I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 131 Long time no see, Natasha

【Ding! 】

[The mission "Battle of the Exposition" has been released, please check it out! 】

Before Leon could answer, the system in his mind suddenly issued a new task to him.

Leon's expression didn't change, but there was a little wave in his heart.

"This idea is good!" Fitz, who was on the side, heard Simmons' idea, his eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed.

At the warm invitation of Fitz and Simmons, Leon also felt that it was a good idea to go out for a walk.

What's more, judging from the urgency of the task released by the system, the task just released must be related to the Stark Expo.

In this case…

After bowing his head and thinking for a while, Leon nodded in agreement with the proposal of the two.


Seeing that Leon agreed, Fitz's mood suddenly rose, but, as if thinking of something, he murmured a little regretfully: "Unfortunately, Mr. Stark, can't come tonight. Otherwise, it will be too Perfect, I'd love to show him my invention..."

Looking at the disappointment on Fizz's face, Leon wanted to tell him: You can not only see your idol Stark tonight, but also Iron Man!

Although Stark is Iron Man...

. . .

After spending a happy time in the laboratory and the scientific duo, and after agreeing on the meeting time and place tonight, Leon did not leave the Trident headquarters immediately, but went to Hill's office.

After contacting Miss Gao Leng about feelings, under Hill's white eyes, he left the Trident headquarters leisurely.

Three hours later, I returned to Lyon in the apartment and entered the system's [Tasks] interface again.

In the [Unfinished Tasks] column, he immediately found the task prompted by the system just now:

[Task Name: Battle of the Exposition]

[Task content: The personal grievances of superheroes, ordinary people should not be involved, save those who were affected by Chiyu in the expo! 】

[Task status: not completed]

[Quest Reward: Unknown]

Looking at the content of the mission, Leon couldn't help whispering: "Sure enough, accepting the invitation is the right choice..."

Tonight, what he's going to do, maybe

After exiting the system interface, Leon suddenly got up from the sofa, went to the computer in the study, and sat down.

While waiting for the boot, Leon crossed his fingers and said to himself while doing a few stretches to relax his fingers: "I think I need to practice my hacking skills..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw his fingers fluttering, as if dancing a brisk dance on the keyboard...

. . . . . .

The night is bright, and the crescent moon is looming from the clouds and mist in the sky. As if it didn't want to miss it, this lively performance tonight...

Flushing, New York, Prairie Park.

It covers a vast area and has complete entertainment facilities. It has always been a good place for various large-scale events or competitions.

Here, it has hosted two world expositions, and has also hosted many US Open tennis tournaments.

The second Stark Industry Fair since 1974 will also be held here.

Perhaps it was Tsundere Tony, who shouted that his father didn't love him, but still held a deep love for his father in his heart, which drove him to hold such a technology event again...

Under the night, the expo is still brightly lit and crowded, and there is a positive atmosphere where scientific and technological ideas meet each other.

Many tourists who came to the expo held an Iron Man mask in their hands.

This is a free admission gift from Stark Industries.

Not only children, but also many adults like this little gift very much.


A yellow Chevrolet fifth-generation Camaro convertible,

He slammed on the brakes and stopped in front of the main entrance of the expo.

However, the one sitting in the driver's seat was not the owner of the car, but a thin young man with curly hair and a pale complexion.

A mocking voice sounded from the back seat: "Fiz, the technique is good!"

Still holding the steering wheel tightly, Fitz twisted his stiff neck and turned back to Leon, who was sitting in the back seat, with a forced smile.

At this time, Simmons, who was sitting in the co-pilot, gave no face to his good friend: "I think, if there is a next time, I would rather take the bus!"

Leon, who had just opened the door from the back seat and got out of the car, laughed out loud when he heard this sentence: "Hahaha!"

He patted Fitz on the shoulder and said to Simmons, "Hey, Simmons, you should give Fitz more time."

"After all, this is only his first time on the road since he got his driver's license..."

However, at this time, Simmons changed the topic to another place: "Are you sure you don't need us to go shopping with you?"

Leon waved his hand: "No, I'm not a child, you go to the exhibition hall first, I'll go for a walk, and then I'll find you!"

"Then... Okay." Simmons nodded, not forgetting to remind: "Our showroom is at No. 14, Hall B, East District. Don't forget to come and find us after the show is over."

"Okay, I will." Leon nodded with a smile and replied.

"I still don't know why you want to go to Justin Hammer's exhibition, that guy is just an arms dealer." Fitz, who was holding the steering wheel, muttered in a low voice: "It's not comparable at all. One-tenth of Mr. Stark..."

Hearing Fitz's words, Leon didn't answer directly, just patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Haha, drive carefully, don't crash my car..."


The engine was started again, and the car drove slowly towards the exhibition hall of B Hall in the East District at a very cautious speed.

Looking at the figures of the two moving away, Leon buttoned up the buttons of his suit, pulled the corner of his shirt lightly, and tidied up his clothes a little. Then, under the very interested eyes of the female tourists who passed by, he stepped forward. Leg pace, ready to set foot on the stairs of the main entrance.


At this moment, the sound of the horn from behind made Leon inadvertently glance back.

With this sweep, he just caught a professional woman coming out of a silver Bentley Mulsanne.

Leon couldn't help but froze for a moment, then the corners of his mouth rose, revealing a slight smile.

Isn't that charming, red-haired beauty who still can't hide her strong femininity, her "former" partner, Miss Natasha Romanov? !

Another blond woman who got out of the car, Leon also immediately recognized the identity of the other party: "Little Pepper" Pepper Potts.

Without thinking too much, Leon turned around, took a step forward, flashed a surprised Natasha in his eyes, and showed a close smile:

"Long time no see, Natasha!"

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