I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 692: A New Hunting Ground (3Rd)

On the way to Huangshan Village, everyone is cheerful.

After coming to the village.

The village has long been ready.

Gao Yan didn't hesitate, and led everyone into the mountain together.

He planned to change the land after coming to Huangjia Village two more times. After all, the adult wild boars in this mountain forest had been hunted and killed by him.

You can't fish in a dry marsh.

Wait until those semi-big wild boars and small wild boars are adults before hunting.

This time, Gao Yan also used the insight eye to target the adult wild boar, and then went straight away.

So, at eleven o'clock in the morning, everyone returned with four adult wild boars.

On the way back, Gao Yan also shot some pheasants and hares!

Back in the village, the village head took people to deal with the wild boar.

He took people to cast nets to catch fish.

It's a pity that the fish in this river section of the village are limited, even if he uses the water of the Ling River to attract fish, he can only catch nearly 400 catties in the end!

But in the end, Gao Yan still gave the village 100 catties of fish, and the pheasants and hares also returned to the village.

As for the four treated wild boars, they were all brought back to the factory.

Because it was past lunch time when we got back to the factory.

He also specially opened a small stove for the five of them.

after dinner.

Gao Yan strolled to Xu Dali's office.

"Is something wrong with you kid?"

Xu Dali asked with a smile.

"The wild boars in Huangjia Village are almost killed. I plan to change places in two days. Does the section chief have any good places to recommend to me?"

Gao Yan asked.

Xu Dali thought for a while: "There is a large forest near Chenjiagou, which is suitable for hunting. However, there are tigers and wolves in that forest, and the danger is high. Although our factory is short of meat, don't take risks."

"Thank you section chief for your concern, I will consider it!"

"Okay, I'd rather hunt less prey than take risks in Chenjiagou!"

Xu Dali reminded again.

Gao Yan nodded and left Xu Dali's office!

Anyway, now that the hunting team had no more tasks, Gao Yan skipped work and went back to the courtyard.

It was discovered that Li Mengyao was making shoes for him.

During this period of time, I have been running in the mountains, and it is more expensive to wear shoes.

Gao Yan also didn't say that there is no need to do anything. If he goes to buy shoes, making shoes for him is also the wish of his wife, and he will not refuse.

Besides, she doesn't go to work, if she is too busy, she will get sick.

"Daughter-in-law has worked hard, come and eat some candy!"

Gao Yan stuffed a peeled candy into Li Mengyao's mouth.

"Thanks husband!"

Li Mengyao smiled charmingly at him, Gao Yan's heart felt hot when he saw that expression.

After being nourished by him, Li Mengyao is now more and more attractive, especially the temperament of a good wife and mother in her is easy to be addicted to.

You know, the young people in the courtyard don't dare to look at Li Mengyao too much.

If it were her person, it is estimated that those aunts and daughters-in-law would have to call her Fox Spirit behind her back.

But she is Gao Yan's daughter-in-law.

Everyone has received a lot of favors from him, so no one dares to speak ill of Li Mengyao even in private.

"Husband, don't make trouble, they are making shoes!"

Feeling Gao Yan sticking up from behind, Li Mengyao also felt itchy.

"Daughter-in-law, let me tell you something."


"My colleague invited me out for dinner tonight, so I won't come back to eat."

"I see, then don't drink too much!"

"I listen to you, is there any reward?"

Li Mengyao peeked outside the door and found no one was paying attention, so she turned around and kissed the corner of Gao Yan's mouth.

But before she left, Gao Yan took the opportunity to catch up.

After a deep kiss.

Li Mengyao's cheeks were flushed, and her body was limp and paralyzed in Gao Yan's arms.


Gao Yan smiled and didn't play tricks again.

After a while, he said: "I will go back to the factory first."

The place where the four of Jia Xiaodong treated guests to dinner was a restaurant near the rolling mill.

There is no such thing as a customer being God these days.

The money and tickets are given first, and then the food is served.

The four of them spent a lot of money for this treat, and actually prepared four meat dishes.

