I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 695: Be locked in a small treasure house!

"Empress, you go get the key, and then shut him in!"

The second elder didn't dare to move, so he wanted to use the empress as a gunman.

In this way, even if Jiang Ao's anger was aroused and the emperor was killed in one blow, it had nothing to do with them!

This is a good calculation!

But the Empress is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Before calling himself Immortal Emperor, he was mad and a bit irrational.

But now, let alone the immortal emperor, even the original empress could not be kept, and Jiang Ao had said that he would not care about her anymore.

At this time, he calmed down instead, thinking about how to survive.

How could such a dangerous thing be done?

"I don't dare, go and go by yourself!"

She deliberately increased her voice, in fact, while reminding Jiang Ao, she also wanted to put this matter aside.

In case things are revealed, she can also say that she has nothing to do with herself, thereby diverting Jiang Ao's anger!

"good very good!"

The second elder glared at her and warned the empress by means of sound transmission and secret transmission, but his eyes followed the empress and looked towards Jiang Ao.

As a result, they all discovered that Jiang Ao didn't seem to hear it at all.

The second elder was overjoyed, and at the same time gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand and waved, the key flew directly from the hand of the elder, and fell into his hand!

Although Jiang Ao hadn't noticed just now, the second elder didn't dare to fight.

Only slowly touched towards Shimen.

Seeing Jiang Ao still didn't respond, he suddenly exploded and inserted the key on the stone gate.

Shimen made a loud noise, and the second elder, no, it was everyone, all his eyes turned towards the treasure house.

Their heartbeat speeded up sharply, although Jiang Ao did not respond at this time.

But who knows, will he react in the next breath time, so as to rush out of the little treasure house, and kill them all in one move!


Jiang Ao didn't turn around until Shimen closed, as if the whole person was settled!


Closing the stone gate is just three breaths time.

However, they felt like they had spent three worlds.

The moment they closed the stone gate, all their minds relaxed.

The great elder looked seriously injured, but at this moment, a wheelie got up from the ground.

Obviously, he did not suffer multiple injuries.

In fact, Jiang Ao didn't use his full strength, seeing that he was Xianjun, he also reserved a little strength.

At that time, these people may still be useful for maintaining the stability of the fairy world, so he saved his life.

The Great Elder didn't know this situation, and thought that although Jiang Ao was stronger than himself, he was also limited.

In order to avoid fighting to lose-lose, he simply pretended to be seriously injured and lay on the ground.

It was time to see that Jiang Ao was locked into a small treasure house that their five brothers couldn't open together, and then he came to his heart and got up from the ground with peace of mind.

Everyone glanced at the five elders subconsciously.


He also got up.

However, with his right hand drooping, he was seriously injured.

After all, when Jiang Ao fought back, he faced the fifth child, but it was all in his hands.

For the Great Elder, the same power was distributed to the entire fairy body.

The power was naturally dispersed, and the strength of the Great Elder was stronger than that of the Five Elders, so it was naturally carried down.

"Old treacherous slippery!"

This idea appeared in everyone's mind.

And the five fairy monarchs, at this time, looked at the emperor at the same time.

"Emperor, who came, why are you so strong and still enter it? In addition, where did you get this key?"

The Great Elder said coldly.

Others are not afraid of the empress.

Just a mere mere Luo Tianshang, relying on Meitiandao to retain the favor of the Chinese emperor.

It's just that, afterwards, the Chinese Emperor Immortal wanted to prove Dao and become a god, and left her in the cold.

But the Chinese Emperor Xiandi didn't say anything. He didn't say anything about divorcing his wives, and no one threatened her identity and status.

But at this time.

No need to give any face.

"I...I don't know who this person is. I just suddenly appeared in the Immortal Emperor's Palace. I planned to trap him, but in the end I couldn't."

The empress shook her head helplessly, thinking of the previous scene, she was still afraid.

"By the way, he was looking for those two female fairies, but before that, the female fairies had already run away!"

The empress said quickly that the five people were locked in this small treasure house, but the key was obtained from the hands of the two women.

When I thought about it together, I realized that the reason why the five people asked about the two women was that they were imprisoned by the two women.

"What? Run away?"

The elder frowned, looked at the four people behind him, and then said: "These two women are so weird that they shut us in. We will not avenge the non-gentleman. We must chase after him now. , There will be a period later!"

The words are nice, in fact, they didn't find anything in the little treasure house, so they subconsciously thought that everything had been taken away by the two women.

Otherwise, how could it break the formation and escape?

Although the emperor didn't say anything, they knew in their hearts that it was definitely a relationship.

"Ah, you are leaving, what should I do?"

The empress was also shocked.

"I am waiting to guard the treasure house by the order of the emperor, but the things in this treasure house have been taken away. What else is there to guard at this time? You take care of yourself!"

After speaking, the elder threw the key back.

This key has no effect on them, and they don't plan to come back.

If you hold it in your hand, you might reveal your identity.

Wouldn't it be better for them to regain the treasures from the two women now and be a free and free celestial practice?

The empress picked up the key with a dazed expression, and stood on the ground very tangled.

Am I going... or not?

All five fairy monarchs will be trapped inside, I don't know if this kid... will he be trapped and unable to get out?

But after thinking about it, the empress decided to stay here for now, what if... he came out?

Besides, if you stay here, at least there is a palace as a guarantee.

Those subordinates were too unbearable to use them.

Thinking of this, the empress couldn't help sighing.

She also intends to stay here.

In case of danger, she could open the door of the little treasure house and tell Jiang Ao that she had defrauded the key from the five fairy monarchs and let him out.

At that time, maybe you can still get Jiang Ao's gratitude?

That's right, that's it!

Thinking of this, the emperor took a seat here with peace of mind.

At this time, Jiang Ao was communicating with Shishi.

Because the stone discovered a shocking secret.

He felt here, there was a breath of Godhead!

In other words, there used to be a godhead here.

But now that the Godhead is gone, who has taken away that space?

"Master, the breath of Godhead can last for a long time, of course, only I can feel it."

Jiang Ao was deeply impressed by Stone's words.

Because if it weren't for his reminder, I wouldn't find it!

Not even if there is a system!

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