I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 654: Marriage And Fishing (Third Watch)

Afterwards, Gao Yan went to the logistics department to pay the rent of 2 yuan, took the note, and then went to the workshop to ask the workshop director for a day off.

I hurried back to the courtyard.

"Brother Wei, you're back!"

Seeing Gao Yan coming back, Li Mengyao quickly stood up and said.

"Let's go, let's get the certificate!"

Soon, a group of three arrived at the marriage registration office.

The whole process went pretty smoothly.

Looking at this marriage certificate, which looks like a certificate of merit, Gao Yan felt a little embarrassed. He was not married in his own world, but he got married after traveling to a parallel world for a few days!

"Come on, let's go to the department store to buy wedding candies!"

When they came to the department store, the two sisters couldn't help looking around, especially the many things inside, which their sisters had never seen before!

Gao Yan first went to buy four catties of wedding candy, and then planned to buy two sets of clothes for each of the two sisters.

But she was rejected by Li Mengyao. She said that she knows how to make clothes, and she can do it by herself, which can save a lot of money.

"You know how to save money as soon as you marry into the family, yes, virtuous!"

Gao Yan kissed the bridge of Li Mengyao's nose, this kind of intimacy made her blush.

Since Li Mengyao didn't want to buy clothes, Gao Yan followed him and pulled two bolts of cloth.

"By the way, we got married in a hurry, let me give you a present!"

"No need brother Wei, I am very satisfied now!"

"Listen to me this time!"

Gao Yan directly grabbed Li Mengyao's hand and went to the counter, and then chose a hairpin for each of the two sisters.

Unexpectedly, she could also receive a gift. Li Mengya was very happy and said thank you to Gao Yan several times.

Another purchase of Life supplies.

The three of them returned to the courtyard with big bags and small bags.

The courtyard in the morning is relatively deserted.

But almost everyone stays at home.

So, Gao Yan brought the two sisters to the door one by one to distribute wedding candies.

Those who received the candy expressed their blessings to them!

After distributing the wedding candies, Gao Yan took the two sisters to the back room in the middle courtyard to clean up.

"Wei Guo, what are you?"

Their actions drew inquiries from the wife who was in charge of the middle court.

Gao Yan said: "Aunt Chen, am I married? I can't fit in one room, so I rent this upside-down room from the factory for two yuan a month!"

Hearing that Gao Yan rented it with money, Aunt Chen curled her lips secretly, thinking that Gao Yan was taken advantage of, because the inverted house was not only small in size, but also poor in lighting.

Otherwise, it would not be vacant until now.

What's more, she also found out that Gao Yan's daughter-in-law fled the famine and brought a bottle of oil with her.

Although he is pretty, he can't be eaten as food. He thought to himself, I'm afraid this kid will suffer in the future.

Seeing that the room was cleaned almost.

Gao Yan went to the front yard and came over with an old quilt.

Li Mengyao directly took the quilt from his hand: "Brother Wei Guo, let me come!"


Gao Yan didn't refuse either, and handed the quilt to Li Mengyao: "I'll go and deliver some wedding candies to Aunt Chen and Director Wang first, and then I'll buy some food when I come back. We'll have a good lunch at noon!"

Soon, Gao Yan came to Aunt Chen's house.

But Aunt Chen was not there, only her two daughters-in-law were there, so Gao Yan left the wedding candy and left.

Then I went to the street office to distribute wedding candy and went straight to the vegetable market.

Pork is naturally unavailable.

Originally, he planned to get some game from Minecraft, but he didn't expect to meet someone buying chicken in the market.

So, without saying a word, he bought an old hen and spent 1.2 yuan.


Gao Yan bought several catties of potatoes, two cabbages and two green vegetables and carried them back to the yard.

arrive home.

Li Mengyao has already steamed the wowotou.

Seeing the old hen in Gao Yan's hand, Li Mengya swallowed her saliva in disappointment.

