I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 568 Big Sale (Part 2)

Those users who chose Star1 basically received medicinal wine this morning or afternoon.

Some are reserved for the time being, without opening the bottle to drink, to drink later, or to give as a gift, after all, the packaging of this Star1 is very high-grade at first glance.

Some of them opened it and tasted it, and those who can drink baijiu felt that the price of 8,888 yuan was worth the money, not to mention that they didn't spend a penny to get it, so it was even more worthwhile.

At the same time, they also felt the effect of the medicinal wine!

As a result, those lottery users who had drunk the medicinal wine all spoke on their own Weibo, or left messages under Gao Yan's Weibo, and praised Star1.

In particular, a user named "Brother Yong" admired Star1 to the extreme. He even uploaded a lot of photos to prove his innocence in order not to misunderstand that he is a sailor!

at the same time.

Star Entertainment's promotion of Star Medicinal Wine has also started online.

Star Entertainment has adopted two methods for this publicity.

Because all the stars of Star Entertainment are using Douyin to post small videos to earn extra money!

This time, the company asked them to shoot a small video of Star Medicinal Wine and distribute bonuses based on the number of likes, mainly to prevent people from being perfunctory!

More than 10,000 likes, 100,000 rewards, 30,000 likes, 200,000 rewards, 50,000 likes, 300,000 rewards, 100,000 likes, 1 million rewards!

200,000 likes, 2 million rewards.

How long does it take to shoot a video?

Even with shooting and editing, it only takes a few hours!

Therefore, the stars of Star Entertainment, in order to get more likes, have racked their brains to shoot better videos, but there is one thing, the videos cannot involve false propaganda!

Star Entertainment has a lot of stars. With the popularity of movies and TV dramas, Li Chaonan has asked many people to sign. After all, Star Entertainment has a lot of projects.

You may not be able to get a leading role or an important supporting role, but it should not be too easy to arrange ordinary supporting roles.

Therefore, there is a saying in the industry: as long as you join Star Entertainment, you can act!

There are too many art school students graduating every year, and most of them will choose to change careers. After all, there are only so many movies and TV series shot, and the typical monks have more monks and less meat.

Now, there is such a wonderful thing as Star Entertainment, which has opened nine projects in one go.

So, now Star Entertainment has become a fragrant momo. Even if they don't take the initiative to recruit, there are a large number of art school students or ordinary actors who come to recommend themselves every day!

And Li Chaonan chose a group of excellent ones to sign the contract!

After the stars of Star Entertainment uploaded the video to Douyin, the popularity of Star Medicinal Wine also soared, and it also became a trending search on Douyin!

As for Weibo, the popularity continues to increase as users who have won prizes and choose medicinal liquor post their feelings after drinking medicinal liquor.

This left those celebrities who wanted to be on the hot search very speechless: What the fuck can't do with a bottle of medicinal wine!

As for sales channels.

Gao Yan adopted three sales methods.

First, make brick-and-mortar store sales.

Secondly, there will be no discount sales in the special area on the Sunday mall.

Because the customers targeted by Star Medicinal Wine are the rich.

Finally, it will be sold at Tianyun Clubhouse.

Tianyun clubhouse is a high-end place, and its customers are also wealthy people.

However, there is only one physical store in Pingyang for the time being.

The next day, the three Star brand medicinal wines were officially launched on three channels.

Twelve o'clock that night.

Gao Yan also got the sales data.

There is only one physical store, but the sales volume is still good. Although Binh Duong is a poor city, there are also rich people.

Therefore, in one day, Star 1 sold 832 bottles, Star 2 sold 328 bottles, and Star 3 sold 187 bottles!

As for the Tianyun Club, under the recommendation of the waiter, a total of more than 500 bottles of the three medicinal wines were sold, but these medicinal wines were sold at double the price!

The last one is the Sunday Mall, because the users of the Sunday Mall are mainly ordinary people, Gao Yan thought that the sales of medicinal wine should not be much better!

But he underestimated the advertising effect.

It was put on the shelves at 8:00 in the morning, and by 12:00 in the evening, 15,600 bottles had been sold!

The next few days.

The sales of Star Medicinal Wine soared at an extremely fast speed, as if on a rocket.

The sales volume on the first day did not exceed 20,000 bottles, but after only five days, the daily sales volume directly exceeded 200,000 bottles. When this sales volume was exposed on the Internet, it caused a huge sensation.

You know, the cheapest Star Medicinal Liquor costs 8888 yuan, calculated on an average of 10,000 yuan, that is 2 billion yuan in sales!

At the same time, the efficacy of Star medicinal wine has also been exposed one after another!

As for Pingyang, they sent out reports again and again. After all, Star Medicinal Liquor is the industry of their city, and this time it was a big satellite. Moreover, the better the sales of Star Medicinal Liquor, the more taxes they will pay!

Of course, the daily sales of 200,000 only lasted for three days!

Is word of mouth declining?

of course not.

But the production is insufficient!

So far, the winery can only produce 100,000 bottles of medicinal wine every day.

Insufficient production gave birth to scalpers.

A bottle of Star 1 at 8,888 yuan was speculated at 15,000 yuan by scalpers, a bottle of Star 2 at 9,999 yuan was hyped to more than 20,000 yuan, and Star 3 was speculated at 50,000 yuan!

Huge benefits will make people jealous.

No, someone who wants to drink medicinal wine appeared in Pingyang!

Feng Bing, who was in charge of the winery, directly informed Zhuo Jinsen of the matter.

The medicine liquor factory is the property of his son-in-law, and it is his political achievements. If someone dares to stretch out his hand, it will be against him!

Although Zhuo Jinsen joined Pingyang not long ago.

But his arrival did three things.

Firstly, his arrival contributed to the establishment of the Pingwan Expressway project, secondly, he brought 1 billion free donations to the local education cause, and finally, the medicinal liquor factory was also invested by him.

As a result, his prestige as the deputy mayor has faintly surpassed that of the first and second leaders!

Therefore, it is quite easy for him to clean up those who are blind and stretching out their hands!

However, after the group of local second generations were dealt with, those who made the idea of ​​the medicine winery did not back down.

But this group of people came from a higher level!

It would be much more difficult for Zhuo Jinsen to deal with them, and then Gao Yan asked the Red Emperor to take action!

As some hidden evidence was exposed on the Internet, those guys who stretched out their hands indiscriminately were also arrested one after another!

After this incident, it not only effectively deterred those who wanted to make an idea of ​​the medicine winery, but also cast a mysterious veil on Zhuo Jinsen's background!

With this layer of mysterious veil, Zhuo Jinsen's work in Pingyang has become more and more smooth!

Early that night.

The monthly system review is here again.

This month he's wrecked over twenty Great Masters and four Deva's.

So, get 20 A-level ratings easily!

After converting to top draws, Gao Yan's number of top draws has reached 63.

As for opening the blind box.

Gao Yan knew that he was a non-chief, so he couldn't see or worry, so he didn't open it at all.

Waiting to find sister Chen Youwei to open it tomorrow, the two beautiful apprentices have already helped open it last time, maybe their luck hasn't recovered yet, if they don't get a black card, it will be a big loss!

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