I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 719: Yang Xueqi (Part 1)

The next day was another rest day.

As usual, I took my sister-in-law to go fishing after breakfast.

Then I went to Zhao Jingchu's side for a long time.

After returning in the afternoon, he and his sister-in-law made a sumptuous dinner together, waiting for the daughter-in-law to eat after get off work.

Just finished a meal.

Chen Manjun knocked on the door and asked him to hold a meeting of the whole hospital.

So, after the daughter-in-law cleaned up the dishes and cleaned up, Gao Yan took the two sisters out to hold a general meeting of the hospital.

The three stewards have all arrived and are sitting around a square table.

"Wei Guo, you sit down too!"

Suddenly, Chen Dajiang said to Gao Yan.

Xu Zehai and Zhou Yugui also spoke up one after another, inviting Gao Yan to sit with the three uncles.

But Gao Yan waved his hand: "I'll just sit here."

Seeing Gao Yan's insistence, the three elders in charge no longer insisted.

"Be quiet, the meeting is now officially opened!"

Chen Dajiang shouted loudly, Chen Dajiang is a seventh-level lathe worker, he is quite prestigious both in the factory and in the yard, in simple terms, he can live in the town.

"We called a meeting today, there are two things!"

Chen Dajiang said unhurriedly: "The first thing is, today the three of us in charge went to the street office. The annual selection of civilized courtyards has been announced. Our courtyard was successfully selected. Everyone yelled. chirp!"

Everyone felt honored when they heard that they had been selected into the Civilized Courtyard, and applauded vigorously.

"This is the pennant of the civilized compound, Yang Haijun!"


"Go and hang the pennant by the gate of the middle courtyard!"

Chen Dajiang took out the pennant rewarded by the street office and handed it to Yang Haijun.

As for why it wasn't hung outside the front courtyard door, it was because I was worried that people outside would take it, so it was safest to hang it beside the courtyard door of the middle courtyard.

After the pennant was hung, Chen Dajiang continued: "In addition to this pennant, the street office also rewarded 10 catties of white noodles, 20 catties of stick noodles and 5 catties of pork. The three of us have discussed with each other. These rewards are distributed by household. Everyone Any comments?"

In this regard, most people have no objection, only those with a large number of people have a little opinion in their hearts, because if they are divided according to the number of people, the family with a large number of people will definitely take advantage.

Chen Dajiang: "Since everyone has no objections, Uncle Sun will distribute things to everyone!"

Soon, these things will be allocated.

Xu Zehai said a few more words, the main content is to hope that everyone will continue to maintain, and strive to win the title of Civilized Courtyard again next year.

arrive home.

Gao Yan's family of three was going to listen to the radio for a while before going to sleep.

Suddenly, there was another knock on the door.

My sister-in-law went to open the door and found that it was Yang Haijun who came.

"Navy, are you okay?" Gao Yan asked.

"Brother Wei, I'm here to apprentice!"

Yang Haijun was holding two bottles of wine, a piece of bacon, and 2 taels of fresh pork and a piece of fish.

"Okay, I agree, but you take the things back, my family does not lack you!"

Gao Yan thought for a while and agreed.

"Master, please accept my apprentice's respect!"

Yang Haijun immediately fell to his knees and kowtowed three times to Gao Yan.

"Okay, our master-student status has been decided, so, the day after tomorrow morning, I will start teaching you how to practice martial arts!"

"Thank you Master!"

"Get up and take everything back!"

But Yang Haijun didn't want to, put the things on the table, and ran away.

See Gao Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Brother-in-law, what did Yang Haijun learn from you?" My sister-in-law asked curiously.

"Learn martial arts!"

Hearing that it was martial arts, Li Mengya's eyes lit up: "Can I learn it too?"

"As long as you are not afraid of suffering, learn together!"

"I'm not afraid of suffering!"

"Well, I'll teach you the morning after tomorrow!"

For the next period of time, nothing special happened in either the rolling mill or the courtyard house.

And Gao Yan's work Life has not changed much from usual.

The only way to teach Yang Haijun and Li Mengya to stand up is on the morning of the rest day.

Yang Haijun's comprehension is good, and he mastered the Zhuang Gong within two days.

Li Mengya is not as talented as Yang Haijun, but her foundation is good. After all, she has taken the primary constitution gene medicine liquid, and her constitution has already reached 80 points.

Therefore, her entry into martial arts training in the future is destined to exceed that of Yang Haijun.

The days go by like this!

The taste of the year is getting stronger and stronger.

Because the country cooperated with Gao Yan, he earned a lot of foreign currency and bought a lot of food and life supplies from overseas.

Therefore, in order to let everyone have a good year, in terms of materials, a gap was opened.

Even every household can purchase a catty of pork for free.

This made everyone very happy.

Therefore, in-hospital inpatients have started a large-scale procurement model.

I often see everyone carrying things home with big bags and small bags.

In order not to arouse everyone's suspicion.

Gao Yan also took his wife and sister-in-law to join in the purchasing action.

Today, the road was closed due to heavy snow.

Gao Yan did not take the hunting team to hunt, but stayed in the factory drinking tea and reading newspapers.


A middle-aged bald man arrived with a tall woman dressed in a foreign style and a woolen coat.

This middle-aged bald man is called Ou Dapeng, and he is the new deputy factory director, who took over Song's position as the original deputy factory director.

The original deputy factory director Song was transferred to another factory at the deputy department level to serve as the leader.

The new deputy factory director Ou is also quite capable. He has only been in the factory for more than a week, and he has completely established his foothold, and he has also brought a lot of orders to the factory.

However, the security department is not under his jurisdiction. In addition, Gao Yan either went hunting or rested at home, and had not formally contacted the other party yet.

"Comrade Wei Guo, I didn't bother you!"

Deputy Factory Director Ou said with a polite smile.


Gao Yan got up quickly: "Director Ou, please come in, by the way, who is this lesbian?"

Ou Dapeng quickly introduced: "Comrade Wei Guo, let me introduce you. This is Comrade Yang Xueqi, one of the pillars of our city's art troupe."

"Hello, Comrade Yang Xueqi!"

Gao Yan greeted each other with a smile.

But Yang Xueqi just said indifferently: "Hello!"

At this time, Ou Dapeng spoke again: "Comrade Wei Guo, Comrade Yang Xueqi has something to ask you for help. If you can, please comrade Wei Guo don't refuse. I still have something to do, so I won't bother you. You can talk slowly!"

Ou Dapeng came and went quickly!

At the same time, Gao Yan understood that this Yang Xueqi probably had quite a background, otherwise, Ou Dapeng would not have personally brought her here.

"Comrade Yang, let's sit down and talk!"

Gao Yan's eyes fell on Yang Xueqi again. She was around 15 or 16 years old, and she was still pretty. After checking her identity information with insight, Gao Yan knew her identity.

No wonder Ou Dapeng wanted to send her here in person. The other party's background is indeed not small, because her father is a big leader in the city.

"Gao Weiguo, I heard that you are good at writing songs, I want you to help me write some songs too!"

Yang Xueqi said in a bossy tone.

She is also considered an old man in the art troupe. Two years ago, she sang a popular song, and she also sang a few songs later, but the effect was not very good.

Until recently, she discovered that a new member of the art troupe actually sang two popular songs in succession, and both were even more popular than the song she sang before.

This made her feel rather uncomfortable.

After some inquiries, she found out that the other party hired a worker from a rolling mill to help write the song. After she found someone to investigate, she found out that the other party had written a total of four songs, and the first one was a hit!

It happened that Ou Dapeng was from her father's line, so Ou Dapeng took her to Gao Yan's office.

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