I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 635 Finally Met A Female Star On The Plane

On the other side, Gao Yan, who left with Antalya, first treated her to a midnight snack, and then brought her back to the Landis Hotel.

Gao Yan did not invite Antalya to stay in the presidential suite together, even though there are extra rooms in the suite.

Now he has already left the stage of "anxious sex". This relationship is like brewing wine. Only when the heat is reached can the brewed wine be mellow and delicious.

Therefore, Gao Yan opened a high-end suite for Antalya alone. Anyway, he doesn't have to pay for it, and it doesn't hurt to spend it.

As for the woman Sally.

Hastily boarded the plane to the United States with Spirit Stones.

She's taking the Spirit Stones back for testing.

Lying on the big soft bed in the hotel, Gao Yan reported the situation on WeChat with Xiao Zhuo and Song Yufei.

The three of them formed a small group.

It is also convenient to chat in the group.

After sharing photos of the presidential suite in the group, Gao Yan started to get down to business after chatting for a while.

"Xiaohong, is everything going well?"

Gao Yan asked the Red Emperor.

Red Emperor: "Boss, things are going smoother than expected. Situ Yulong, the master of the Overseas Demon Sect, has obtained your superficial information through spies lurking in the country!"

"Oh, the deeper layers haven't been excavated?"

Gao Yan asked, but he was relieved after thinking about it. The Daxia executives knew his true strength, but he must have blocked it from the outside world.

Beidou Zong also knows his true strength. As for the other qi cultivation sects, there should be some doubts, but there should be no way to be sure.

However, the Qi Cultivation Sect is in a closed state. They may communicate with each other internally, but they will definitely not spread to the outside.

As for the spies of the Demon Sect, because they are afraid of domestic qi cultivators, they should be sent by ordinary people. If they send qi cultivators, they will be easily exposed.

Therefore, the ability of the Momen spies to collect intelligence in the country is not as strong as imagined.

"Xiaohong, how much money does the Overseas Demon Sect have?"

Suddenly, Gao Yan asked curiously.

After all, this is the fat sheep I am eyeing, and it is also necessary to understand their financial resources.

Red Emperor: "Boss, please give me five minutes."

five minutes later.

The Red Emperor gave a statistic.

First of all, the cash in the hands of overseas magic gate is 520 billion euros, which is almost 3.8 trillion according to the current exchange rate.

Secondly, Overseas Momen also owns the company.

There are 34 companies directly controlled by Overseas Momen, and there are even more companies invested in, with a total of 298 companies.

Together, the shares of these companies have a market capitalization of around 900 billion euros.

In addition, Overseas Demon Gate also has a lot of fixed assets, which together total hundreds of billions of euros.

The above items are not all the guesses of the overseas demons, because there are many antiques and medicinal materials, which cannot be counted for a while.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of a big fat sheep, it's so rich!"

Looking at the data provided by the Red Emperor, Gao Yan was hungry.

I don't know when the overseas demons will come to hook me up?

For a while, Gao Yan couldn't wait, wishing to fly to Europe to talk to Situ Yulong himself.

next morning.

After Gao Yan had breakfast with Antalya, he said it was time to leave.

In this regard, Antalya is somewhat reluctant.

"Antalya, your service makes me feel value for money, this is a little bit of my heart, I hope you don't see outsiders!"

Gao Yan took out a red envelope and handed it to Antalya.

"No need for Mr. Gao, Miss Sally has already paid the remuneration, you don't need to pay any more!" Antalya shook her head.

"Take it, this is my extra reward for you!"

Gao Yan took Antalya's hand, put the red envelope in her hand, then waved to her, boarded the hotel car and headed to the airport.

"Goodbye, Mr. Gao, have a good trip!"

Antalya also waved goodbye.

It was not until Gao Yan disappeared that Antalya opened the red envelope. There was not much money in it, 8,800 yuan, a very auspicious number.

But this amount of money can solve many life problems in Antalya!

Just over an hour after Gao Yan left the hotel.

Lin Jianshen came to the hotel in person.

The charity dinner last night was very successful, and as the host, he couldn't spare last night.

But Gao Yan provided 500 million donations last night.

In any case, he deserves a single thank you to Gao Yan.

Moreover, he also wanted to create opportunities for Gao Yan and his daughter.

Therefore, today, with sincerity, he personally came to the hotel to invite Gao Yan to have a dinner at his house tonight.

I didn't expect to inquire about it.

Gao Yan actually left.

Then he asked someone to contact the airline, and the plane Gao Yan was on had already taken off 15 minutes ago.

This made Lin Jianshen very disappointed!

On the plane, Gao Yan seemed to be resting with his eyes closed.

But in fact, his mind is sinking into Dantian to polish his strength.

With the Martial Dao accelerator card and the time acceleration of "Minecraft", his Gangyuan has been polished to perfection.

Sitting next to him was a woman wearing sunglasses and a mask, which she didn't take off even on the plane. Even so, Gao Yan recognized her as Guan Zixin, the little flower who is so popular in the entertainment industry right now.

Last year he took his girlfriend to visit the Great Wall, and then met a fool from the Guan family.

But those family members are not very capable, and the rules are still too big, and then they became honest after being beaten up by themselves.

And Guan Zixin is the cousin of that silly boy from the Guan family.

Later, Star Entertainment invited Guan Zixin to act in a play, which made her more famous.

Later, he helped Star Entertainment send two TV series for free.

The kind that doesn't even ask her for a paycheck.

The two dramas aired on television in July and August respectively.

Because the script is good, the ratings are also very high.

This made Guan Zixin's reputation climb two levels again.

She didn't get paid for filming for Star Entertainment before. Although the owner of the company is a relative of her family, she still has to make money.

Therefore, taking advantage of the popularity, the company arranged a lot of announcements for her, and all kinds of endorsements were even weaker.

This caused Guan Zixin to be busy flying all over the country, with little rest time. She didn't have Chen Yuxin's physique, so this girl fell asleep as soon as she got on the plane.

Didn't even know Gao Yan was sitting next to her!

In a blink of an eye, two hours passed.

The plane is about to arrive in Nandu.

The little assistant sitting at the back came to Guan Zixin's seat and shook her arm lightly: "Sister, wake up, the plane is about to land!"

"Is it coming so soon?"

Guan Zixin, who was woken up, felt that she had just squinted for a while, and she was really tired. In order to hurry up, she filmed overnight last night, and it didn't end until five o'clock in the morning.

"Yeah, go to the bathroom and get your makeup done, a fan will pick you up!"

"okay, I get it!"

Guan Zixin nodded, unbuckled her seat belt and got up, casually swept across the next table, the expression on her face suddenly froze, she didn't expect that the person sitting next to her was actually Gao Yan.

Seeing that Gao Yan seemed to be sleeping too, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then whispered to the assistant: "You sit in my seat, I'll come back and sit in your seat later!"

To be honest, she is still a little afraid of Gao Yan!

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