"Captain, thank you for your care, we offer you a toast!"

All four raised their glasses together.

"Okay, this is not in the factory, don't call me Captain, you can call me Brother Gao or Weiguo!" Gao Yan said with a smile, and then raised his wine glass to touch them.

Everyone ate this meal quite satisfactorily. The five of them drank two catties of white wine together, so they were not so drunk, they were all in a slightly tipsy state!

As for Gao Yan, this little wine is nothing to him!

In a blink of an eye.

Another two days passed.

Gao Yan hunted five adult wild boars the day before yesterday, and the number reached six yesterday.

Today, he was going to change places and took the hunting team to Chenjiagou.

Chenjiagou is more than 80 kilometers away from the capital.

The hunting party set off at eight o'clock.

It was almost 10 o'clock when we arrived in Chenjiagou.

The main reason is that the more than 20 kilometers of road near Chenjiagou is extremely difficult to walk with potholes. Fortunately, Gao Yan's driving technology is good. If it is another driver, it will take at least half an hour to get there!

As usual.

Gao Yan and the others first found the village committee of Chenjiagou.

After some negotiations.

The village head of Chenjiagou sent five villagers and two village hunters into the mountain together.

The five villagers did not speak.

But those two hunters are both skilled, with a steady and powerful foot, steady and even breathing, and extraordinarily sharp eyes.

Out of curiosity, Gao Yan used the vision eye.

The physique of these two hunters is over 75 points, but not 80.

Moreover, they are all trainers, and they practice the relatively vigorous Bajiquan.

After communication, the older hunter is called Chen Lin, and the younger one is called Chen Chao. They are uncles and nephews.

"You all practice Bajiquan, right?"

Gao Yan asked with a smile.

Both Chen Lin and Chen Chao looked at Gao Yan in surprise.

"Captain Gao is also Lian's son?"


Gao Yan nodded.

"Then can we compete!"

Chen Chao said excitedly, his kung fu has already surpassed the blue, better than his second uncle, and he has no rival in the whole Chenjiagou!


Chen Lin glared at Chen Chao with his eyes, and then said to Gao Yan: "Captain Gao, my nephew likes to compete with others, I hope you don't care about him!"

"It's okay, Old Chen!"

Gao Yan smiled gently: "Well, when we come back from hunting, let's have a fight!"

"That's a good feeling!"

Chen Chao said hastily.

After entering the mountain forest, Gao Yan opened his eyes of insight, and within a breath, the entire mountain forest appeared in front of his eyes.

As Xu Dali said, this mountain forest is indeed quite dangerous.

There are not only tigers, but also wolves. In addition, Gao Yan also found traces of leopards.

There are five tigers, one male, one female, and three cubs.

The size of the wolves is not small, there are hundreds of them.

Of course, danger is danger, and there are many prey.

There are more than 300 adult wild boars alone, and even if 5 are hunted every day, they can continue hunting for 60 days.

In addition, there are also a lot of pheasants, hares and roe deer.

However, this forest is much larger than the one in Huangjia Village.

The terrain is also more complicated. If it is an ordinary person who comes in, even if there are more prey, it will be more difficult to get a big harvest.

Perhaps it is the reason why few people come here to hunt.

The prey here are not very alert.

"Bang bang bang!"

Gao Yan fired three shots in a row, and the three pheasants hiding in the grass were shot in the head before they had time to spread their wings.

Jia Xiaodong rushed out quickly and picked up the three pheasants.

"Good marksmanship!"

Chen Lin couldn't help praising that, separated by more than 100 meters, the three pheasants were all headshot, the accuracy is too strong.

Gao Yan smiled.

After that, both Chen Lin and Chen Chao were deeply impressed by Gao Yan's marksmanship.

Because they were still chatting at the last moment, at the next moment, Gao Yan raised his gun at random and shot pheasants or hares tens or hundreds of meters away.

No matter how many prey it was, none of them escaped its gun.

Just half an hour down.

Gao Yan has already killed fifteen pheasants and more than twenty hares.

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