I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 716 Doctor Gu (Part 1)

The next afternoon, Gao Yan came to a courtyard.

"Who are you looking for?"

The door was opened by a middle-aged man reeking of alcohol.

"Is it convenient for me to come and see the room?"

Gao Yan asked.

"Come in!" The other party glanced at Gao Yan lightly, turned around and left: "Remember to close the door."

Gao Yan didn't take it seriously, and closed the courtyard door casually. When Guan Ziliang was helping him find the house, he even found out the situation of the owner of the house.

This drunken man was a doctor. He was reported and expelled from the hospital because he took benefits from patients.

But in fact, there is something inside this.

To put it simply, the little patient's grandmother forcibly stuffed the red envelope into Dr. Gu. At first, he didn't intend to accept it. After all, his salary is still good.

But the little patient's grandma insisted on giving it. In desperation, Dr. Gu accepted the red envelope containing two yuan.

After receiving the red envelope, Dr. Gu also tried his best to treat the little patient, and also tried to save them a lot of medicine money.

As a result, something interesting happened.

After the little patient appeared, the other party's father appeared and approached Dr. Shanggu, threatening him to double return the red envelope, otherwise he would report him to receive benefits.

This made Dr. Gu very angry.

But I was also worried that the matter would make too much trouble, so I refunded the other party four yuan as requested by the other party.

But the little patient's father is not a good guy, but a street slut who likes to gamble and drink. Maybe he saw Dr. Gu being bully, so he came to ask for money one after another.

After going down several times in a row, Dr. Gu knew that it would not be the same thing if he went on like this, so he rejected the other party's unreasonable request.

Originally, Dr. Gu thought that since he had returned the red envelope, the other party could not do anything to him.

As a result, the street sneaker father actually brought a large group of people to the hospital to make trouble, and publicized the fact that Dr. Gu received benefits in public.

Doctor Gu, who knew about this, was furious and couldn't hold back his hands.

The street slipper took advantage of the situation and lay down there, and directly blackmailed Dr. Gu.

In the end, Dr. Gu not only lost a sum of money, but was also expelled from the hospital.

These days, everyone pays attention to reputation.

Dr. Gu's reputation has been ruined by others, so after being fired, it is almost impossible for him to find a new job in the capital.

Even once you walk out of the house, you will be pointed at.

For a while, Dr. Gu could only drink away his worries, and finally came up with the plan to sell the real estate left by his ancestors and leave the capital!

When Gao Yan visited the house.

Dr. Gu drank by himself in the wing room.

After visiting the house, Gao Yan stepped into the wing room and said, "Doctor Gu, I am quite satisfied with your house. Will you sell it?"

"Sell!" Dr. Gu said with certainty.

"2000 yuan, right?"


"Okay, let's sign the contract!"

Of course, what he signed was not a house purchase agreement, but a loan mortgage agreement. Dr. Gu borrowed 2,000 yuan from Gao Yan and repaid it within half a year.

After signing the agreement, Gao Yan handed over 2,000 yuan to Dr. Gu.

The other party didn't count the money, but just glanced roughly, and said: "I will leave the capital in three days, and you will take over the house in three days. If you really can't wait, you can come to take over the house tomorrow!"

"Doctor Gu, did you leave in such a disgruntled manner?"

Gao Yan said suddenly.

Immediately, Doctor Gu's expression changed, and he stared at Gao Yan: "What do you mean?"

"That street swindler has hurt you so badly, don't you want to take revenge on him, if you want to take revenge on him, I can help you!" Gao Yan said.

For a moment, Dr. Gu was a little moved, but immediately he smiled wryly: "What can I do to take revenge on him? My reputation is already rotten. Is it possible that after taking revenge on him, my reputation will be restored!"

"What if I can help you restore your reputation and help you find a job?" Gao Yan said, the reason why he helped Dr. Gu was not a Madonna attack.

But Dr. Gu's medical ethics and skills are good.

He didn't want to see such a good doctor ruined.


Dr. Gu's gloomy eyes suddenly lit up, but then he looked at Gao Yan suspiciously: "Why did you help me?"