"Meng Yao, can you cook?"

Gao Yan asked.

"I will!" Li Mengyao nodded repeatedly.

"That's fine, I'll leave the cooking to you!"

Gao Yan was not polite either. Although Li Mengyao was a beautiful woman, he did not intend to make offerings like a princess, unlike the dog-licking hero in some eras who married a beautiful wife and immediately made offerings as a princess.

It also aroused the envy of the surrounding neighbors.

Only those who are rooted in this era know that if a woman can't cook and do housework, she will be pointed at by others.

Still envious, in the eyes of the neighbors, they will only say that your daughter-in-law is not virtuous at all.

And in this day and age, reputation matters.

Therefore, Gao Yan can give Li Mengyao and Li Mengya a good life, but will not spoil them.

The hands and feet of the two sisters are still very agile.

Soon, the old hen was dealt with.

While handling the old hens, the aunts and daughter-in-laws in the courtyard also came to watch, and they all praised Li Mengyao's swift hands and feet.

This made Li Mengyao quite happy, and felt that she was also a useful person!

Seeing Li Mengyao's busy figure.

Gao Yan nodded in satisfaction.

"Mengyao, this is my secret seasoning, you can put some in it when cooking!"

Gao Yan walked to the stove, pointed to a small bottle and said.

"Okay Brother Wei, I understand!"

Li Mengyao's cooking skills are already good, and with the addition of super seasoning, the smell of roasted chicken nuggets with potatoes instantly wafted across the courtyard.

It made those aunts and daughter-in-laws swallow their saliva one after another.

the meal.

All three were very satisfied.

After dinner, Gao Yan found out the fishing rod at home and said to the two sisters, "Let's go fishing!"

So, a team of one or two set off.

Gao Yan is 1.8 meters tall, Li Mengyao is only 1.6 meters tall, and only 12-year-old Li Mengya is even shorter, only 1.4 meters.

half an hour later.

The three of them came to the river without haste.

Gao Yan took a small hoe to dig earthworms, but in fact he got dozens of earthworms from Minecraft.

The earthworms in Minecraft are nourished by Spiritual Qi, which is definitely more attractive to fish to take the bait.

As expected, Gao Yan did not expect it.

After less than five minutes of fishing, Gao Yan caught a carp weighing more than three catties.

"Brother-in-law is amazing!"

Seeing this scene, Li Mengya couldn't help but praise happily.

Now there is not only a shortage of food, but also a shortage of meat.

Therefore, there are many sincere people who come to the river to fish.

There are more people fishing, and the fish have learned to be smart. Therefore, some people may not be able to catch a fish even if they sit by the river for a day.

Only a few minutes after Gao Yan came, he caught a fish. For a while, all the anglers around showed envious eyes!

Next half hour.

Gao Yan caught another five fish in succession, three carp and two crucian carp!

Those who didn't catch any fish simply ran to Gao Yan's side to watch him fish.

Another twenty minutes passed.

Gao Yan caught another seven or eight fish, but the bucket he brought couldn't hold it anymore.

So, Gao Yan also accepts as soon as he sees it, and leaves with the two sisters.

Before leaving, however, he distributed the remaining worms to those who watched him fish.

After he left.

Those who used Gao Yan earthworms actually got a harvest, and suddenly realized that the young man's earthworms are probably not ordinary!

so many fish.

The three of Gao Yan couldn't finish eating.

Therefore, Gao Yan simply kept only four, and the rest were distributed to the needy families in the courtyard.

Of course, people don't want it for nothing.

Gao Yan sent them fish and they sent back something!

that night.

The whole courtyard has the fragrance of fish and meat.

after dinner.

Li Mengyao came to Gao Yan with a basin: "Brother Wei Guo, I'll wash your feet!"

"Tsk tsk!"

This daughter-in-law did not marry unjustly. In another world, I had several girlfriends, but none of them washed their feet.

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