I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 286: The magic flower of thousands of years!

Jiang Ao's heart was shocked, and the secret path was not good.

However, after staying for a while, no one came forward.

All the alien races are dumbfounded, looking around.

"Hahaha, it seems that it is Li Renfei and his shepherd, who doesn't even bother to tell them their name. It's fine now. I don't even know if they were killed.

Jiang Ao thought with joy in his heart.

"I don't know? Is their person not here?"

Master Qin Yu opened his eyes and scanned them.

"Forget it, leave it alone, maybe something is gone, right? Our formation here is about to start. If we missed today, we will have to wait one hundred thousand years. The big man above is blamed, we can't afford it. ."

Said another domain master wearing a green robe.

"Huh. Waste."

Domain Master Qin looked at the alien race below with dissatisfaction, and cursed with disdain.

A crowd of aliens was filled with indignation, but they did not dare to refute.

The domain masters present together opened the teleportation formation, and Jiang Ao was agitated.

After waiting so long, I finally waited until I could enter the top of the mountains.

This is where you become stronger again!

In his body, there are still some power of stars and power of the sun.

Dealing with these aliens is no problem.

And his target is those people in the Star Realm who are looking for treasure!

Of course, there are some rare treasures!

In short, as long as he can swallow things, he wants everything!

After the formation was activated, everyone walked in under the guidance of Mu Xingke.

Only two people can walk at a time.

Once in the formation, people will disappear out of thin air.

This is teleported to the top of the mountains.

Soon, it was Jiang Ao and Zi Yan's turn.

"Boy, this is a place to find a chance. Didn't you expect you to bring a Taoist companion?"

The Mu Xingke who was in charge of the leader said inexplicably.

"Can you control it?"

Jiang Ao said disdainfully, neither admitted nor denied!

"Boy, I'm so brave, I don't have any rules, dare to talk to me like this?"

When Jiang Ao choked in public, Mu Xingke was furious.

"Rules? Lao Tzu is not a member of the Shepherd's organization. I have to abide by the rules of your Laoshizi!"

Jiang Ao wanted to keep a low profile in his heart, but when someone provoked him, he couldn't help but refute.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Mu Xingke's eyes suddenly glared, and he glared at Jiang Ao.

Jiang Ao was not under his control, and at this time they entered into the formation.

Even if he wanted to kill, he couldn't help it.

However, he made up his mind that if this person was so arrogant, he would probably die inside.

Of course, the best result is to be able to get the top ten, and then I must torture him well!

Let him come out of the killing, and then tortured to death by himself!

Thinking of this, Mu Xingke's eyes showed a trace of sorrow, and he couldn't help licking his tongue!

at this time.

Jiang Ao had appeared in a completely different place with purple smoke!

The blue sky and white clouds here are the opposite of the desertedness of the star.

They were on a grassland, endless, and from time to time they could see some strange monsters passing by, and they looked at them curiously.

"This is an independent place that has existed for 100,000 years. Interpersonal relationships are rare, so they have such a reaction."

Seeing that Zi Yan looked a little puzzled, Jiang Ao explained.

Zi Yan let out a cry, and began to look around, trying to find a place to inhabit, but soon she gave up the idea.

Because this grassland can't be seen at a glance.

"Master, what shall we do? There is no place to stay here. It seems that the sun is about to go down."

Zi Yan said with some worry.

Jiang Ao also looked at it, and said helplessly: "Let's be careful, let's go in one direction first."

Zi Yan followed Jiang Ao obediently, and after walking for almost half an hour, the surrounding scenery was still the same.

They are all at the beginning of the fairyland, so their feet will not be bad.

At least twenty miles out of the land, nothing at all.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened.

"The top of the mountains should also be on the same planet."

Jiang Ao seemed to be talking to himself.

"Master, look, there is a demon flower there! This year, at least a thousand years!"

At this time, the voice of Zi Yan suddenly sounded, and Jiang Ao was overjoyed, this little lady is not bad, she has found the elixir!

Although he didn't know what kind of elixir of devil flower.

However, the years of the past thousand years should also be of great help to myself!

"Master, it's a pity, we didn't plan to bring some jade boxes to store these elixir."

Thinking of this, Zi Yan felt regretful.

"I'll go over and take a look."

Jiang Ao said in his mouth, but he thought in his heart, I'll just swallow it, so you don't have to regret it.

After reaching a certain distance, the sound of the system rang.

"A steady force fluctuation is detected, is the host devouring it!"

Just as he shouted and swallowed in his heart, suddenly a flying sword fell from the sky and plunged directly into the mud between Jiang Ao and Demon Flower!

"Where's the kid, the fairyland dare to come in to hunt for treasure? I want this demon flower!"

As soon as the voice fell, an old man with a white beard appeared in front of Long Sword out of thin air.

He drew the sword back easily, glanced at him faintly, and said, "Go away, or I will kill you!"

While speaking, he also carried an inexplicable coercion, completely different from the power of the stars.

However, Jiang Ao can still feel that this is the same level as the power of the stars.

However, the power of Biri seems to be weaker.

Jiang Ao thought, showing his weakness: "Yes, yes, senior, let's go now!"

Seeing Jiang Ao's expression, the white-bearded old man snorted disdainfully, but didn't know that at this time, Jiang Ao's mind once again sounded the voice of the system!


This time Jiang Ao didn't hesitate, and directly swallowed the power unintentionally released by the old white beard.

Afterwards, Jiang Ao was inexplicably surprised!

All these powers turned into the power of the sun!

How could this be possible, this white beard, looked not much stronger than Sun Changtian and Li Renfei, how could his power be transformed into the power of the sun?

Jiang Ao is inexplicable, but now is not the time to think about it, this situation is good for him, I still want to be a fool!

"Boy, what are you laughing at?"

At this time, Baibeard picked the magic flower, put it in a jade box, and then rubbed the jade box on his finger!

Immediately, the jade box turned into a white light and disappeared!

"This is... the space ring!"

Jiang Ao was shocked, thinking that this good thing must be snatched over!

"I'm happy!"

Jiang Ao quickly said.


Baibeard sneered and said, "You can still laugh if you **** something from me? Then I want to see, I killed you, can you still laugh!"

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Ao suddenly changed color!

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