I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 74 Zheng Xiaoyu (3Rd Watch)

After having money, Zheng Xiaoyu moved out of the school dormitory directly and rented a nice apartment near the school.

Then it was shotguns for cannons.

Buy brand-name bags and clothes.

Throw away all the cheap cosmetics in the past and replace them with five or six thousand sets of high-end cosmetics.

After a lot of spending, almost all the money earned from the live broadcast was spent.

However, she didn't feel anxious, because she felt that if she had no money, she just started live broadcasting to earn money.

In the third month, her income had a new breakthrough, and a Dage paid her more than 200,000 directly.

Including other fans' swiping, the monthly income directly reached 220,000.

But in the fourth month, her live broadcast had problems.

Dage, who paid her more than 200,000 yuan last month, asked her to meet in private.

After she politely refused, that Dage never came to her live broadcast room again.

Without Dage's support, her popularity also plummeted during live broadcasts.

Therefore, the live broadcast income in the fourth month was only 80,000 yuan.

The sharp drop in income also indirectly affected Zheng Xiaoyu's live broadcast mentality, resulting in a drop in live broadcast revenue of 50,000 yuan in the fifth month.

At this time, the manager of the guild also talked to him, asking her to save Dage quickly.

But Zheng Xiaoyu couldn't let go of that face.

However, under the pressure of the guild, she regained her strength in the sixth month and barely regained some popularity!

in the next few months.

A new Dage appeared again, and after swiping some gifts, he would ask her to meet in private, the purpose is self-evident.

After she ruthlessly refused, those Dages also left one after another.

Moreover, these Dages also have own circles in private. After the news spread, no Dages patronized Zheng Xiaoyu's live broadcast room again.

Naturally, her income also plummeted.

Especially in the past May, her income was only over 10,000 points.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from simplicity to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Her monthly rent for water, electricity, cosmetics, life expenses, etc. add up to 15,000 yuan. If she buys a few more sets of clothes, the small 20,000 yuan will be gone.

When you make money, you don't save it, and when you are in trouble, you won't be able to get it out at all.

Now her deposit is less than 20,000 yuan.

If her popularity is still like this, she won't last long at all.

As for moving back to the dormitory, she hadn't thought about it.

After she made money from live streaming and moved out of the dormitory, the group of roommates were behind her back. Yin & Yang felt weird. If she moved back, wouldn't she make them laugh at her?

Yesterday, the guild's manager called her again to put pressure on her.

Feeling restless, she accidentally clicked into the WeChat class group in high school, and happened to see Xie Tao talking about Gao Yan.

She didn't have a deep impression of Gao Yan, she only knew that he was a relatively ordinary boy, and the only thing that impressed her deeply was that he was Zhuo Jiangyue's deskmate for a long time.

Out of curiosity, she searched Brother Hot Pot Restaurant on the Internet and found that this hot pot restaurant is really popular. Recently, many Internet celebrities have gone to the hot pot restaurant to check in and shoot videos.

So, she privately asked for Gao Yan's WeChat account from Xie Tao.

As for the reason, of course, I want to trick Gao Yan into supporting her. After all, Gao Yan is a shareholder of an online celebrity hot pot restaurant, so he should not be short of money.

It's just that she was a little hesitant, and didn't choose to add Gao Yan's WeChat ID until this morning.

But after the chat.

She still didn't have the nerve to speak, and couldn't let go of Face.

At this time, the phone rang.

Looking at the notes, Zheng Xiaoyu frowned.

After struggling for a while, she still picked it up: "Sister Li, what's the matter?"

Sister Li is the manager of the guild behind her.

Sister Li said: "Xiaoyu, the company just received the news that at the end of this month, Tiger Entertainment and various guilds plan to hold a large-scale PK event. Mr. Zhao said that as long as they can reach the finals, the company will provide an S-level resource."

Hearing this news, Zheng Xiaoyu was not as happy as she imagined. She also wanted S-level resources. The key is, can her current popularity make it to the finals?

