I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 510: The other person is not the king of formation!

Hearing Jiang Ao's words, Jin Wang said, "Jiang Ao, I know something about Chaos Fire. If I want to reply, do I need to devour some firepower before I can reply?"

Time has passed a little bit, so the King of Formation wants to be sure.

"Yes. The stronger the firepower, the faster the Chaos Fire will recover."

Jiang Ao nodded, it's no secret.

The Raiden Karmapa is a friend who knows him.

"Do you know that there is a place for fire in this world?"

The world is ruled by the king of formations, and if there is any, he must know it.

"Of course I know!"

The king of the formation smiled freely, and said: "The establishment of a world is definitely inseparable from the five elements. Even if the Heavenly Evil Immortal Lord uses more space stones, it is the same reason. Therefore, the south is a fire, we look for the south!"

"South? Are you sure?"

Jiang Ao was also shocked, and asked quickly.

Chaos Fire is his strongest method now.

"Then shall we... leave now?"

The Raiden Lord would never doubt the Formation Lord.

Because they know each other and are friends who have lived and died for many years.

"It's okay if you leave. However, my son consumes a lot, maybe..."

The formation king said with some worry.

"Father, you go first, I just need to be here. Tianxiexianjun will definitely send someone to find out here, and I need to drag them!"

Qing Luan said with a serious face.

"Are you here to drag? With your strength, how can you drag?"

The king is dissatisfied.

"If you want to stay here, we will stay here, and we will leave when you recover."

Qing Luan tried his best, and only 10% of the power was left.

If it recovers normally, it will take at least one day and one night.

"It's okay, I'm hiding in the cave, even if Tianxiexianjun comes over, he will use me! Does he dare to blow up Qingluan Peak?"

Qing Luan said with a sneer.

Jiang Ao's strength irritated him a bit.

He not only wants to regain his strength, but also wants to become stronger.

The same as Xianjun, he can be said to be the weakest.

At this point, he has no idea.

After all, he became Xianjun the latest.

But even Jiang Ao and a big Luoxian were better than him, which made him very unacceptable.

and so.

He intends to stay here and make a good breakthrough.

the most important is.

He once found a strange treasure on Qingluan Peak.

That strange treasure tells him that he can become stronger.

It's just that Qingluan didn't care.

And he wanted to guard the formation king with all his heart.

It doesn't make much sense to change and become stronger.

And this time.

He already thought of that strange treasure.

"Jian Wang Xianjun, isn't it far? If it's not far, let Qingluan stay here. But if it's far, it's better to go together."

Jiang Ao's meaning is very simple, in fact, everyone knows the truth.

But now, Qingluan has gotten into the tip of the horns.

Whether it is far or not.

One mind stays here.

In this way.

Everyone was helpless.

Had to stay here with him.

The king needs to lead the way.

The Thunder Lord was afraid that too many people would attract the attention of others, so let's let the formation king take Jiang Ao over.

that's it.

Jiang Ao and Jin Wang went all the way south.

The Thunder King stayed at Qingluan Peak with Qingluan.

at this time.

Inside the evil city.

An evil fairy knelt tremblingly outside a black hall.

He is one of the twelve city masters.

He took the sign that came to report the news.

He regretted it a little.

After all, facing the pressure of Heavenly Evil Immortal Lord alone, it is too much.

Although, he has worked with Tianxiexianjun for many years.

Even after being caught here by the Thunder King and the Formation King, they were all helping.

Manage a city and collect space stones to expand the place here.

But as time got longer and longer, the space got bigger and bigger, and the Heavenly Evil Immortal Monarch became stronger and stronger, the people also felt more and more alienated.

And more, it is fear.

Like now.

Half an hour ago, he had already announced loudly that he had already arrived.

But Tian Xie Xianjun only faintly responded.

He can't help it.

Had to kneel.

Waiting for Lord Tianxie's call.

At this time, although he regretted a little.

Unexpectedly, if he stayed in Qingluan Peak, he might have died long ago.

at last.

Inside the hall, a voice came.

"Innocent, come in!"

The voice came melodiously, and reached Wu Xie's ears, it was simply the sound of heaven!

He stopped shaking his whole body without knowing whether it was excited or scared, got up slowly, bent over and walked in.

Inside the hall, the wind and wind were everywhere.

There are horrible and inexplicable powers.

Wu Xie knows that these are the powers released by Tian Xie Xianjun.

He didn't dare to move, let alone release the immortal consciousness to test.

Among these forces.

There are two things he knows.

One is demon power, the other is immortal power.

But there are two more.

He knew it was magical power and Mingli, but he couldn't tell the difference.

"Innocent, my ceremony is still a few days away, why did you come alone so early?"

Hearing the voice of Tianxie Xianjun, Wu Xie's heart was stunned and he knelt down directly.

Originally, his spirit was tense, and coupled with his fear of Tianxie Xianjun, he would naturally have this reaction.

"Back... Master back! According to Moxie and Langxie, they discovered the breath of Immortal Leifa, so they asked me to come and inform you!"

Wu Xie was lying on the ground all over, and she did not dare to look up.


Tian Xie Xianjun let out a suspicion, and then the whole hall suddenly raged!

Several forces, all twisted together, explosions sounded everywhere!

Wu Xie was shocked, Lord Tian Xie's strength really rose again!

"You say it again?"

Tianxie Xianjun just asked in a very calm voice as if he had vented.

"We discovered the position of Immortal Lei Fa, he should be on Qingluan Peak! Moreover, they are two people traveling together, it is very possible that they came with the formation king!"

Wu Xie plucked up the courage and said loudly.

Although, he knew that Tian Xie could not hurt him.

But the unfounded fear in his heart made him dare not say a word of nonsense.

"The formation king?"

Fairy Tianxie's face also showed a trace of astonishment.

"Yes, we guessed that it was the King of Formation! Although he did not reveal his breath, Immortal Lei Fa left the familiar thunder electric breath, which was confirmed by the wolf evil."


Tian Xie Xianjun suddenly let out a cold snort, and Wu Xie was taken aback by surprise, and he suddenly lowered his head.

He didn't know why Tianxie Xianjun still made such an important voice.

Of course, he could hear that this was an expression of dissatisfaction.

However, the words of Immortal Monarch Tianxie made him understand.

"The King of Formation, he had come in as early as millions of years ago, but he couldn't get out at all! And this time, Immortal Lei Fa came over, maybe to save him! So he brought another helper... …"

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