I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 608 Bonfire Song And Dance Party (Part 2)

It was nearly six o'clock.

Gao Yan and his party of five headed towards the place where the bonfire singing and dancing party was held.

There are many people at the party.

There were two long queues at the entrance.

After more than ten minutes.

Gao Yan and his group checked their tickets and entered the venue.

There is a cafeteria and a snack street in the venue.

However, after entering the cafeteria, I realized that there are really many people, and the tables in the restaurant are already full of tourists.

"There are too many people here, let's go to the snack street!"

Song Yufei suggested.

In this regard, everyone has no objection, so they diverted to the snack street.

But when I came to the snack street, I found that there were many tourists queuing in front of each snack stall.

It's okay to eat two or three snacks.

I really want to eat dozens of snacks, and I don’t know how long it will take to line up!

"At first, I thought the 120 yuan pass was a big deal, but now it seems that it's really not easy to take advantage of it!" Xiao Zhuo said with some dissatisfaction.

"Indeed, there is no place in the restaurant, and there are so many people queuing up in the snack street, it's really hard to get something to eat!" Lin Mo'er nodded approvingly!

"I have a way!"

At this time, Gao Yan said: "Go find an open space first, and I will get some things back!"

Walking to a place where no one was around, Gao Yan flashed into "Minecraft" to get a batch of ingredients and processed them, and took out an oven, disposable tableware and cups from Mustard Space to meet everyone.

Twenty minutes later.

A tempting aroma of grilled skewers spread around.

But it has attracted several groups of tourists.

But after learning that Gao Yan and the others are also tourists, they can only leave disappointed.

After the first batch of skewers were cooked, everyone felt unsatisfied after sharing the food.

After all, the ingredients prepared by Gao Yan come from places with Spiritual Qi, and the taste is far beyond the real world, and Chu Xing's craftsmanship is also quite good.

The taste of grilled skewers is absolutely excellent.

after an hour.

After eating and drinking enough, everyone collected the rubbish and threw it into the trash can. As for the other tools, Gao Yan took them away and put them into Jiezi Space.

After everyone wandered around the venue, the time came to 8:00 pm.

A bonfire is lit on the square in the center of the venue.

At the same time, the broadcast in the venue also began to remind everyone that the bonfire party had begun.

When Gao Yan and the others arrived.

There are already dancers in national costumes performing on the important circular stage of the Discovery Square.

There are three links in the bonfire singing and dancing party.

First of all, the singing and dancing actors in the scenic spot will perform for about 80 minutes.

Secondly, tourists take the initiative to participate in the performance. If the performance is outstanding, the scenic spot will issue a commemorative medal and a souvenir.

Finally, it is free dance time, and the scenic spot will arrange two actors to lead the dance.

There are no chairs in the square, only cushions.

Gao Yan and his group came neither too early nor too late, and found a few cushions in the middle to sit down and watch the performance.


After sitting down, Gao Yan took out a few bags of snacks and distributed them to the girls.

Lin Mo'er looked at Gao Yan, and couldn't help asking: "Gao Dage, are you a robot cat? Where did you get your snacks from?"

The reason why she had such doubts was that Gao Yan was only wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and shorts, so it was obvious at a glance whether he was wearing anything or not.

Gao Yan reached out and rubbed her head: "Just eat what you have, don't ask."

But during the next hour or so of watching the performance, Gao Yan was still taking out all kinds of snacks and drinks, which made Lin Mo'er even more curious.

Keep aiming at Gao Yan.

After the performance of the actors in the scenic spot, it is the turn of the tourists to perform.

It has to be said that there are still many talents among the tourists. For example, a buddy sings very badly, but he is intoxicated by it, making everyone laugh constantly.

There were also two tourists who went up to perform a cross talk.

And the two have quite a talent. Although it is a common joke on the Internet, it can make everyone laugh when it comes out of their mouths.

There was also a pair of mother and daughter watches jointly performed a dance, but won everyone's applause.

"Husband, why don't you go up and perform a show?"

Xiao Zhuo encouraged Gao Yan.

Then Song Yufei and Lin Mo'er agreed one after another.

"Okay, I'm going to perform one!"

Gao Yan didn't have anything to be shy about, he got up straight and walked to the stage. At this moment, on the stage was a literary youth holding a guitar and singing solo. His voice and skills were average, but he was full of emotions.

Therefore, a song ended and received a lot of applause.

"Dude, can I borrow your guitar?"

When the other party stepped down, Gao Yan said to the literary youth.


The other party hesitated slightly, and handed the guitar to Gao Yan.

Gao Yan came onto the stage with the guitar in his arms, plucked the strings, and then a series of beautiful voices flowed out, followed by Gao Yan opening his mouth.

Suddenly, the audience was silent.

The literary youth stared blankly at Gao Yan on the stage.

Gao Yan sang an original song.

An A-level song issued by an entertainment card.

Under the interpretation of his Master singing skills and Master guitar skills, this song has reached the most perfect state.

A song is over.

The tourists at the scene were still immersed in the singing, until Gao Yan stepped off the stage holding the guitar, there was a tidal wave of applause.

"Thanks buddy!"

Gao Yan returned the guitar to the literary youth.

"Wait, are you a professional singer?"

The literary youth shouted.

"No!" Gao Yan shook his head.

"Then what's the name of that song just now? Is it the original song?" the literary youth asked again.

"That song is called "My Youth", it's original!"

After answering the literary youth, Gao Yan left quickly.

When Gao Yan returned to his own position, he found that Xiao Zhuo and Song Yufei were looking at him with flooded eyes. As for Lin Mo'er, he didn't dare to look at him openly, but took a sneak peek.

"Dude, you sing really well, what's the name of that song?"

At this time, a boy nearby asked.

"The title of the song is My Youth, it's original!"

"I feel that you can sing much better than those singers, you should become a singer!"

Gao Yan smiled, it is impossible to be a singer, because he is my singer's boss!

Soon, the tourist performance session ended.

As expected, Gao Yan received a commemorative medal and a souvenir issued by the scenic spot.

Next is free dancing time.

Except for Chu Xing, Gao Yan had a great time with the three girls.

During the period, some young female tourists also recognized Gao Yan, but seeing the three beauties around Gao Yan, they all gave up the idea of ​​striking up a conversation!

half past ten.

The bonfire singing and dancing party is over.

"Brother Yan, there were quite a few girls who wanted to strike up a conversation with you just now, did we not delay you?"

On the way out, Xiao Zhuo joked while holding Gao Yan's arm.


Gao Yan said affirmatively: "It is enough for me to have you."

next morning.

After having a special breakfast in Linshui Town.

Gao Yan and his group set off to the next destination.

In a moving Bentley.

Lin Mo'er suddenly exclaimed: "Gao Dage, you are so popular, the video of your singing last night actually got 200,000 hearts!"

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