I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 661: Hang out!

"Lei Fa, the formation king!"

Sora was shocked first, and then, ignoring the re-flash on his body, several instantaneous movements, and ran towards there!

"Empty? Why are you here? Didn't you go back to the Demon Realm?"

Seeing Kong, the Raiden Karmapa was also stunned.

Kong couldn’t help but smiled bitterly, and said: "Yes, I went to the Demon Realm, but I came back after solving the problem. It was just that I suffered a combined blow from the Ten Demon Kings over there, severely injured, and unable to locate the Immortal Realm accurately. Location, so I don’t know where it is! I feel a little too familiar."

Hearing Kong's words, the Thunder King almost couldn't help but smile, and he could only say helplessly; "This is the place where you are being held... I really don't know what to say, you come back from the demon world, how to get to the prison star Coming up?"

"It's me?"

Sora's eyes widened too, no wonder it felt so familiar here.

I have been imprisoned on Prison Star for millions of years, right?

"Yeah, this is the prison star. We just shut all the magic soldiers in, and then we plan to find Jiang Ao."

The formation king ended, the formation was completed, and all the magic soldiers were locked inside without any accident.

He can talk too.

"Why am I here?"

Sora was also dumbfounded, and then said: "What about the master? Is he still on Simon Star?"

"No, no! He was chased by Tianxie Xianjun somewhere else, and now I don't know where he is! After we are planning to lock up all these magic soldiers, we plan to go to Jiang Ao and help him!"

Hearing this, Sora also looked terrified and said: "Okay, then we will go together! But, King Jin, is this safe? I plan to let all my people stay here and rest!"

"Clan people?"

The king of the formation was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, that's right, I brought all my people to the immortal world. If it weren't, they would be enslaved by other monsters! As their patriarch, I don't want to see such things."

Both of them nodded their heads, and said: "If this is the case, I will build another one and let them hide inside! However, in order not to affect their survival, it can only be a fantasy formation. It is impossible for people outside. See the inside. Unless, the strength is much higher than me!"

"So, thank you Jin Wang!"

Sora face was overjoyed.

In the past, although they were enemies.

But because of Jiang Ao, they are now on the same front.

"Jiang Ao is not so short of time, wait a moment."

Two hours later.

It's another formation.

But the king of formation is already weak.

Indeed, two large formations were laid one after another, and even the formation king was somewhat unbearable.

"King Jin, are you okay?"

Raiden Karmapa quickly asked.

"Fortunately, it's just a little bit weak, but it won't affect the action."

The King of Formation adjusted his breath, opened his eyes and said.

"Thank you!"

Sora is a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, I believe that after you have arranged your clan members, you will help Jiang Ao without any distraction! The most important thing at the moment is to kill the gods!"

"Okay! I will give orders to the people now!"

Kong closed his eyes, spread his demon consciousness, and quickly passed it on to the tribe.

Not long after, these space monster races rushed over.

"You are here for a long time, if you have nothing to do, remember not to go out! I will take you out of this place when I have done my job for the master!"

"Patriarch Xie!"

The demons bowed one after another, grateful.

The patriarch was right, as soon as they came to the immortal realm, they could be arranged properly. They no longer need to give their lives to the rest of the monster race, and they will not get any benefits.

"It's so good!"

Kong nodded, facing the elder, and said: "I am not here, you are in charge of everything! I have only one request, to save the lives of all the people, and not to let him have an accident, do you remember?"

"Subordinates understand!"

The great elder and a group of elders knelt down.

"Well, we can go now!"

Kong Qiang said in a breath.

Because the demon vein was broken, he was also quite uncomfortable now.

"No hurry, we have to arrange for him."

The Thunder Lord pointed at the sluggish man Xie Xianjun by his side.

"There is also a prison formation on the side, trap him first, and then ask Jiang Ao how to do it!"

The king of the formation suggested.

"it is good."

After everything was ready, the four Thunder Kings, plus Kong, four people and one demon, appeared again in Dian Hell Mountain!

The Thunder King found Qinghe Immortal, and said, "Where did they go?"

"over there."

Qing Hexian pointed a direction, which was the direction where Jiang Ao left before!

"Keep the prison mountain well, otherwise the fairy world will be in chaos!"

Raiden Karmapa warned again.

"Qinghe understands!"

Just as the Raiden Karmapa was about to leave, suddenly two women rushed over and stopped in front of them.

"We also want to find Jiang Ao!"

It is Ziyan and Laner!

"Ancient immortal?" The Thunder King frowned and said: "Who are you from Jiang Ao, why are you looking for him?"

He knew how Jiang Ao would know the ancient immortal soon after he rose up!

Moreover, the strength of these two ancient immortals is still so low, they are only the big Luo Jinxian!

"I am Jiang Ao's maid, she is Jiang Ao's younger sister!"

Zi Yan quickly said.

The Thunder King was stunned, shook his head, and said, "Do you know the level of the person Jiang Ao is facing? It's not something you can contend with!"

Qing Hexian also said: "Ziyan, Lan'er, you are obedient and stay! Otherwise, you will pass by, but Jiang Ao's burden!"

Before, he also felt the terrifying aura emanating from Tianxie Xianjun.

Even a fairy can't bear him, let alone them!

"Yes... is it?"

Zi Yan didn't believe it, and said, "But Jiang Ao is just a big Luo Jinxian, I can feel his realm!"

Lan'er nodded desperately from the side.

Qing Hexian's face sank, and said: "Jiang Ao's Daluo Jinxian is not an ordinary Daluo Jinxian! Don't go there to make trouble!"


The two of them looked dark, knowing that since Qing Hexian refused, he would definitely not be able to leave.

The Thunder King nodded at Qinghexian, then turned and left!

In the direction where Jiang Ao left, he rushed over.

And Qing Hexian led the two towards the Dian Prison Mountain.

Dianhe Mountain has been destroyed, and they still have a lot to do.


The two women who followed behind, exchanged glances one after another!

They plan to find Jiang Ao!

From the conversation between them just now, you can hear that Jiang Ao's trip is very dangerous!


Even if you die, you have to die!

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