I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 675 Civilized Courtyard (Third)

In the evening, the cafeteria opened a small kitchen for the security department, and what was rare was that there was also a meat dish, although it was just some minced meat.

But it still made everyone happy.

For a moment, Gao Yan thought to himself, these days, people's happiness is so simple.

If an ordinary family is randomly twisted from modern times, their food and clothing will be better than the director of a rolling mill.

It is not a problem for ordinary families to eat meat every day, not to mention eating meat once a day, but it is not bad for the current factory manager to eat meat every three to five days.

Especially in this famine era, the supply of meat is difficult, and the factory manager can eat meat two or three times a month, which is not bad!

Had dinner.

Gao Yan went back to the office to recharge his batteries.

It was not the first time for the Security Section to participate in such a mopping up operation, so there was nothing to be nervous about!

Time passed, and it was early morning.

There was a rapid ringing of the phone in the security department.

After receiving the order, the chief of the security department gave an order, and the three brigades took a large truck and set off in the direction of the three black markets.

The third group that Gao Yan was in went to the Shichahai black market.

Near the black market.

The big truck stopped, and Zhao Dong ordered everyone to wait in the car.

He then went down to contact the street office and the police station.

not for a while.

Zhao Dong came back and said to everyone: "We will act in half an hour. I will assign a task. I will personally lead a group of people into the black market to arrest people. Gao Weiguo will lead people to block the exits. Beware of those who slip through the net!"

"It's the captain, guarantee to complete the task!"

Gao Yan responded immediately.

Afterwards, Zhao Dong took out some red armbands for everyone to wear on their arms.

Soon, the appointed time arrives, and the mopping up operation officially begins!

Zhao Dong led people to rush towards the black market in cooperation with the people from the street office and the police station.

Gao Yan divided the people under his command into four groups and stationed at four intersections respectively.

He was stationed alone at an intersection.

To be honest, he was not enthusiastic about this sweeping operation, nor did he intend to make any contribution.

However, he also turned on his spiritual perception with great interest to watch this sweeping operation.

With the three parties rushing into the black market.

Suddenly, the black market fell into a state of chaos.

Whether it was the seller or the buyer, they all fled around in panic.

And the raiders mainly arrest the sellers. As for the buyers, they are ordinary people. Even if they are caught, they will be educated and fined at most.


Some people escaped from the black market and fled towards various intersections.

Then I met the guards stationed there.

Some were caught, and some boldly ignored warnings and fled. Although the security guards were carrying guns, they did not shoot. After all, their family members or themselves have been to the black market, so there is no need to do things like this Absolutely.

As for the intersection where Gao Yan was stationed, there was also a group of people running towards this side.

"Don't run, all squat down for me!"

Gao Yan shouted sharply.

In fact, Gao Yan was just putting on a show, intending to arrest the two for a symbolic business trip.

But there are some people who don't open their eyes.

"He's alone, let's go!"

shouted a strong man with his face covered.

Immediately, the crowd became courageous and charged directly in the direction of Gao Yan, intending to use the strength of the crowd to knock him to the ground.

Especially when the strong man shouting was approaching Gao Yan, he punched him in the face.

"court death!"

Gao Yan was speechless, raised his leg and kicked, kicking the tall and strong body of the opponent away, and smashed on the bodies of the two accomplices behind him.

When the others saw this, they didn't care about the three strong men, and they all ran away.

With these three people working together, Gao Yan is not going to arrest others.


With a "plop", a woman with a scarf covering her face fell directly at his feet, and at the same time, a few eggs she held in her hand also shattered.

"I said, this is not a festival, you don't have to give me a big gift!"

Seeing this, Gao Yan couldn't help being amused, and stretched out his hand to help him up, jokingly said.

at this time.

The three strong men actually wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

Gao Yan's figure flashed, and the knife in his hand fell, and the three of them fainted immediately.

Looking back, the woman was still standing there, seeming to be sobbing.

"Why don't you go, do you want me to pay you eggs?"

It's okay not to mention this matter, but when this matter was mentioned, the woman burst into tears and said that her mother had just recovered from a serious illness and was in need of nutrition. Unexpectedly, it all fell apart!

"Okay, don't cry, take these eggs back to supplement your mother's nutrition!"

Gao Yan took out a few eggs and handed them to the woman.

Immediately, the woman stopped crying and said gratefully: "Dage, you are a good person, thank you!"

"Okay, hurry up, or I'll arrest you!"

Gao Yan urged impatiently.

"Dage, what's your name and where do you live?"

"Why, are you going to come to revenge on me?"

"No, I want to return it to you when I have eggs!"

"Okay, hurry up, or the other red armbands will come, and if you want to leave, I won't be able to let you go!"

"Dage, you are a good man, thank you!"

The woman bowed deeply to Gao Yan, and then quickly left with the egg!

Gao Yan could see the real appearance of the woman under the scarf no matter whether he used his insight or spiritual perception, but he didn't do that. However, listening to the voice, the woman was not very old, and her figure was quite good!

The sweep is over.

Gao Yan took the three strong men back to the business.

Hu Shengli and Jia Xiaodong teamed up to catch four, and the other three groups were similar, and they all gained.

After handing over the arrested people to the street office and the police station.

Even if the task of the security department is completed, they will return to the factory in a large truck, and then return to their respective houses.

Because I worked overtime last night.

No need to go to work in the morning.

Therefore, after breakfast, Gao Yan heard the compound talking about last night's raid on the black market, and heard that an unlucky ghost in the compound next door had been arrested.

People in several nearby compounds were also arrested one after another.

At the same time, everyone was a little lucky, fortunately, the stewards of the three courtyards let them sleep at home honestly last night.

Otherwise, it is estimated that someone will be arrested in their compound!

Although this incident was reminded by Gao Yan.

But the smart Chen Dajiang didn't mention Gao Yan.

It's not that he wants to take the credit and sell everyone a favor.

That was Gao Yan who was the law enforcer last night. If he leaked the news in advance and spread it to the factory, he would be punished.

nine in the morning.

Director Wang from the sub-district office came to the courtyard and praised everyone, saying that no one in their compound was arrested in the nearby area, and announced that as long as there are no problems in the courtyard in the next few months, the Civilization University at the end of the year Court appraisal, there must be their compound.

Being rated on the Civilized Courtyard is not only an honor, but also rewards.

Although there are not many rewards, everyone can share some.

Had lunch.

Gao Yan leisurely came to the rolling mill. After arranging work, he returned to the office to make tea and read the newspaper.

about an hour.

He and Zhao Dong were called to the section chief's office.

Xu Dali praised their third brigade. At the same time, he said that this joint operation was relatively successful, and a lot of things were seized, and the rolling mill would also be assigned a group.

Naturally, the security department is indispensable.

When you get off work in the afternoon, you can go to the logistics side to receive rewards!

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