I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 658 New Channel (One Update)

The time passed in a blink of an eye to the next morning.

The silent courtyard suddenly came alive.

All kinds of voices come together to form the poems of Life.

After eating the breakfast made by Li Mengyao, Gao Yan also left the house and headed towards the rolling mill. Of course, in order to supplement the nutrition of the two sisters, each of them had a boiled egg for breakfast.

Today, Master Wang Jiangang taught some methods of making Gao Yan second-level artifacts.

Finding that Gao Yan can master it very quickly, he praised him again.

When eating lunch.

Gao Yan heard a news that there will be movies in the factory at night.

Gao Yan is naturally not interested in movies of this era, but thinking that the Li Mengyao sisters should like them, he decided to take them to the movies at night.

Sure enough, when I returned home in the evening, I told the two sisters that there would be a movie in the evening, and the two sisters were very interested.

"Brother-in-law, can we go and see?"

Li Mengya said eagerly.

"Of course, after dinner, I'll take you there. By the way, Mengyao, cut up this braised pork head!"

Gao Yan took out a piece of wrapped braised pork head from his pocket and handed it to Li Mengyao.

Cooking pork smells too much, so Gao Yan took the time to enter my world and asked the villagers of Yuhe Village to help make a batch of braised pork and store it in the mustard space.

This will allow the daughter-in-law and sister-in-law to supplement nutrition without letting everyone know.

Because they were worried about watching movies, the two sisters ate faster.

After the meal, Gao Yan took them to the rolling mill!

There is an extreme lack of entertainment these days. Gao Yan and the others are considered to be early, but there are more people who came earlier than them.

Therefore, except for the seat reserved for the leader, all other seats were taken.

Fortunately, Gao Yan was prepared and brought his own stool!

"Wei Guo, this is your daughter-in-law, she's so handsome!"

"Ha, your daughter-in-law is also pretty!"

"Weiguo heard that you are married, you really have good eyesight!"


Gao Yan is very popular in the factory, so many people came to say hello.

Today's movie is "Tunnel Warfare".

Gao Yan took out two handfuls of melon seeds from the mustard space and stuffed them to the Li Mengyao sisters, letting them eat the melon seeds while watching.

However, before they were halfway through, they were attracted by the plot, their eyes fixed on the screen, and even their expressions were full of tension.

Gao Yan originally came with the two sisters, and was not interested in this old-fashioned plot, so he immersed himself in my world to watch the situation inside.

After more than an hour.

The movie ended and everyone started to exit.

Because they were worried that the Li Mengyao and sisters would be scattered by the crowd, they held each other.

The young Li Mengya didn't feel anything, but Li Mengyao blushed a little.

arrive home.

Li Mengyao first asked Li Mengya to wash and go back to her room to sleep, and then she put the basin under Gao Yan's feet to help him wash his feet.

After the two of them washed their feet.

Just undress and go to bed.

This time, Li Mengyao took the initiative to get into Gao Yan's arms, put her face on Gao Yan's chest, and put her hands around his waist tightly: "Brother Wei Guo, I am so happy now, it feels like a dream!"

"What is this little happiness now, I will make you happier in the future!"

Gao Yan kissed Li Mengyao's lips.

It was just scratching the surface, but Li Mengyao was not satisfied, and took the initiative to join in.

Immediately, the two kissed again.

Deep in love, Li Mengyao whispered: "Brother Wei, take me!"

"Not urgent!"

Gao Yan hugged Li Mengyao's body with pity: "We will enter the bridal chamber after we finish decorating the house!"

"Well, I listen to you!"


In the early hours of the morning, just like last night, after Li Mengyao's black sweet blood brushed over her and made her fall into a deep sleep, Gao Yan put on her clothes and left the courtyard quietly!

In today's capital city, there are five black markets in total.

Gao Yan first went to the black market where he was ambushed last night. His spiritual perception was activated, and there were still people ambushing him, but the number of people was only one-third of that of last night.

So, he turned directly to Chaoyang Gate.

Also activates spiritual perception.


Gao Yan was speechless, because he found out that there were people ambushing people in this black market.

Guess he found out about selling Steamed buns here last night.

If it is not bad, there are probably people ambushing in the other three black markets!

Eyes of insight open.

Quickly advancing around, soon, the situation of the other three black markets fell into his eyes.

Still as he expected, there were people ambushing in the other three black markets!

"Hey, is it so difficult to start a business these days?"

