yan had an expression of extreme shock, followed by excitement.

Because 130 meters below where he was standing, there was actually a vein of Spirit Stones. Although this vein was only five meters long, the number of Spirit Stones reached 50,000 to 60,000!

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