I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 683: Zhao Yuzhong Was Targeted (Third Watch)

After the two film policemen left, the three officers in charge also dismissed the spectators.

"The person who reported my brother-in-law is really damn it. If you let me know who it is, I will scold him to death!" Li Mengya blushed and said angrily.

"Okay, after I get the man out, I'll send Mengya to scold him!" Gao Yan smiled and rubbed Li Mengya's head, jokingly said.

At night, while sleeping.

Li Mengyao lay in Gao Yan's arms: "Husband, why don't we take the bicycle and watch back?"

"Silly daughter-in-law, you can't get this item back after you buy it!" Gao Yan said, "You don't have to worry, the money and tickets we bought came in a dignified way, even if someone is jealous, they can't help us!"

After comforting her daughter-in-law, Li Mengyao took the initiative to greet her, and Gao Yan naturally would not be polite.

next morning.

When Gao Yan came to the factory, he first reported to Xu Dali before returning to his office.

"Wei Guo, you did a good job this time, and the branch factory even called our section chief to praise you!" Zhao Dongyu said enviously.

"Really?" Gao Yan smiled: "Did sister-in-law give birth?"

Zhao Dong smiled and said, "Hurry up, it's just a matter of these two days."

"Then congratulations!"

Before I knew it, it was noon.

Instead of going to the nearest canteen, Gao Yan went to the No. 2 canteen where Ma Weimin lived. It happened that Ma Weimin was eating at the window, so he directly rewarded him with a bad luck charm.

"What do you eat?"

Ma Weimin casually asked the worker who was cooking.

"Two corn buns, one potato!"


After receiving the ticket, Ma Weimin turned around and threw the ticket into the box, but when he turned around, his foot suddenly slipped, and he subconsciously grabbed the table where the vegetable bowl was placed.

Unexpectedly, he caught the vegetable pot, and then a large pot of potatoes overturned and hit his head, scalding Ma Weimin and screaming.

Seeing this, the apprentice who was doing vegetables next to him quickly put down the spoon in his hand and came to help him.

But he didn't expect to step on the spilled potatoes and slip under his feet, and then his knee slammed into Ma Weimin's face, causing him to scream again!

Next, Ma Weimin seemed to be possessed by a god of decline, with all kinds of bad luck.

It was so frightening that no one else dared to approach him easily.

It is estimated that without a month or two of training, his injury will never heal.

As for Ma Weimin, who was lying on the hospital bed, he felt extremely regretful. He knew that Gao Weiguo couldn't be provoked, and he would definitely be unlucky after being provoked.

But yesterday, seeing Gao Weiguo bought a bicycle and a watch for his wife, he became jealous and ran to report him.

Then nothing happened for a night, and he thought it was over.

I didn't expect that.

Retribution was postponed until noon.

"I'll provoke that Gao Weiguo again in the future, I'm just a dog!"

Ma Weimin shouted silently in his heart.

go home at night.

Sun Yugui stopped Gao Yan: "Weiguo, Ma Weimin was seriously injured. The three of us in charge are going to choose a few people to visit him in the hospital. Will you go?"

"I won't go. In this case, I will give you one dollar, and Uncle Sun will help me buy something for him!" Gao Yan said, taking out one dollar and giving it to Sun Yugui.

"Guo Wei is really righteous!"

Holding the money, Sun Yugui sighed in his heart, he knew that Gao Weiguo was a smart man, and he specially ordered him yesterday, so probably he already knew that it was Ma Weimin who reported it, even so, he gave him a dollar without hesitation!

In terms of personality, there is nothing to say!

If Gao Yan knew what Sun Yugui was thinking at the moment, he would probably be laughing. I'm being generous, what an international joke.

Had dinner.

Gao Yan rode out to Zhao Jingchu's house again.

"High Dage, come in!"

Seeing Gao Yan coming, Zhao Jingchu couldn't help showing a look of joy on her face.

Perhaps it was the white flour and bacon he supported, after a few days, Zhao Jingchu's complexion looked a lot better.

"I won't go in, you take these things!"

Gao Yan took off the two bags on the bicycle faucet and stuffed them to each other.

"Gao Dage, my family already owes you a lot, how dare I ask for your things again!" Zhao Jingchu said emotionally.

"It's okay, you already called me Dage, I should take care of the girls, take it!"


"Why, you treat me as an outsider?" Gao Yan's expression darkened.

Hearing this, Zhao Jingchu panicked, and quickly explained: "Gao Dage, don't get me wrong, I don't treat you as an outsider."

"Since you are not an outsider, then quickly accept it!"

A smile appeared on Gao Yan's face again.

Seeing this, Zhao Jingchu didn't understand that Gao Yan did this on purpose, just to make her accept the things.

"High Dage, thank you!"

"You're welcome, by the way, was the candy delicious last time?"

"Well, delicious!"

"Then give you another hand!"

While talking, Gao Yan took out a handful of candy from his pocket and stuffed it to Zhao Jingchu, then waved to her: "I'm leaving!"

"Be careful when you ride on the road!"

Watching Gao Yan's back completely disappear, Zhao Jingchu closed the courtyard door again before returning to the house with the ten catties of white noodles and five catties of bacon sent by Gao Yan.

Mother Zhao, who was cooking, looked at the bag in her daughter's hand and asked with a complicated expression: "It was sent by Gao Weiguo!"

"Yes mom!"

"How much do you know about him?"

Mother Zhao asked.

"I only know that he is the deputy captain of the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill!"

Zhao's mother was silent, thinking of ways to find out the details of Gao Weiguo, so that her daughter would not be deceived.

Early that night.

Gao Yan checks on time to see if Guan Ziliang and Zhao Yuzhong's house releases a transaction signal.

Guan Ziliang didn't have it, but Zhao Yuzhong lit candles in his study.


Four people were dormant outside Zhao Yuzhong's bungalow.

After using the insight eye to investigate.

The identities of the four were also revealed.

These four are all official people, and they are also masters.

But they are not Practitioners.

All of them have more than 80 points in physique, but what they have mastered are fighting skills and fighting skills.

It has been a while since Gao Yan came to this world.

But strangely, he found that there is no Practitioner in this world.

There are also people who practice martial arts, but, martial arts in this world is just a kind of fighting technique, and there is no such thing as bright energy, dark energy, or transformation energy!

Therefore, Gao Yan speculates that there is no Transcendent in this parallel world.

Now that he saw these four people, he confirmed his guess, because these four people are all masters, and their physiques have all reached the level of dark energy, but they haven't cultivated dark energy, and they don't even have bright energy Completion!

They can defeat the Mingjin Practitioner, but they are no match for the Anjin Practitioner.

The kidney invigorating medicinal wine he sold to Zhao Yuzhong was too miraculous.

Thunderstorms are a matter of time.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for him to have a big insider guarding him.


Gao Yan's heart skipped a beat.

Perhaps, he can get in touch with the countries of this world.

Because he has replaced the production items in the void factory with nutritious flour, chainless bicycles and perpetual electronic watches.

This kind of thing is too ostentatious.

Even if someone bought it, they probably wouldn't dare to use it.

So, he can cooperate with the official!

Think here.

Gao Yan got dressed and quietly left the courtyard.

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