Gao Yan was speechless.

Suddenly, his heart moved.

Since it cannot be sold on the black market, it is better to deliver it to your door.

As far as he knew, there were a group of old and young people from the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the capital.

This group of people is not short of money, but because of their composition, it is almost difficult to find a job.

No work, no bills.

Therefore, if they want to live well, they have to go to the black market.

In addition, there are also those big businessmen who are having a hard time. They still don't lack money, but they lack good Life supplies.

Think here.

Gao Yan used his eyes of insight to cover the current capital.


He found out those merchants and the old and young of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Then he ran to the nearest courtyard house!

This is a courtyard with two entrances.

Unlike the courtyard house where he lived, many decorations were removed and turned into a large courtyard.

This courtyard house is well preserved.

The rockery and flower beds are well preserved.

The furniture placed in the home is also made of precious wood.

Moreover, there is a basement under the courtyard, which stores a large amount of gold, silver, jewelry and various antiques.

Regardless of how rich this family is.

But there are not many Life supplies at home.

There are only two catties of white flour and more than ten catties of stick noodles in the kitchen cabinet.

However, ten catties of flour and a piece of bacon about two catties were hidden in the master's bedroom!

Gao Yan easily entered the courtyard.

And make noise on purpose.

Woke up a middle-aged couple in the bedroom.

But the other party was extremely timid, because a thief entered the house, even if he woke up, he pretended not to wake up, and only hoped that the thief would leave automatically after taking the things, so as not to hurt the old couple.

After waiting for five minutes, neither the couple showed any intention of getting up.

Gao Yan was speechless.

He simply turned on the light in the living room, and then shouted into the bedroom: "I know you've woken up, come out and talk!"

Hear Gao Yan's voice.

Guan Ziliang's expression changed drastically, but he finally put on his clothes and walked out of the bedroom.

"Which way are you a hero!"

Guan Ziliang pretended to be calm and asked!

"I'm neither a robber nor a thief, I'm here to do business with you!" Gao Yan said with a smile.

"Business?" Guan Ziliang sneered in his heart: "Daddy believes in your evil!"

But he said in his mouth: "What business do you plan to do with me first, sir?"

"Have you heard of nutritious flour?"

Gao Yan asked.

Guan Ziliang's face changed slightly: "Could it be possible that your Excellency wants to do business with me on nutritional flour?"


Gao Yan nodded: "One tael of my nutritious flour can satisfy an adult's nutrition for a day without feeling hungry. Just the two of you, buying 20 catties is enough for you to eat for several months, and you don't feel hungry at all. conspicuous!"

While talking, Gao Yan took out a 20-jin bag of flour and put it on the table.

See this scene.

Guan Ziliang's eyes narrowed suddenly.

Because he didn't find out where Gao Yan got the flour from!

"This bag is 20 catties, three yuan per catty, just give me 60 yuan, no ticket!"

It was obvious that it was forced to buy and sell, and Gao Yan deliberately showed his hand, Guan Ziliang did not dare to refuse, and said that he would immediately go to the bedroom to withdraw money!

After 60 yuan in hand.

Gao Yan said again: "I also have nutritious beef here, eat one or two, it can meet your meat nutrition needs for ten days, and during this period, you will not be greedy for meat, 5 yuan a catty, I have eight catties here, eat it If you can’t finish it, you can make it into dry beef, and if you are greedy, you can take it out and eat it, and it won’t arouse suspicion from others, should you buy it?”


Regardless of whether it is true or not, let's get rid of this evil spirit first.

Therefore, Guan Ziliang paid another 40 yuan to Gao Yan, and Gao Yan still took out 8 catties of beef and put them on the table!

"Happy cooperation!"

Gao Yan smiled and said: "Mr. Guan, you can disclose our transaction to the same people as you. If you need it, just put a stone on the rockery in your yard. That night, I will come to your house to trade with you." !"

As soon as the words fell, Gao Yan disappeared on the chair in the living room.

But Guan Ziliang's legs gave way, and he almost fell to the ground.

arrive home.

Gao Yan glanced at the sub-interface, and the income increased by 100 yuan.

As long as he gets through the market of this group of old and young in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he should be able to accumulate enough 100,000 yuan in no time!

Three o'clock in the morning.

Wang Qiang, who led the team in an ambush in the black market, once again announced the withdrawal of the team. He worked all night in vain tonight without any gains.

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