As the so-called money touches people's hearts, some people will choose to take risks for hundreds of thousands, not to mention that the prize money in this talent show is so high.

There will definitely be people who can't help but choose to swipe their tickets.

Soon, the Red Emperor's voice sounded: "Boss, so far, more than two hundred people have voted. Do we need to deduct their votes?"

Gao Yan smiled: "Don't worry, you first collect the evidence of their current and future swiping tickets!"

Now the draft has just begun.

Even the top three still have more than 100,000 votes, so the investment in those swiping votes is not high, and now they will not feel pain if they are exposed.

When they invested more and let them see the hope of advancing, he took action to deal with these ticket fraudsters, causing them to suffer a double blow both financially and mentally!

Turning off Weibo, Gao Yan took out the fame exchange card and looked at it. Yes, the number of fame has reached 1.9 billion, and the growth rate is quite gratifying!

It seems that in less than 20 days, the total amount of fame will exceed 10 billion!

Early the next morning.

After Gao Yan woke up and took a shower, he clicked on Weibo as usual.

Because of the talent show, no matter the contestants or those who want to support the goddess, they must first pay attention to his Weibo. Therefore, Gao Yan's fans have reached 115 million.

The well-deserved No. 1 person on Weibo!

Then Gao Yan's eyes fell on the ranking, seeing the 20 contestants on the first page, Gao Yan couldn't help but smile.

Overnight, the top 20 has changed a lot.

Huohu, who was originally ranked number one, dropped to 15th, with 150,000 votes.

Chenchen, who was originally ranked second, fell to 18th place with 148,000 votes.

The current number one is Wen Wan. I didn't know how high she was ranked. Now, her votes have reached 520,000 votes.

According to the information, this Wen Wan is only 18 years old, and she looks pretty in the photos, but she is not as good as Mu Hu and Chen Chen.

"Xiaohong, what is the origin of this gentleness?" Gao Yan asked.

Red Emperor: "Boss, this Wen Wan, Zhang Ling'er who is ranked seventh, and Xu Jialai who is ranked 12 are all trainees of Jinhai Entertainment. Most of their votes are obtained by brushing!"

Gao Yan was not surprised that the entertainment company participated, after all, he gave too much.

"Aside from Jinhai Entertainment, is there any other entertainment company?"

Hong Huang said: "Boss, there are already nine entertainment companies that have sent their newcomers or trainees to participate, but only three companies paid tickets, and the other seven companies are still waiting to see!"

In the morning, Nandu Business School!

In class, the counselor Fan Xin announced something. The school pays more attention to the upcoming New Year's Day performance, and hopes that the class will make a few shows to participate in the election. Once selected, there will be rewards!

But this time, there is no forced assignment of tasks like last time!

after class.

Xu Lingfeng came to Gao Yan's seat and said to Yang Yue, "Miss Yang, why don't you make a show this time?"

"Not interested in!"

The last time Shuimei participated in the show was with a purpose. Now, she has already put Gao Yan to sleep, so how can she have the heart to do any show!

Now they are all junior students, so it can be said that they are all veterans, and they are not very interested in these activities and programs.

"Okay!" Xu Lingfeng didn't force it. Anyway, the counselor didn't force the task this time, so he just asked casually.

"Old Gao, why don't you put on a show?"

Xu Lingfeng set his eyes on Gao Yan again.

"What a fart!" Gao Yan also resolutely refused.

"Okay then, I'll ask the others!"

Xu Lingfeng also didn't force himself. He asked other students with talents and skills, but no one was willing to participate!

Seeing Yang Yue leave the classroom.

Xu Lingfeng came over again: "Old Gao, please do one thing."

"What's up?"

"I have a junior who participated in Weibo's talent show, please vote for me!"

While talking, Xu Lingfeng also logged into Gao Yan's Weibo homepage.

"Have any thoughts on the school girl?"

Gao Yan asked with a smile.

Xu Lingfeng said angrily: "You are a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is hungry. Hurry up. If you have Weibo, if you have it, please pay attention to it. I'm not Shenhao, and then vote for the junior girl. If you don't have one, sign up quickly. , when things are done, brother will treat you to a big meal!"

"Who is a serious person playing Weibo!"

Gao Yan said with a smile: "But look at your face, I'll register one!"

He has two mobile phone numbers, and he can also register an account. Even if he doesn't have one, he can register one for him with the ability of the Red Emperor!

Just when he registered Weibo.

Xu Lingfeng murmured in his ear: "Do you think the guy who held the talent show has a lot of money? Tsk tsk, I heard that this guy spent more than 600 million yuan to hold this event. He is really rich. If I have so much money, why don't I meet young models every day!"

"We can't guess what rich people think!" Gao Yan said casually, "By the way, I've signed up and paid attention. What's the number of your school girl!"

Xu Lingfeng said: "Hey, it's not mine yet, just search 3398!"

Each contestant will get a number according to the entry time, and you can directly search for the number to vote!

When Gao Yan searched out the school girl, he found that the other party had just over 5,000 votes.

Judging from the photos, this school girl is of the pure type, with a face value of around 80 points.

Gao Yan voted and asked casually: "Old Xu, so you are so good!"


Xu Lingfeng smiled: "Thank you, Lao Gao."

"It's okay, it's a trivial matter!"

"Okay, I'll go find someone to help the school girls solicit votes!"

This draft event has a great influence, because in school, he has heard many people talking about it!

At this time.

Yu Tongtong suddenly sent a link to Gao Yan's WeChat: Brother Yan, help me vote!

Gao Yan clicked on the link and found out that Yu Tongtong also participated in this talent show.

Her votes were not high, only over 20,000 votes, and she didn't even enter the top 100!

So, he replied: "There are no votes, I just voted for a school girl."

Yu Tongtong: Wow, brother Yan, you can take the initiative to vote, isn't that school girl very beautiful?

Gao Yan: No, a buddy of mine has fallen in love with him, and he is helping to canvass votes.

Yu Tongtong: Well, I have to leave the tickets for tomorrow. By the way, all the sisters in our dormitory participated!

Gao Yan: OK, tomorrow's ticket is reserved for you.

Yu Tongtong: Then thank you, brother Yan, if you have time to chat, I will find other people to canvass for votes!

Afterwards, Gao Yan asked Red Emperor to bring up the pages of Zhu Manyun, Amuyi, and Bei Mengtian. Among them, Amuyi had the highest number of votes, but he did not enter the top 100.

This Amuyi's appearance can definitely be compared with Huohu and Chenchen!

Why is her vote so low?

The first reason is that there are many people in the top 100 who swipe their tickets. The second reason is that they registered first, and they already have certain fans.

For example, Huohu and Chenchen, both of them have more than 100,000 fans on Weibo, and they both launched fan voting to gain an advantage in the first place!

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