I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 684: Threatening

When the empress heard the three words Dianyushan, she was also bewildered.

This fairy prince actually came from Dianyushan?

Although she didn't know the people of Dianyu Mountain, she also knew that there were immortals in Dianyu Mountain.

And there is only one!

So, she is the warden?

The dignified warden went to the Immortal Emperor's Palace to become the immortal emperor. Is this being demoted?

Wait, I heard from him that it was someone named Jiang Ao who asked him to be the immortal emperor. What happened?

The emperor's realm of strength is not high, and she is greedy for pleasure, so she doesn't understand some things in the fairy world.

In her opinion, it is enough to be able to cultivate to Luo Tianshang, a group of obedient subordinates, plus five elders of the immortal monarch, and an immortal emperor's palace that is solid.

She has nothing to ask for.

Immortals will never die.

She also knew she would not become a god.

Therefore, I have been in front of the empress with peace of mind in China for many thousands of years.

When he heard the news suddenly, he was also stunned on the spot.

It was something she couldn't understand at all.

What happened in the fairy world?

She only knew that Zhong Jin was dead.

Everything here is for her, no one will care about her!

But now, an immortal monarch actually came and told her that she was going to be an emperor!


In a single thought, the sky collapses, the empress, no, she is no longer an empress!

Ownership is gone!

Qing Hexian didn't do anything, and the empress was ashamed.

Moreover, she did not dare to move.

Everything about her comes from the name after the emperor.

Once she is not an empress, then she has nothing.

The Immortal Emperor's Palace is going to give up.

To be ugly, what is she?

"Master, we just want to find Young Master!"

Zi Yan lowered his head, feeling helpless.

"Huh! The wings are really hard when they grow up! Only then did Da Luo Jinxian dared to sneak out. You don't know how messy the immortal world is now!"

Qing Hexian was indeed strict with them, but it was actually for their good.

If either of the two women had an accident, how could she confess to Jiang Ao?

"Huh, what is this?"

At this time, Qing Hexian saw the key in Lan'er's hand.

A huge celestial force was felt on it.

Although it didn't show up at this time.

However, with his strength, he can feel that this key is definitely the control talisman of this palace!

"This is... this is..."

The empress' expression changed.

Of course she also knows.

What a look Qing Hexian recognized at a glance and turned his head back.

"Okay, you can go away."

Qing Hexian glanced at the empress with contempt.

From her eyes, it is natural to see that the empress is not a good thing.

The empress' eyes showed unwillingness.

She raised her head to look at the two women, a flash of anger suddenly flashed in her eyes.

Why do you let me go and I will go?

This was originally my place.

You are here and you say you are the emperor in one sentence. Have you ever asked me what I mean?

Isn't it, I can also say that I am the emperor?

If I can grab the control talisman...

Evil grows to the gall.

The empress's unwillingness made her act!

"Get up!"

When Qing Hexian uttered the word roll, he had already put the empress down, which happened to give her a perfect opportunity.

At this time, it was the most slack time, the empress gave a low shout and rushed towards the two women.

In an instant, he controlled Ziyan and Lan'er one by one, and used his own fairy power to hold the control talisman in his hand!

This sudden change surprised Qing Hexian and exclaimed, "What are you doing?"

"What do we do?"

The empress’s heartbeat was very fast at this time, she worked hard to calm her emotions, and said: "Leave here first, otherwise, I will kill your two precious disciples!"

Zi Yan and Lan'er were also caught off guard, feeling a huge immortal force locked on their life gates, they couldn't help but panic.

You know, they are just big Luo Jinxians!

"Master...Master, save us!"

"Don't come here! I will kill them again!"

The empress' eyes were about to split, and then controlled Xianli to fly the control talisman in Lan'er's hand into her mouth!

She made one of her hands, there was no third hand at all, she could only put it in her mouth.

After feeling the control talisman in her mouth, her fussed heart finally calmed down, and she couldn't help but sternly shouted at Qing Hexian: "Get out! This Immortal Emperor's Palace belongs to me, it is not your turn to be the Immortal Emperor. But, since you can be the fairy emperor, so can I be! Hahaha, I will be the only female fairy emperor in the history of the fairy world!"

If the empress was mad, Qing Hexian did not dare to anger her at this moment.

Although Luo Tianshangxian was vulnerable to a blow in her eyes, the two lives were in her hands, and Qinghexian did not dare to act rashly.

"Okay, I'm going! But I warn you, if they have a cold hair on their bodies, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

After speaking, Immortal Qinghe left without looking back!

The empress smirked, and the control talisman was in my hand. I would still be afraid of you then?

Is it possible that you alone can still fight against the entire Immortal Emperor's Palace?

Although the empress usually doesn't care about things here, she also learned about the imperial palace after the death of the Chinese emperor.

As a means to save her life, she is well aware of some of the restrictions here, whether it is a defensive formation or an attack formation.

She was confident to deal with the warden Qing Hexian, not to mention that there were hostages in her hands.

Seeing Qing Hexian leaving, Zi Yan and Lan'er looked at each other.

The tacit understanding accumulated over the years let them know that they can only save themselves at this time, and cannot count on Qinghexian!

Because Qing Hexian threw a rat-repellent, facing a somewhat crazy empress, if she moved, it would surely attract the empress's crazy counterattack.

At that time, even if the emperor died, they might fall on the spot.

They also understand Qing Hexian's actions.

"Hahaha, Immortal Emperor, I didn't expect that I would also be the Immortal Emperor!"

The empress saw Qing Hexian with her own eyes leaving the room here, so she controlled the two of them to follow.

Then see Qing Hexian withdraw from the formation.

She also walked behind the door and greeted the Luo Tianshang immortals outside the door.

"Come in, you all come in quickly!"

The gods on Luo Tian didn't know what happened.

Looking at Qing Hexian, she found her expression gloomy.

Looking at the two women in the hands of the empress again, he hesitated, then followed in obediently.

At this time, it is clear that the Empress has the upper hand.

After seeing everyone coming in, the empress said: "Now repair the formation for this emperor, otherwise..."

As she said, she snorted.

Qing Hexian was furious and said: "Don't move, I will fix it now!"

The empress laughed: "Hurry up, or I will kill them!"

With that, she stepped back and signaled Qing Hexian to repair it quickly.

Qinghe Xian Tieqing's face could only put his hand on the formation, and used his own fairy power.

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