"Maybe I don't want to see such a good doctor like you depressed!"

"Then what do I need to pay?"

Doctor Gu asked again.

"You don't need to pay anything, just treat me as a good deed. If you believe me, just stay in the capital for a few more days. Anyway, there is no loss for you, don't you think?"

"Okay, then I'll stay for a few more days, and if things can't be done, don't force yourself!"

"That's fine, I'll take my leave first, and wait for my good news!"


Gao Yan found out that street sneaker.

Coincidentally, the other party actually gambled in a crude underground casino.

So, Gao Yan came near the underground casino, and hypnotized the street guy from a distance.

follow closely.

Gao Yan changed his appearance and ran to the nearby police station to report.

not for a while.

A group of police officers arrived at the underground casino and took him out.

During the interrogation process, Street Liaozi spoke out all the bad things he had done, including blackmail and blackmail, and caused Dr. Gu to lose his job.

The police these days are still very responsible.

So according to Jieliuzi's instructions, he sent people to the hospital where Dr. Gu worked to conduct a visit and investigation.

Finally the truth came out.

So, on the second day, the police escorted Jie Liuzi and the vice president of the hospital to Dr. Gu's house.

the next afternoon.

Gao Yan came to Dr. Gu's house again.

Compared with the day before, Dr. Gu's mental state has recovered a lot.

"Brother Wei, thank you!"

As soon as he saw Gao Yan, Dr. Gu said excitedly: "Thank you for helping me restore my reputation. How about it, I will give you this house. This is 2000 yuan, please take it back!"

"Doctor Gu, I'm not helping you because of your house!" Gao Yan waved his hand: "By the way, your reputation has been restored, will you go back to work in the hospital?"

"The deputy dean invited me back, but I declined!"

Dr. Gu shook his head. To be honest, he was still somewhat disappointed with the senior management of that hospital. In order not to affect the reputation of the hospital, he was dismissed hastily.

Suddenly, Gao Yan's heart moved, and he said, "Doctor Gu, how about I introduce you to a job?"


Doctor Gu agreed very happily.

"Red Star Steel Rolling Works knows that our factory has an infirmary, but the medical skills of the doctors in the infirmary are hard to describe in words. A good doctor like you is willing to join our factory. I believe that the leaders of our factory will wake up from their dreams!"

"That's fine, I'll wait for the good news from Brother Wei!"

"Then it's settled!"

the next day.

It was originally Gao Yan's rest time, but he still came to the factory and found Director Liu.

"Why are you here, you have something to do with me?"

Director Liu said with a smile.

"Director, let me recommend someone to work in the factory, do you want to?" Gao Yan said seriously.

"What kind of talent?"

Director Liu was a little curious.

Gao Yan said: "The other party was originally the chief doctor of the district hospital, and his medical skills were very good. Later, some misunderstandings occurred and he was fired by the district hospital.

But now, the misunderstanding has been cleared up. Although the district hospital asked him to go back to work, he didn't want to go back. So, I plan to take this opportunity to lure him to the infirmary of our rolling mill. I don't know what the factory manager thinks. "

When he heard that he was the chief doctor of the district hospital, Factory Manager Liu couldn't help being moved, but he felt that he should look down on the infirmary of the rolling mill, so he asked worriedly, "Will the other party come?"

Gao Yan pointedly said: "It depends on your sincerity, the factory manager. You know the level of doctors in our clinic. If Dr. Gu is hired, the overall level of our clinic will have to be improved a lot." cut!"

Director Liu is also aware of the level of doctors in the infirmary. They belong to the level where serious illnesses cannot be treated, and minor illnesses cannot be cured, so they just help the sick to open leave slips.

The factory also intends to improve the level of the infirmary, but it is really powerless.

First of all, there is insufficient funding.

Secondly, good doctors are hard to find. After all, those good doctors who are qualified have gone to work in the hospital.

Now that there is a huge opportunity in front of him, he will naturally not miss it.

"Come with me, let's discuss with Secretary Chen Shu!"

Director Liu picked up Gao Yan and headed for Secretary Chen's office.

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