I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 579: Killing Chickens And Terrorizing Monkeys

CIA headquarters.

David was browsing the latest intelligence from North Africa.

He focused on watching the situation of the Black Fox Mercenary Group.

This black fox mercenary group has nothing to do with polar bears.

However, the potential of the Black Fox Mercenary Group is great. The two battles of Yalta and the battle where they were ambushed and killed brought them a lot of fame.

In addition, the treatment of the Black Fox Mercenary Group was very good. During this period, a group of independent mercenaries and small mercenary groups were attracted to join.

The number of black fox mercenaries has broken through 300 people.

And none of them are fake, they are all elite mercenaries.

In addition, the intelligence agents did not find that the Black Fox Mercenary Group was involved with other countries.

If such a mercenary group can be controlled by the CIA, then the CIA will have an extra powerful military force in North Africa.

And he will make a lot of credit for it!

So, he issued an order to let the intelligence agents contact the black fox mercenary group first, and test their tone!

After all, the intelligence power of the CIA is still very strong.

As long as they have their support, the black fox will grow rapidly.

The most important thing is that the United States is still the world's number one military power. With the United States as the background, the benefits are huge. He doesn't believe that Natasha can resist such a temptation.

one day later.

Gao Yan received a call from Natasha.

The other party reported a news to him, the black fox mercenary group was targeted by the United States, and the other party seemed to have plans to take the black fox mercenary group for his own use.

Gao Yan is not surprised by this. After all, the Black Fox Mercenary Corps has been a bit conspicuous these days. I am afraid that not only the United States is eyeing them, but many other countries are also eyeing them!

There are many small countries in North Africa, and the chaos is extremely chaotic.

Therefore, the mercenary group can play a great role there.

And many big countries are unwilling to let go of the handle of interfering in other countries' political affairs. They usually secretly form some secret mercenary organizations, or subdue some mercenary groups to help them achieve their goals!

In addition, when businessmen from other countries come to North Africa to do business, in order to ensure their own safety, or escort goods, they will also invite mercenaries to protect them!

"What do you think?" Gao Yan asked.

Natasha said: "The United States still has a great influence here. We can pretend to agree to them and use the Americans to develop a mercenary group. When we really gain a foothold here, we will turn against them!"

Hearing what Natasha said, Gao Yan also began to think.

It is extremely beneficial for the Black Fox Mercenary Corps to develop with the help of Americans!

After all, the influence of the United States is not covered, and their intelligence capabilities are also very strong!

However, Americans are not fools.

If you get benefits, they will definitely put forward conditions!

What if the Americans let the black fox mercenary group deal with Daxia's forces?

He is also a Daxia person anyway, how could he help the Americans deal with the Daxia people, wouldn't he be a traitor!

Thinking of this, he said to Natasha: "Natasha reject the Americans."

Natasha: "Good boss!"

Although Natasha tends to rely on Americans to develop herself, it is more beneficial, but since the boss disagrees, she will not disobey the boss's order!

After Natasha rejected the CIA intelligence agent, the other party also sent the news back to the CIA headquarters.

David was a little annoyed when he received the news.

A mere mercenary group dared to refuse the CIA's solicitation, it seems that he needs to be taught a lesson!

During this period of time, as the reputation of the Black Fox Mercenary Group increased greatly, more and more people came looking for them.

In addition, there are too many people, and the cost is also high.

You can't just sit and eat.

Therefore, Natasha will also send people to do some escort missions.

Generally speaking, the difficulty of escort missions is not high, and you can earn tens of thousands of dollars in one trip.

But today, Natasha received three messages one after another.

Her mission to escort two merchants fails.

More than two merchants were robbed, and the mercenary who performed the mission also died on the spot.

In addition, two mercenary teams escorting the goods were also killed, and the two shipments were also taken away.

Although the Black Fox Mercenary Group has not been established for a long time.

However, Natasha taught them to practice in person. Although the time was short, these mercenaries grew very fast. Therefore, all the mercenaries under his command were elites.

Ordinary militants, even if they are many times larger than them, are not opponents.

But now, the three teams she sent out to carry out the mission had accidents, and it was obvious that someone was targeting her!

She is not stupid either.

She had only rejected the CIA's solicitation two days ago.

Obviously, this is the CIA's killing of chickens and monkeys.

As long as she disagrees, it is estimated that the CIA will still attack the black fox mercenary group!

Fight back yourself?

The efficiency is too slow. After all, North Africa is too chaotic. It may take a lot of time to find the stolen merchants and stolen goods!

So, the best way is to ask the boss for help!

After receiving another call from Natasha and understanding the situation, Gao Yan traveled through any door to the Black Fox Mercenary Group without saying a word!

"Boss, I have let you down!"

Natasha said ashamedly, she is not bad at all, but the enemy does not confront her directly, but hides in the dark, and she will not be able to do anything to him for a while!


Gao Yan could also understand, and immediately asked the Red Emperor to investigate the whereabouts of the three waves of raiders.

There is obviously room for the opponent to kill mercenaries, rob merchants and take away goods!

At this time.

A female mercenary came to Natasha's office, and she couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she saw Gao Yan in the office.

"Boss, there is a man named Alex outside who wants to see you!"

The female mercenary said.

Suddenly, Natasha's face darkened, and murderous intent flickered in her eyes.

"A person from the CIA?"


Gao Yan said: "Then let him in!"

The female mercenary subconsciously looked at Natasha.

Natasha nodded to her.

Soon, Alex was brought in, and the other party was a black man.

"Hi, beautiful Miss Natasha, we meet again!" The corners of Alex's mouth rose slightly, a little proudly.

"Nigger, look this way!"

Suddenly, Gao Yan spoke, Alex subconsciously turned his head to look, and then his head fell into chaos.

Through top-level hypnotism, Gao Yan learned a lot of information from Alex.

And this guy is still a senior intelligence officer. Although he doesn't know everything about the distribution of personnel in North Africa, he also knows a lot!

"Natasha, go and bring his companion in!"

Naturally, Alex didn't arrive alone, there was someone to meet him outside the base of the Black Fox Mercenary Group.

not for a while.

Natasha came in with a middle-aged white man.

Gao Yan offered the same set meal, and got a lot of information from the other party!

"Boss, what should we do with these two?"

"Kill it!"

Gao Yan said lightly, the information on the two of them had already been emptied by him, and it was worthless!


Gao Yan suddenly said: "The other party's shots are too precise and quick, I guess there are traitors among your people!"

Suddenly, Natasha's eyes turned cold.

The boss is right. Although the intelligence capabilities of the CIA are powerful, they are too quick to act. Without the insider to provide them with information, how could they obtain a course of action!

"Gather all your people, and I'll help you screen out the traitors!"

Gao Yan said in a deep voice.

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