I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 690: Find Jiang Ao!

at the same time.

Qinghexian just opened the entrance of the Chaos Secret Realm.

As soon as the front foot stepped in, she felt the broken formation!

"No, someone is fighting?"

However, it was too late for her to turn around.

Because he paid a great price, he opened the entrance door during this period of time, and there was not enough fairy power to make her rush out from the entrance!

"Sorry, I tried my best!"

Qing Hexian only knew that the empress's threat was that someone moved, so he killed the two women.

And now, she didn't even think of why someone would break his formation!

With endless remorse on his face, Jiang Ao can only be found right now, asking him for forgiveness, and returning to China for revenge again!

How could my apprentice die in vain?

The entire Immortal Emperor's Palace needs to be buried!

How did the two women know that the formation they broke open was arranged by Qing Hexian.

Even, they don't even care why there are two formations.

After getting out of trouble, they turned around and took a look, and then rose into the sky.

Because they still need to find Jiang Ao!

"Zi Yan, the speed is so fast, I can't help it!"

Lan'er subconsciously flew with all her strength, but as a result, she couldn't control her speed at all, and she was frightened to lose her color.

Zi Yan laughed, with no image at all.

"It's okay, Huanyu is so big, you can travel! But then again, after the speed is faster, we will find the young master faster!"

The two females are like **** beasts, and their excitement can't be added.

All the dangers they needed at the beginning were forgotten.

Soon, they disappeared into the void of Huanyu.


With blood on the corner of Qing Hexian's mouth, he took out a compass.

This is the compass that can determine Jiang Ao's position.

Because Jiang Ao didn't hand over his token, the compass played a huge role at this time!

"At that end? It's a bit difficult!"

Qing Hexian frowned. At this moment, he had little power left on his body. In addition to the need to protect herself, she could only rush there as soon as possible.

However, this speed is not much faster than ordinary immortals.

And Jiang Ao didn't even know what was going on outside, instead, he put his divine consciousness into every opened alien space with full attention.


As he expected, nothing happened.

It's just that this can also help these spatial monster races to practice, and he is also patient.

After each monster race uses up its own space power, another monster race will come up.

Therefore, only Jiang Ao can't stop.

The Raiden Lord guarded outside the formation.

Among those who are okay, he is the only one who has this strength.

One day passed.

Jiang Ao still got nothing.

But with enough space stones, these monsters couldn't stop at all, and Jiang Ao didn't feel embarrassed to stop.

After all, the stronger these monsters are, the more cards they have.

Maybe these monster races can help themselves a lot!

And Qing Hexian had already walked almost a third of the distance at this time.

If there is no accident, he can walk to Jiang Ao in two days.

The premise is that Jiang Ao did not leave.

Two more days passed.

With the help of Jiang Ao, the strength of these space monster races has greatly improved.

But Jiang Ao was a little numb.

There are so many different spaces in the void.

Ben Lei Shen Sword was not found.

I found a lot of small and large fairy artifacts.

Everything is extraordinary, and this is the only thing that can give Jiang Ao a touch of comfort.

The space stone is consumed at a very fast rate. This kind of non-stop cultivation, the great elder of the space monster clan, has taken the lead to break through to the realm of the demon general!

Strength, comparable to Luo Tianshang!

Finally, one can fight.

Jiang Ao was speechless for a while looking at the space monsters cheering in front of him.

No wonder they are really the usual space monsters, their combat effectiveness is too weak.

Jiang Ao didn't bother them. Instead, he walked out of the prison cell and sat beside the Thunder King by taking advantage of the rare free time he didn't need to look for Ben Thunder God Sword.

At this moment, he suddenly frowned.

A familiar feeling spread from the portable space.

He took the opportunity and took out the token.

"Are you still here?"

Raiden Karmapa looked at it, and he was taken aback.

Jiang Ao smiled and said: "Isn't this letting Kong stay in it at the time, I forgot to hand it back."

Looking at token, Jiang Ao couldn't help thinking of his trip to the secret realm not long ago, the battle with Tianxiexianjun in the world of evil immortals, and the battle with Qiongqi in the ninth level.

The figure of the formation king appeared in his heart from time to time, and he sighed again.

"Don't think about it, Jiang Ao."

The Raiden Karmapa knew why Jiang Ao sighed.

Jiang Aoqiang laughed, and then he carefully observed the token.

Frowning slightly, he felt something incredible.

At that time, three gold medal wardens were tracking them with compasses, and Jiang Ao only learned about it later.

When tracking, he didn't feel it at all.

But at this time, he could clearly feel locked by a gas machine from the token.

That's why, there will be a weird feeling on the token.

Because Jiang Ao had divine power at this time, the power of induction was different from Qiongzhong.

So you can detect the immortal power lock.

It can be said that as long as there is a wave of immortal power in front of Jiang Ao, he can discover it!

"Could someone find themselves again?"

Jiang Ao groaned for a while before spreading out his spiritual consciousness and rushing out along the locked aura.

Soon, his face changed!

Because he saw the weak Qinghexian!

"No, Qinghexian encountered something, he came to us!"

Jiang Aoteng stood up and immediately rushed in the direction of Qing Hexian.

Qinghexian was also within ten miles at this time.

Jiang Ao tried his best and rushed to Qinghexian in a few breaths!

Entering the secret realm, Jiang Ao said to let Qinghexian become the emperor.

But at this time he came so weakly, it must be a big change in the fairy world!

China Xianyu has always been autonomous and extremely stable.

Could it be said that Qinghexian was resisted by some immortals?

If it were in the past, Qinghexian would not be afraid.

But the original chains of the heavens have been destroyed, and the chains of the heavens in Jiang Ao's hands are transformed by the 100,000 heavens.

Therefore, Qinghexian came to him for help!

"Jiang Ao...finally found you!"

Qing Hexian found the target, and the breath that he insisted on suddenly loosened, and he slumped to the ground.

"what's happening?"

Without saying a word, Jiang Ao squatted down, lifted up Qing Hexian, and put his palm against Qing Hexian's back.

He carefully controlled his divine power, crossing over it a little bit, thus repairing his meridians!

Don't use too much, otherwise, Qinghe Immortal will burst into death!

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