I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 784 Marriage (Part 1)

In a few days, Gao Yan will marry Jiang Ying.

But he is still like a normal person, he should go to work and enjoy himself.

As for the trivial matters of getting married, Gao Jiefang has his own tools to handle them.

With the bills provided by Xiao Jianguo, Song Qinxue and his wife, Gao Jiefang has already bought all three turns and one ring.

As for the wedding banquet, 8 tables are currently reserved.

The Jiang family will not handle it alone. On the day of the wedding, all the relatives from the Jiang family will come to the Gao family to have a banquet.

After all, the famine has just passed, and although the ration has been fully restored, the food is barely enough to eat, but the meat is still relatively tight.

Although Gao Yan is not short of meat.

Not to mention that he can get dozens of catties of meat every time he hunts, the Life gift card alone can give out a lot of supplies every day, including pork, mutton, beef, chicken, duck, fish, goose, and even seafood. !

It's a pity that although there are many things, he can't take them out. Otherwise, if he uses these things to hold a banquet, he will probably have to invite Gao Jiefang to investigate tomorrow.

two days later.

Siheyuan No. 4 in the south of the city.

Gao Yan sat on a chair and drank tea comfortably.

Lu Feifei accompanied Jiang Ying to try on new clothes in the room.

Gao Yan accompanied Jiang Ying to buy this new dress.

Knowing that Lu Feifei was jealous, Gao Yan also bought two sets for her. Although she said it was not rare, the expression on her face betrayed her inner thoughts.

After a few minutes.

Lu Feifei led Jiang Ying, who was dressed in red, out of the room.

"Gao Weiguo, take a quick look at your bride, does she look good?"

"It's beautiful, it's so charming, it's all over the country!"

Gao Yan praised without reservation.

Hearing Gao Yan's praise, a shy look flashed across Jiang Ying's face, but Lu Feifei couldn't help but said: "It's really cheap for you!"


Gao Yan smiled, but did not refute.

Because she was getting married soon, Jiang Ying couldn't stay outside for too long, so she got bored with Gao Yan for a while, then changed into new clothes and returned home!


Gao Yan patted Lu Feifei's buttocks: "Feifei, go and change into your new clothes, and show me too!"


After glaring at Gao Yan, Lu Feifei entered the room and put on new clothes, naturally getting Gao Yan's praise.

Two days passed in a flash!

On this day, Gao Yan woke up early, and he reported to Li Mengyao in advance that he had important things to do today.

Quietly came to Gao Jiefang's house.

After replacing him, Gao Yan is ready to go to Jiang's family to pick up his relatives.

Because Gao Jiefang had no parents, Xiao Jianguo and Song Qinxue were the couple who helped him with the marriage.

As for those who followed to pick up the bride, they were Gao Weiguo's workmates and classmates.

Getting married these days doesn't have so many checkpoints. After paying some red envelopes, Gao Yan successfully broke into the bride's boudoir.

Looking at the nervous Jiang Ying, Gao Yan said in a low voice: "The King of Heaven and the Tiger of Earth!"

Jiang Ying responded subconsciously: "Chicken stewed mushrooms!"

Knowing that the person in front of her was Gao Yan, Jiang Ying was quite happy in her heart, and she also relaxed.

After exchanging glances with Lu Feifei who was in the boudoir, Gao Yan carried Jiang Ying on his back and headed outside. Seeing this scene, Lu Feifei couldn't help flashing envy in her eyes.

He wondered in his heart, what if he married Gao Weiguo too?

After putting Jiang Ying on the back seat of the bicycle, Gao Yan rode straight to Gao Jiefang's house.

After half an hour.

Gao Yan brought back the bride.

And took out a bag of white rabbit toffee and handed it to Jiang Ying to let her sprinkle it!

Sugar was also a rare commodity in this day and age.

Therefore, giving wedding candies is generally two per person, and it is unbearable to give too much.

But Gao Yan is not far behind.

He simply gave Jiang Ying a big bag of white rabbit toffee, and sprinkled it on everyone.

Therefore, from the outside of the courtyard to the new house, it was sprinkled all the way, and a total of five catties of white rabbit toffee was spilled, which made the adults and children watching the excitement very happy.

And Jiang Ying was also quite happy, feeling a little irritated.

Many unmarried girls secretly said that when I get married in the future, I will also sprinkle sugar like this.

Now is the new era.

Marriage is not like the old society. After Jiang Ying changed into a new set of clothes in the new house, she followed Gao Yan out to greet the guests!

Time, it was noon in a blink of an eye.

Relatives and friends from both sides have already gathered here.

After the simple wedding ceremony, the ceremony was announced.

Today's wedding banquet is quite rich, there are six meat dishes, and the staple food is all steamed buns.

Therefore, once the table starts, the chopsticks in everyone's hands can't stop.

And Gao Yan also brought Jiang Ying to toast table by table!

The toast is over.

Gao Yan also sat down to eat with Jiang Ying.

After one o'clock in the afternoon.

The bustling wedding banquet was over, and there was no food left on the table. The main reason was that the famine had just passed, and everyone was short of oil and water.

Finally, I ate and drank a lot without opening my belly to eat.

After returning the tables, chairs, bowls and chopsticks for the banquet with everyone's help, and cleaning up, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon!

"Daughter-in-law, are you tired?"

Gao Yan pulled Jiang Ying's hand and asked.

"Not tired!"

Jiang Ying smiled and shook her head.

"Let's go, Mom and Dad are still waiting for us!"

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother didn't leave, they were still waiting to give a lecture to the newcomers.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother are very satisfied with today's banquet, because they have received compliments and compliments from their relatives. After all, they are married now, and many people don't hold banquets, let alone six meat dishes on the banquet!

There is nothing special about Jiang's father and Jiang's mother's lectures.

It is to let the young couple live a good life in the future and strive to give birth to a fat baby as soon as possible.

It's okay to live a good life, but you have to wait a few years to give birth to a fat baby!

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother left first.

Later, Gao Yan took Jiang Ying to meet Xiao Jianguo and Song Qinxue.

For Jiang Ying, the husband and wife are naturally a compliment.

When leaving, Song Qinxue stuffed Jiang Ying with an envelope, which contained 500 yuan.

It should be that Xiao Jianguo and Song Qinxue saw Gao Yan host such a sumptuous banquet, and worried that he would emptied his family and would not be able to live in the future.

"High Dage, this money?"

"Take it!" Gao Yan said, "I will repay them when I have a chance in the future!"

"I'm leaving too!"

After all the guests left, Lu Feifei was also ready to leave.

"Or you stay!"

Gao Yan jokingly laughed.

"Beautiful thinking!"

Lu Feifei gave him a blank look: "I haven't thought about anything in my head all day!"

"That's fine, I'll see you off!"

Gao Yan sent Lu Feifei outside the door, and said in a low voice, "If you want to get married, just tell me, and I can arrange it right away!"

"It's not so easy to marry me, go back, don't keep Xiaoying waiting!" Lu Feifei insisted, but she was quite satisfied in her heart. Although this bastard is a bit lecherous, he still treats women like a bowl of water draw.

Watching Lu Feifei leave.

Gao Yan also thought to himself, it seems that he has to draw out a puppet identity card in advance and prepare for it. If Lu Feifei wants to get married, there is no need to rush!

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