However, Jiang Ao decided to take a look.

Since Wutian Xianjun belongs to the Forgotten Clan, he can naturally help him!

As for how to help, let's talk about it then!

From the conversation just now, he also got a useful information, that is, he is unwilling to become the emperor.

And this time the battle for the throne was also forced by the black robe evil fairy!

In addition, there is another one. Obviously Wutian Xianjun's subordinates are members of the Forgotten Clan, so this should be the largest Forgotten Clan in Xianjun!

"Wu Tian Xianjun, I have already seen it. Someone has indeed boarded our flying boat! And this person is extremely careful, except for the footprints left at the beginning, leaving no clues!"

Suddenly, the black robe evil fairy jumped into the hall again, and the sound that rang out shocked the two of them!

They stopped talking quickly.

Because the black robe evil fairy couldn't see any expression.

However, a hint of dissatisfaction and prudence can be heard in the tone.

"So what should I do?"

Wutianxianjun quickly responded, which was considered a deal.

The black robe evil immortal said: "I will use the secret method to see if my friend knows anyone who knows these fairy methods!"

That's how it was said, but in fact, the evil immortal Hei Robo wanted to contact Shang Jianjun!

The only thing that is certain now is that the only ones who sneak in here are the subordinates of Xianjun Taihao.

"Okay, then you hurry up and contact!"

Wutianxianjun said quickly.

Jiang Ao knew it now, all of this was pretended by the godless fairy.

Only in this way can the evil immortal Hei Robo put a trace of caution.

"Xianjun, please wait a moment!"

A strange color flashed in the black robe evil fairy's eyes, and then closed his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, an inexplicable force radiated from his body.

No one else can feel it.

But only Jiang Ao, because of his divine power, could catch the slightest trace.

Jiang Ao thought, and followed this special power all the way.

Sure enough, the goal was directed towards Immortal King Taihao!


Because no one on the other side accepted this message, the black robe evil fairy's idea fell through!

"Damn it, why can't I get in touch?"

Heipao Xiexian suddenly opened his eyes, somewhat inconceivable.

But soon, he closed his eyes again.

But this time, it changed the direction!

But it is the direction of the Immortal Emperor's Palace!

Jiang Ao was shocked. Could it be that there are any evil immortals over there?

He didn't dare to relax at all, condensing all his mind, and let his divine power follow the black robe evil immortal's power all the way.

I don't know how long it took, his spiritual consciousness finally saw the scene he wanted!

I saw an evil immortal occupying the first seat in the imperial palace.

Obviously, he received the black robe evil fairy's message, and immediately frowned.

Then an evil fairy was summoned, not knowing what to do.

Jiang Ao didn't dare to test the conversation between them.

Because, the evil fairy on the first seat.

Surprisingly, he looks like the evil fairy!

He was a little puzzled.

Tianxiexian Jun was clearly beheaded by him in the evil fairy world, why...

Will still live in the fairy world?

Very unreasonable.

He doesn't believe that there is exactly the same person!

Obviously, he could feel that this is the Heavenly Evil Fairy!


The evil immortal ran back from a distance, not knowing what he said, the expression of Heavenly evil immortal monarch changed suddenly, and then his lips moved slightly, sending the news to the black robe evil fairy!

Jiang Ao immediately broke off his spiritual sense, and instead plunged the spiritual sense into the robe of the black robe evil fairy!


He felt that his face was filled with incomprehension!

Jiang Ao groaned slightly, and then he knew what he was thinking!

It must be that he couldn't contact the Shangjian Army, and when he asked the Tianxie Immortal for verification, he found that the Shangjian Army had not died!

and so……

Jiang Ao couldn't help crying out for luck in his heart, but fortunately, he left the life of the Shangjian Army and threw it into his own body world.

Otherwise, he might expose the target and start to stun him!

But now it was obviously that the evil immortal organization was in doubt, but this was the best result in front of him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ao didn't try more.

Because Heipao Xianxian must explain to Wutianxianjun, he just needs to listen.


The evil fairy black robe spoke.

"My friend doesn't seem to know what immortal technique this is, but there is no doubt that it must be the person sent by Immortal Monarch Taihao!"

"Then what shall we do?"

Wutian Xianjun asked with a worried look.

"Anyway, I want to seize the throne. It's better to wait until my friends come over, we will rush to kill them, and kill them all!"

While speaking, the black robe fairy showed a murderous aura.

"Everything depends on the military division!"

Xianjun Wutian had no opinion at all, and agreed to his request.

The black robe fairy nodded and said: "If this is the case, then I will contact my friends now and let them come over!"

"Everything depends on the military division!"

At the moment he lowered his head, Jiang Ao saw the helpless look in the eyes of Wutian Xianjun.

At the same time, he also understood that the reason why he didn't burst out was actually worried about his people!

It's just that, how many people here are forgotten?

Jiang Ao stood quietly thinking about countermeasures.

Use some magic power to use less.

Although there is now a way to restore divine power.

But what is missing is something that contains divine power.

The sandstone is in the sleeve, now it is also a reminder.

The hall was quiet, no one spoke, and they sat quietly under their seats.

Only the black robe evil immortal, sometimes closing his eyes, sometimes opening his eyes, is obviously contacting the horse.

After touching a cup of tea, he suddenly spoke.

"At most half an hour, my friend is coming! Just now, my friend and I passed the anger, they came from the west side of Emperor Taihao, let us attack first, and they attacked from the rear! Then, we They can be wiped out in one fell swoop!"

The evil fairy black robe said loudly.

"Frontal attack? Military division, I think something is wrong!"

At first, Luo Tianshang, who was looking for Immortal King Wu Tian, ​​put forward an objection.

"Oh? Not right? Are you qualified to interrupt?"

The black robe fairy snorted coldly, with a disdainful tone.

"Military teacher, I am also Xianjun's subordinate, and naturally have the power to help Xianjun share his worries! What do you mean by this?"

Being ridiculed in public, his face suddenly turned into pig liver color.

"Hehe, it's not that this army division looks down on you! It's just your slight strength, if it's not for Xianjun's sake, you don't even have a chance to talk to me!"

"Joke!" The words have already been said for this purpose, who is not clear about the meaning of the evil fairy in black robe?

This is clearly to let the people under Xianjun go up and die!

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