I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 674: Lock heaven, open the treasure house!

Laner made a decisive decision, pulled up Ziyan and left.

After leaving the store, he turned a corner and hid behind an object.

There is a place of shadows, through these shadows, and the original effect of clothes, it is not easy to notice!

"Lan'er, is it useful to hide here? Why not run away quickly?"

Zi Yan said anxiously.

"Quiet, don't talk!"

Lan'er and Ziyan have opposite personalities, so they are together, but they complement each other.

She Huizhi Lanxin is more detailed than Ziyan.

Sure enough, Zi Yan had just closed his mouth, and suddenly several people walked around the corner.

The headed woman is just the customer in the store!

"Hey, I did see her walking this way just now!"

This female fairy has the cultivation base of Luo Tianshang!

Indeed, the higher the strength of the fairy, the more need such a piece of clothing!

Behind her, many men followed.

Each one is Luo Tianshang!

It's just a lot lower grade!

Zi Yan and Lan'er couldn't help but pinch their hands!

Based on their feelings, they fully knew that as long as any of them attacked them, they could die directly!

Of course, the premise is that they do not activate the above formation.

After the female fairy hovered here for a while, she quickly chased her with her subordinates to one side.

Zi Yan was about to get up, but was held back by Lan'er.

"Wait, people in the immortal world are monsters who have lived for thousands of adults. Maybe this is cheating us!"


Zi Yan was taken aback for a moment, but everything was arranged by Lan'er during the trip. Although she didn't believe it in her heart, she squatted down.


After a few breaths, the group of people turned back!

"It seems that they have gone from another direction! Could it be that what kind of blindfold they used?"

The female fairy seemed to mumble to herself.

A male fairy walked up and said: "Empress, what is the background of these two female fairies, it is worth your fight and pursue yourself? In fact, as long as you give an order, the younger ones can lock the planet. Now! Even though the Immortal Emperor has fallen, Zhong Fangxing is still under the control of our Immortal Emperor Mansion!"

When the two women heard this, their expressions changed!

Unexpectedly, this woman turned out to be an empress?

That is, the wife of the Chinese Emperor Xiandi?

No, this is too late!

"Huh, it's not that simple! This news will definitely spread. If our movement is too big, it will make others prepare faster! Have you checked the male cultivator just now? What is the background? It's so strong, I can't recognize it!"

The empress said harshly.

Zhong Jin has always been indifferent, so in fact the real power of the Chinese Xianyu is in the hands of the empress.

It's just that she doesn't usually take care of things, everything is self-contained.

"I don't know, a few brothers who are good at hiding have followed."

The male fairy said quickly.

"That's at least a person at the level of a fairy, so if you want to send it, you will also send a few powerful people!"

The empress looked dissatisfied.

Because these guards are at most Luo Tianshangxian, how can they chase after Xianjun?

Only a few fairy monarchs in the mansion can chase them, right?


As soon as the voice fell, there was an explosion in the distance.

Several screams began.

Obviously something happened!

"Oops, it's Xiaowu and the others!"

The male fairy's face changed.

From the sound, I heard that the person I sent was screaming!

"Go, go and take a look! Our manpower can't stand the toss!"

After the emperor finished speaking, she took the lead and ran towards there.

It can be seen from the situation in the store just now that this fairy gentleman seems to be very good at talking, and hope not to cause misunderstanding!

of course.

Even if there is a misunderstanding, he is not afraid.

Because there are still several fairy monarchs in the mansion!

While running wildly, she sent a message to the five fairy monarchs in the mansion.

Tell them to come to town quickly!

"Now, let's go!"

Knowing that this was a rare opportunity, Lan Er quickly pulled up Zi Yan, found a direction at random, and ran wildly.

Although they are Da Luo Jinxian, they have the bonus of Tianyifang clothes, and their running speed is not slow.

More importantly, the two black outfits make them not easy to be spotted!

"Do you want to hide there for a while?"

After going round and round, I don't know how many roads they ran, a large open space suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

But in the middle of the open space, there is a glorious mansion.

At this time, the door of the mansion opened wide, and there was no one guarding it!

The important thing is that the mansion is backed by a big mountain, and this big mountain completely blocks the sunlight coming in, and there are shadows everywhere, it is no longer suitable for them to hide!

"Go ahead and talk about it! The big deal is discovered, let's reveal the identity of the master!"

They knew Qinghexian's position in the immortal world.

So don't panic at all.

At most, he would be caught back to practice.

The two ran quickly, and after passing through the gate, they felt a sense of solemnity.

But other than that, there is no discomfort.

The two ran all the way down the hall.

They have an intuition that the more inside, the safer they are.

Anyway, no one, don't run at this time, when will you wait?

Because the person looking for them is the emperor, the fairy companion of the emperor, can that be a joke?

Therefore, they desperately ran for respect.

If all goes well, they plan to escape the limelight first and then escape.

Although they came out to find Jiang Ao, the immortal world is so big that they are also looking for it aimlessly.

They didn't know at all, and it was a coincidence that they ran into... the palace of the Emperor!

There are not many fairy soldiers in the palace.

There are usually five fairy monarchs guarding the treasure house, and most people do not dare to break in.

And when the emperor went out, it was enough to bring a group of guards from Luo Tianshang.

Usually this kind of battle is something that most people don't dare to provoke.

Besides, Zhong Fangxing, who would dare to make a mistake?

Because of this, after the five immortals here went out, there was no one in the entire palace.

Lan'er and Zi Yan both ran to the deepest place.

In their subconscious, the more they go inside, the safer they are.

Soon, they reached the innermost point, and a huge stone gate stood in front of them.

"I said, shall we hide inside?"

Zi Yan looked at the stone gate, and felt confident to open it.

Because, the moment she became an immortal, the awakening heaven was Suotian!

No matter what the door, she can't help her!

This is also the reason why she can escape from Dianhe Mountain.

"Listen to you, hide in!"

Lan'er also knew that when he got here, it was impossible for others to find it again.

Simply conceited and agreed.

"Look at me!"

With Lan'er's permission, Zi Yan was so excited that he immediately displayed the Tao of Heaven, and Shimen opened slowly!

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