I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 119: Funeral Mountain Open

"What? You mean, the Ghost Shamen of the God and Demon Realm, is there a way to open the Funeral Mountain in advance?"

When Jiang Ao heard this, his expression was shocked.

He thought that he still had two years to prepare.

Unexpectedly, the sudden opening of Funeral Mountain had already broken his plan.

"Yes, this news is confirmed by our North Swallow Spirit Realm experts risking their lives. In recent years, people from the Ghost Shamen have been dispatched frequently to look for the whereabouts of the Immortal Burial Map. One thousand and eighty yuan Burial Immortal Map , They actually collected a tenth of it, and Ghost Shamen used the power of the entire sect to unite with Linjiang City and jointly set up a super teleportation array, which can directly enter the buried fairy mountain."

Listening to Prince Yan's explanation, Jiang Ao's face became very ugly.

Especially thinking of Lan'er, his expression suddenly became very warm and angry.

"Does this mean that Lan'er is already in danger?" Jiang Ao secretly said.

Forcibly suppressing the anger deep in his heart, Jiang Ao quickly asked: "As far as I know, the master of the ghost gate, the **** of ghosts, also used other methods. I don't know how much do you know?"

"Well, we also know a little about this. But it's not comprehensive. It is said that the master of the ghost ghost gate, the **** ghost, has found the descendant of Qinghexian. You know, Qinghexian came out of the buried fairy mountain. Immortal. As long as you can find the inheritor of the Qinghe Immortal and enter the buried fairy mountain, it will naturally benefit a lot. This old man, the ghost god, is really a thief."

Prince Yan couldn't help cursing.

Hearing this, Jiang Ao felt a little better.

"It seems that Lan'er should not be worried about his life for the time being. However, the ghost **** Lord has used Lan'er, and Lan'er is afraid it is not a small danger. If so, I will also prepare as soon as possible and enter the buried fairy mountain. Then, look for it. Chance to rescue Lan'er." Jiang Ao murmured secretly.

After a pause, Jiang Ao looked at Prince Yan again.

"You promised me before that after I became the leader of the Qingteng Xiaoban, Beiyan Lingyu would do its best to help me complete one thing. Does this matter still count?"

"Of course it counts. However, if you let our warriors from the Northern Yan Spiritual Realm enter the Burial Immortal Mountain, and fight against the ghosts of the ghosts, it might be a bit difficult."

Prince Yan looked at Jiang Ao's gaze, and suddenly understood everything.

"Why is this?"

Jiang Ao frowned slightly, his expression suddenly becoming hard to look.

Seeing this, Prince Yan suddenly smiled bitterly: "Jiang Ao, don't worry, it's not that I don't want to help you. But after entering the Funeral Mountain, we cannot help you if we want to help. Funeral Mountain is not a mountain, but A large-scale fairy mountain immortal vein. Even our Beiyan spiritual realm is not buried in the immortal mountain. In such a large place, if you want to find the trouble of the ghosts, I am afraid it depends on luck."

"I am abrupt. But my request will not change. If possible, I would like to ask you Beiyan Lingyu to help me. There is a deep hatred between Guishamen and I."

"Can you tell me why?"

"Because, the girl with the inheritance of the Qinghe Immortal that the ghost ghost abducted is my sister Lan'er."


Prince Yan's expression changed dramatically.

The expression on his face became very ugly.

In the next moment, his expression became firm again.

"Don't worry, I, Prince Yan, will never stand by on this matter. I will keep people staring at Lan'er's whereabouts. As soon as we get news, we will tell you immediately. Even after entering the funeral mountain, we will try our best to find Lan'er's whereabouts. Try to inform you." Prince Yan said.

"So, thank you very much."

Jiang Ao thanked him.

Then, after chatting with Prince Yan for a while, he left.

At this moment, it is not far from the opening of the Funeral Mountain.

Jiang Ao did not leave Beiyan City either, and while seizing the time to practice, he waited for the specific time when the funeral of the fairy mountain opened.

In a flash, another month passed.

The Ghost Shamen had a super teleportation array and disappeared into the funeral mountain, and even went so far.

At this time, in the realm of the gods and demons where the Ghost Shamen was located, strong people from all races flocked to it.

They all said that the Ghost Shamen would contribute to the teleportation formation. Let everyone enter the buried fairy mountain.

Although the master of the ghost ghost gate, the **** ghost ghost, is a powerhouse of the heavenly gate, he can't resist this pressure.

It didn't take long for the news to reach Beiyan City, saying that Guishamen planned to charge a fee for their heads. As long as someone wants to enter the buried fairy mountain, they only need to pay 10,000 superb spiritual stones.

Not long after this news was released, all the big and small sects and major families were ready to move.

Even if it was the Profound Sky Sect, they all sent a strong lineup and went straight to the realm of God and Demon.

After Jiang Ao knew about this, he was still able to survive.

Together with Prince Yan, Zheng Chiguan, and Yan Lingtian, they also went directly to the Guisha Gate of the God and Demon Realm.

At this moment, the evil spirits of the God and Demon Realm have not yet dissipated, but many powerful people have ventured into it.

Naturally, Prince Yan and the others did not delay time, and took Jiang Ao directly to the Ghost City where the Ghost Shamen was located.

The person who found the Ghost Shamen explained their intentions, and the four of them paid forty thousand of the best spirit stones, and then they exchanged for four teleportation charms.

Three days later, with a soaring spiritual pillar rising from the ground.

The huge super teleportation formation that directly leads to the buried fairy mountain was finally opened.

Seeing this, all the strong men who planned to enter the funeral mountain were ecstatic.

Holding the teleportation symbol, directly enter the teleportation array, and will be teleported away soon.

Jiang Ao and the four were not in a hurry. After they saw the countless strong men being teleported away with their own eyes, and there was no abnormality, they could enter the teleportation formation without worry.


A harsh array roar sounded, and the bodies of the four Jiang Ao were instantly teleported away.

Jiang Ao could only feel a gust of wind blowing in his ears.

His body is also moving fast in the void.

However, the Prince Yan and others who entered the teleportation formation with him were not around him long ago.

This made Jiang Ao frown slightly.

"It seems that this teleportation formation is an immediate teleportation formation. If this is the case, after entering the buried fairy mountain, I must first try to find them. In this case, the probability of saving my life in the buried fairy mountain will be higher." Jiang Ao said.

In this way, after a full day, the gust of wind in Jiang Ao's ear finally disappeared.

Instead, countless pure auras poured in.

At this moment, Jiang Ao, even if he didn't need to deliberately cultivate, he could feel that his realm was rapidly improving.

"It's so pure aura, even if it's cultivated in the Gathering Spring, it can't achieve this effect. It seems that I am already buried in the Immortal Mountain now." Jiang Ao secretly said.

Just as he was about to take out the sensor beads and look for the whereabouts of Prince Yan and others, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded from him.

Before he could react, a dazzling glaucoma shot into the sky, making Jiang Ao shocked.

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