I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 627: Time for a stick of incense!

Jiang Ao thought for a moment, and said: "There is no need for Wutianxianjun to be so anxious. When this happens, we will make plans again, how about?"

"Why are you waiting for this?"

Wutianxianjun looked at Jiang Ao with no expression on his face.

What he thinks is very simple, since you didn't come to kill us, why don't we leave and have to stay here?

"Because... I can **** you to the Chaos World!"

Jiang Ao said with a smile, because he had indeed promised the patriarch at the time to protect the entire clan from being forgotten.


Wutian Xianjun frowned, and said: "I also have the strength of Xianjun, not to mention disregarding the immortal world, but I believe that I still have the power to protect myself, and I don't need to be so troublesome as a fairy friend!"

"No, no," Jiang Ao said lightly, "Didn't Wutianxianjun discover anything? Why would an evil fairy voluntarily come by your side and influence your thoughts?"

"What do you mean?"

Wutianxianjun was slightly taken aback.

"There will be major events in the immortal world, and all of this is caused by evil immortals! Even, according to my guess, there are shadows of foreign races behind! There are not many people in the Forgotten Clan, and they want to withdraw from the dispute between the immortal world and the foreign world. I can understand the matter. However, if you want to protect the whole family well, I think I will accompany you on a trip!"

Jiang Ao insisted on his opinion.

"You don't need to trouble you, since you still have so many things, let's do it ourselves!"

Wutianxianjun still refused.


As soon as the voice fell, a guard rushed outside.

This guard is also a member of the Forgotten Clan, and Immortal Wu Tian placed him outside, actually as his own eyeliner!

"Report... Master Xianjun, a group of immortals suddenly came outside, all dressed differently from ordinary immortals. They said that they had listened to a friend's call and came to help us win the position of the emperor!"

The guard said loudly as soon as he came in, causing everyone to look at him.

"Come, they are here!"

Jiang Ao smiled slightly.

The guard continued: "Master Xianjun, they said that only a stick of incense will be given time for me to inform. If there is no reply within the stick of incense, they will break in!"

"A stick of incense? These people are so arrogant!"

Wutianxianjun's face became cold.

The notification gave themselves a time limit, wouldn't they be afraid of my anger?

When the Black Robe Evil Fairy was still there, he knew a lot about himself.

Because of fear, Wutianxianjun chose to give in in many ways.


You evil immortals, this monarch can still be used to you?

When he was about to go out personally and sweep all those evil immortals.

There was a loud noise outside!


Countless immortals all flew up.

Almost all are injured!

Bad luck, seriously injured!

Anything worse, you will die!

"Huh, Immortal Wutian is so ostentatious! Where is my friend? Release him quickly!"

A loud shout came in, and Luo Tianshang on the side knelt to the ground one after another!

Because, in the bursting drink, with the power of the fairy!

It turned out that this evil immortal communicated with the black robe immortal as soon as he arrived.

But I found that no one can be found at all!

The evil immortal who can cultivate to the realm of the immortal monarch naturally cannot be underestimated in strength. Without a word, he directly attacked!

As soon as the voice fell, he appeared in the command hall, standing in front of the Wutian Xianjun!

"Huh, Wutian Xianjun, where's my friend? We kindly came to help, but I couldn't find my friend?"

On the way they came, they communicated from time to time, so it is impossible for the evil immortal Heipao to go elsewhere!

Of course, he didn't care where he went.

The main thing is that if the person is missing, it can prove that something is abnormal.

Therefore, there is no need to hide yourself and others.

"You evil immortals, **** it!"

Seeing that these clansmen were overwhelmed by the momentum, a trace of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Xianjun Wutian.

Originally, the evil immortals that came were all Luo Tianshang immortals, and he had absolute strength to suppress them.

Unexpectedly, the shot is a fairy!

"It's just you? My evil fairy prince, although not very famous in the immortal world, I can't be afraid of anyone!"

After finishing speaking, he slammed at Wutian Xianjun with a punch, and there was no one else!

This punch drove countless evil spirits.

The coercion formed by the evil spirit directly caused the Luo Tianshang immortals of the Forgotten Clan who fell on their knees to spit foam!

It's too strong, they can't bear it at all!

"Only you?"

Seeing that the punch was about to hit the Wutian Xianjun, Jiang Ao gathered a trace of supernatural power and stretched out his finger to tap!

Countless evil spirits, all collapsed!


Dixie Xianjun's face changed.

He knows his strength very well, and he is extremely strong in the control of evil spirits.

But even he didn't know where his evil spirit had gone!

Before he was surprised.

Jiang Ao's finger is about to point on his forehead!

Moreover, he also felt a powerful force, enough to make him fall apart!

"Boy, who are you!"

Dixie Xianjun immediately flashed his figure, appeared a few feet away, could not help but escaped Jiang Ao's finger, his complexion became serious.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know who can send you to the underworld!"

Jiang Ao said lightly.

"Hahaha, joke, there is a big Luo Jinxian who doesn't know what kind of treasure he is carrying, so he thinks he can defeat my fairy king?"

At this time, Dixie Xianjun looked at Jiang Ao's cultivation base, and almost burst into laughter.

A big Luo Jinxian can force himself back, apart from having a powerful foreign treasure, is it because of his own strength?

"A joke? Is it a joke? You can go back and ask Tianxie Xianjun! Of course, if this Tianxie Xianjun is the one I know!"

Jiang Ao's words caused the Dixie Immortal Lord to be taken aback for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "Do you know my eldest brother?"

"Your brother?"

Jiang Ao was also in a daze, right, two brothers?

Is Xie Ran his sister too?

"I still know Xie Ran, don't you know if you do?"

"Little sister?" Dixie Xianjun's face changed drastically, and he said angrily: "Boy, do you know where my little sister is? Say! If you say it, I will spare you not to die!"

Jiang Ao understood completely now.

Dare to love, this is still an evil fairy family!


However, as long as it is an evil immortal, it will die if it falls into his hands!

That is, Xie Ran is the wife of the King of Formation, and is still seeking a way to become a righteous immortal from the Lord of Chaos.

Therefore, Jiang Ao would not have any idea of ​​killing Xie Ran.

Even if he doesn't give face to the Lord of Chaos, he still has to give face to King Jin!

"Forgive me for not dying?" Jiang Ao dismissed his face and said, "Before speaking this sentence, I will give you a chance to ask Tianxie Xianjun! Give you a stick of incense!"

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