Don't talk about the finals, even in the rematch, she is enough.

Hearing the silence from the phone, Sister Li persuaded: "Xiaoyu, people, sometimes you have to know how to be flexible. You know what's going on in the past few months. The company is not doing charity. You Although this month has been relatively exhausted, the guild will give you some resources anyway.

But if your popularity still doesn’t break through, I’m afraid the company will have to give up on you. The live broadcasting industry, to put it bluntly, is a youth meal. Once the company gives up on you, you won’t get any recommended resources unless you don’t mix it. All right, otherwise, it will be very difficult to turn over again. "

Zheng Xiaoyu said bitterly: "Sister Li, I know!"

Sister Li continued: "Xiaoyu will tell you that, although Mr. Shen has not been to your live broadcast room in the past few months, he still appreciates you. As long as you agree to meet him and have a meal, he will I promise to send you to the semi-finals!"


Zheng Xiaoyu sneered in her heart, saying that she was meeting for dinner, but after the meeting, she couldn't control some things!

And there are only zero and countless times to break the bottom line.

If she gave up the bottom line this time, it might not be easy to pick it up again. In fact, the main reason is that Mr. Shen is a bit hard to say, and if the other party is a little more attractive, she might not be so entangled up.

However, she did not directly refuse, but replied: "Sister Li, let me think about it!"

"Okay, I won't force you either!"

Sister Li said: "However, Xiaoyu, more than half of this month has passed, but your turnover this month is still short of 80,000 yuan. You have not completed the task last month. If you still can't complete the task this month, your basic salary will probably be paid. Cancel!"

Hearing this, Zheng Xiaoyu couldn't help but clenched her fists. After she signed the contract, she made a lot of money for the company, and the company gave her a basic salary of only 3,000 yuan.

She didn't complete the task for a month, and the company actually wanted to cancel her basic salary, which was too cold-blooded and heartless.

As for this sister Li, she said that she would not force her, but she was forced to submit by completing the task and canceling the basic salary.

So, she said: "Sister Li, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task this month!"

Sister Li: "Alright, don't let Mr. Shen wait too long!"

Hearing that Mr. Shen was mentioned again, Zheng Xiaoyu hung up the phone angrily.

On the other end of the phone, seeing Zheng Xiaoyu hung up the phone first, Sister Li couldn't help showing a sneer on her face: "Little girl who doesn't know what to do, pretend to be reserved, right? I have plenty of ways to deal with you!"

You know, Mr. Shen said that as long as she helps Zheng Xiaoyu to submit, she will also have a benefit fee of 100,000 yuan.

"Dear passenger friend, you are taking...!"

Gao Yan also put away his cell phone when he heard the broadcast sound coming from the carriage, then turned his head and shouted softly to Zhuo Jiangyue who was sleeping soundly on his shoulder: "Baby, wake up, we should get out of the car!"

The confused Zhuo Jiangyue opened her eyes: "Is it coming so soon?"

"Hurry up, you've been asleep for more than two hours!"

"It's not your fault, who told you last night...!"

But Zhuo Jiangyue immediately realized that this was still in the car, and quickly swallowed the rest of the words.

"Wipe it, I didn't expect you to drool while sleeping!"

Gao Yan handed Zhuo Jiangyue a tissue.

The other party subconsciously took it, then turned to the side and wiped it, but found that there was nothing, and immediately understood that he had been fooled by her boyfriend, and immediately glared at Gao Yan: "You know how to bully others!"

Seeing Zhuo Jiangyue pouting, Gao Yan couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her, and stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms: "Okay, don't be angry, I will treat you to a big meal after getting off the car!"


"of course it's true!"

The two were talking, and the high-speed train also drove into the platform.

A few minutes later, Gao Yan led Zhuo Jiangyue out of the high-speed rail station, took a taxi and went straight to the Bulgari Hotel.

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