I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 739 Song Solicitation Activity (3Rd)

The only thing that left these composers speechless was that Gao Yan required that it be a patriotic song from the 1967s.

But consider that tempting bonus.

Composers who are good at writing this type of writing are naturally secretly happy. They don't know how to write this type of writing, and they bite the bullet and listen to patriotic songs from the 1960s and 1970s.

Then go to find information to learn.

After Gao Yan posted a Weibo, he ignored the disturbances on the Internet, but hid in his study to watch anti-war dramas and spy war dramas.

Thereby stimulating own creative desire.

It is worth mentioning that.

Song Yufei's restaurant has officially opened.

The craftsmanship of the few chefs she invited was good, and after adding super seasoning, the taste of the dishes they made was no worse than those top private dishes, and even better.

Therefore, less than half a month after opening, the business is quite booming.

Profits are also considerable.

Excluding various costs and the wages of the staff and chefs, the gross profit is at least 50,000 per day without paying taxes.

For Gao Yan, this profit is naturally not worth mentioning, but for Song Yufei, who has just started a business, it is a great incentive.


Lingxi Garden, inside the restaurant.

Song Yufei suddenly asked, "Brother Yan, I see you've been staying at home all this time, don't you feel bored?"

"Boring fart!"

Gao Yan secretly thought that although he had been concentrating on learning to compose and write lyrics during this period of time, after getting tired of studying, he went to find other girlfriends on dates through any door.

But he said with a smile on his mouth: "I'm learning to write songs recently, and I'm working hard, so I won't be bored!"

"Really, do you have any works?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhuo also became interested and asked curiously.

"Wrote two songs, after dinner, go to the balcony, I will sing for you!"

After dinner, Gao Yan asked the two girls to wait on the balcony, while he went to the study to pick up the guitar.

When he came to the balcony, he found that Yao Guang had also come to join in the fun.

"It's started!"

After a reminder, Gao Yan's fingers gently hooked the strings, and suddenly, a piece of soft music floated out from between Gao Yan's fingers.

Twenty-two seconds later, Gao Yan's low-pitched voice sounded.

This song written by Gao Yan sounds very quiet, just like telling a story, quietly describing a boy's love for a girl.

Both Xiao Zhuo and Song Yufei were fascinated!

Even Yao Guang looked thoughtful.

After a while.

After singing a song, Gao Yan asked with a smile, "How is it? Does it sound good?"

"Husband, you are awesome, I never thought you could write such a beautiful song!" Xiao Zhuo praised without hesitation.

"There's another song, I'll sing it to you too!"

Gao Yan's fingers hooked the strings again, but this time the tune was a little more intense.

This song is also a love song.

If the previous song is a thin evening wind blowing by, then the emotion contained in this song is as intense as a rainstorm, and there is a feeling of hysterical love!

After listening to it, Xiao Zhuo said: "This song is also very good, but I like the first one better!"

"I'm the exact opposite of you, I like the second one!"

Song Yufei said!

That night, after exiting the canyon battlefield.

Xiao Zhuo still wrapped his body around Gao Yan: "Honey, are you going to be a singer?"

"of course not!"

Gao Yan said with a smile: "I just suddenly became interested in songwriting!"

"That's a pity, such a good song can't be published!"

"Who said this!"

Gao Yan said: "You forgot that I have an entertainment company. Although I don't know how to be a singer, I can sing these two songs for my company's singers!"

I have to say that the charm of money is still great.

In just two days after Gao Yan sent out the Weibo request for songs, he received thousands of songs in private messages!

Of course, although there are many songs, the quality is worrying.

Gao Yan lost interest after reading only a dozen or so songs. Among the fourteen songs, eight of them were nonsense, three of them were plagiarized, and two of them were Stitch Monsters.

The last song is original, but the quality is average, he doesn't like it at all!

"Xiaohong, pick out the problematic ones from these songs, and send them to me if there are no problems!"

Gao Yan didn't bother to read, and directly gave an order to the Red Emperor.

Red Emperor: Got it, boss!

Two minutes later.

Red Emperor selected 11 songs from these more than 1,000 songs and sent them to him!


Gao Yan is speechless, out of more than a thousand songs, only 11 are good. Could it be that in the impression of these people, I am a fool with a lot of money!

Next, Gao Yan watched all 11 songs!

If the songs are divided into five levels: S, A, B, C, and D.

Eight of the 11 are D-rated songs, and two barely reach the C-level.

The last song took Gao Yan a little by surprise, and actually reached the A-level level!

Of course, the reason why Gao Yan gave the other party an A is because the other party's lyrics are quite good, but unfortunately the composition is a little weaker, but Gao Yan is a top composer.

As long as he adjusts the other party's tune, this is definitely a classic patriotic song.

After asking Red Emperor to investigate the author of this song, there is no problem.

Gao Yan announced it on Weibo.

At the same time, private message the author and ask him to send him the bank account number.

In a rental house.

A young man with messy hair has been refreshing Weibo.


He found that Gao Yan's Weibo was updated.

When he saw the title of the song mentioned in Gao Yan's update, his expression froze for 3 seconds, then raised his fist and shouted "Yeah" excitedly!

Then, he quickly clicked on the private message.

It was discovered that "I'm not Shenhao" had sent him a private message asking him to send his bank account number.

Although he knows that I am not Shenhao and should not renege on my promise, but at this moment, he still feels a little uneasy.

About five minutes passed.

A bank text message appeared on his phone.

I clicked on the text message and saw that the account was 1 million.

For a moment, the young man couldn't help crying with joy!

You must know that he has graduated from the Composition Department of the Conservatory of Music for more than three years.

In the past three years, he wrote nearly a hundred songs, but after mailing them to major entertainment companies, only five were adopted!

Because he is not well-known, all songs are bought out with full copyright, and the price is not high, the highest one is only 30,000 yuan!

The money is barely enough to support his life!

Just when he was about to give up, he was going to find a company to work, and suddenly saw the song competition launched by Gao Yan.

So, he wrote a poem with the mentality of trying.

Didn't expect to get a prize!

It can be said that the 1 million yuan gave him the confidence to continue on.

With a thought.

The young man first took a screenshot with his mobile phone, then edited a paragraph of text and posted it on Weibo, and @我不是神豪.

Unexpectedly, Gao Yan returned to him and encouraged him: make persistent efforts.

What surprised the youth even more was that half an hour later.

The young man once again received a private letter from Gao Yan, which also included a revised version of the song he wrote.

Out of respect for the gold master's father, the young man carefully watched the modified version of the song, and was shocked because he found that the tune of this song became more perfect after the modification.

Just then, the young man's phone rang.

The caller was also a classmate from the composition department, but the other party had changed careers. Although they were all in the same city, they rarely had contact with each other.

On the phone, the other party congratulated him and asked him to have a cup of coffee and have a meal together when he was free.

Next, the young man received calls from classmates, college roommates, friends, and even teachers, and even received calls from entertainment companies, saying that their companies liked the songs he wrote and wanted to buy them!

Moreover, two entertainment companies directly quoted over the phone, one quoted 150,000 yuan, and the other quoted 200,000 yuan!

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