I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 776 Kidnap (Part Two)

The next evening.

When Gao Yan came back from the factory and was still eating, someone came to inform him that a general meeting of the whole hospital had to be held in the evening.

So, after eating.

Gao Yan brought Li Mengyao and his sisters to attend the general assembly.

The purpose of this meeting is simple.

But the sub-district office issued a notice that a group of rather rampant kidnappers came to the capital recently, and children from more than a dozen families have disappeared.

The purpose of the meeting is to let everyone take care of their children. It is best not to go out alone, and go to and from school. It is best to go and go back together.

After the conference, all families with children, parents are busy educating and admonishing them.

But did not expect.

The meeting was held the day before, but something happened the next day. The grandson of Lao Tong's family disappeared.

Old Tong's family has two grandsons and a granddaughter.

The granddaughter is eleven years old, the eldest grandson is eight years old, and the younger grandson is only five years old.

Because Lao Tong's monthly salary is only 18.5 yuan, he didn't let his grandson go to kindergarten, and entrusted his grandson to the neighbors in the yard to look after him when he was at work.

The neighbor who helped take care of the grandson of the old Tong's family is Sun Juhua, who is in his fifties and has rich experience in raising children!

Because the meeting was held only yesterday, today she has been letting her two grandsons and the little grandson of Lao Tong's family play in the yard, not allowing them to leave the hospital.

While making dinner.

Sun Juhua found out that there was not enough soy sauce at home. Seeing that the three children were playing well in the yard, she told them not to run around and went out to make soy sauce.

Unexpectedly, in just such a short time, the grandson of the old Tong family disappeared!

She searched around but couldn't find anyone.

Then he realized that the little grandson of Old Tong's family might have been abducted by a kidnapper.

So I quickly called the neighbors in the yard to help find it!

Gao Yan, who just came back from outside, heard the news that the little grandson of Old Tong's family was missing.

"Meng Ya, don't run around at home, I'll help you find it!"

After explaining a few words, Gao Yan left the courtyard. At the same time, he opened his eyes of insight and started searching in the capital.


He found the grandson of Lao Tong's family.

Hidden by human traffickers in a basement in a dilapidated courtyard that no one lives in, together with the grandson of Old Tong's family, they were all stunned.

Therefore, it is not easy to find these children.

At this time, the people working in the factory also came back one after another!

So, Gao Yan called Chen Manjun and Yang Haijun to form a team to help find someone!

Although Gao Yan found the little grandson of Old Tong's family, he couldn't lead him there directly.

Otherwise, it's unclear.

After leading the two of them for a distance, Gao Yan asked: "Navy, if you were a human trafficker, where would you hide the children after you abducted them?"

Yang Haijun thought for a while: "Master, I think they will hide people in places that are not easy to be noticed!"

"It makes sense!"

Gao Yan nodded: "There are quite a few dilapidated courtyard houses in the capital that no one lives in, and most courtyard houses have basements. We try our best to search these places, maybe we can find someone!"

With this excuse, Gao Yan led the two of them to search for dilapidated courtyard houses that no one lived in.

At first, both Yang Haijun and Chen Manjun were full of energy, but after searching three courtyards and failing to find them, they were also a little discouraged!

In addition, the time was approaching eight o'clock in the evening, and the sky was getting dark, so Chen Manjun suggested whether to go back and have a look, maybe the person had been found.

"Don't worry, let's search two more courtyard houses. If we don't find any more people, let's go back!" Gao Yan sighed pretendingly: "Old Tong is really pitiful. His son and daughter-in-law are gone, and the boy even messed with his grandson." I don't know how guilty I would be if I lost it!"


Both were aroused with sympathy, and both expressed their willingness to search more courtyard houses.

But when the three of them came out of a dilapidated courtyard, they were stopped by them.

"Stop, who are you?"

"It's Director Li!"

Gao Yan said with a smile, because the leader of the three is Li Yuanjun.

"Chief Gao!"

A look of surprise appeared on Li Yuanjun's face: "Who are you?"

Gao Yan explained: "Director Li, the situation is that a child was lost in our yard, most likely abducted by human traffickers.

It’s not that the street office just issued a notice yesterday. More than a dozen children were abducted in the entire capital, but it’s not easy to hide more than ten children. Therefore, we speculate that those traffickers should hide these children in places that are not easy to be noticed. .

And the basements in these dilapidated courtyards are undoubtedly the most suitable for hiding children, so we took two young people in our courtyard to search these dilapidated courtyards! "

Li Yuanjun's eyes lit up when he heard it, and felt that Gao Yan's analysis was quite reasonable, so she said: "Our Public Security Office is also searching for the whereabouts of traffickers. I think Chief Gao's analysis is good, why don't we look for it together!"

"That's really great. With a professional like Director Li joining us, it should be easier for us to find him!"


A group of six people searched carefully in dilapidated courtyards.

Seeing that it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

A group of six people was tired and hungry.

"Director Li, it's getting late, so let's search two more courtyard houses and we'll be gone!" Gao Yan suggested to Li Yuanjun.

"Okay, let's search for two more!"

five minutes later.

A group of six people broke into a courtyard house where most of the walls had collapsed.

And those traffickers hid those children in a secret basement in this courtyard, and the entrance to the basement was in a dry well in the courtyard!

I have to say that this trafficker is really good at finding places.

However, these children are in a coma, and they must be allowed to make some noise!

So Gao Yan used Mental Energy to wake up one of the children and make him cry.

"Everyone keep quiet, there is movement!"

Gao Yan shouted suddenly.

Suddenly, everyone stood in place and listened.

"There are cries of children!"

Li Yuanjun said in surprise.

"I heard it too, it's coming from that direction!"

Gao Yan quickly ran to the dry well, and the child's cries became clearer.

I took a flashlight to take a picture, but it was clearly a dry well with nothing in it. For a while, everyone felt a little scared.

"If I haven't guessed, this dry well is connected to the basement, I'll go down and check!" Gao Yan said.

"Or, I'll go down!" Li Yuanjun said.

"No need to!"

Gao Yan waved his hands, and then began to spread his legs apart, leaning on the wall of the dry well and sliding down quickly.

"found it!"

Gao Yan stretched out his hand, and a blocked hole appeared!

The entrance of the cave is stepped and keeps going up.

After Gao Yan went up the stairs, he found a locked iron door. After opening the door lock, a narrow basement appeared.

There was a seven or eight-year-old child crying inside, and fourteen others were in a coma, and one of them was the grandson of Lao Tong's family.

It took a lot of effort.

Everyone worked together to get these children out of the basement.

At the same time, the people from the security office and the street office that Li Yuanjun sent to notify all came, and then they worked together to send all the comatose children to the hospital!

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