I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 137 Battle of the Exhibition Hall

Da da da…

Directly resisting the machine gun fire of the war machine, Ivan Vanke flicked his left hand, and the electric whip was like a flexible electric snake. With a "pop", the Iron Man who had just climbed up from the ground was suddenly knocked into the air!

Immediately following, he stepped forward and punched War Machine in the face, causing his entire body to tilt.

Then add another kick and kick it away!

Looking at Ivan Vanke, who still had the upper hand in the one-vs-two, Leon suddenly felt that the situation was not as smooth as he thought...

For the safety of himself and Pepper Potts, Leon felt that it was better for them to stay away from the battlefield.

Leon looked at Little Pepper beside him and suggested, "Miss Poze, let's find a safe place and hide for now!"

Looking at Stark who was pressed and rubbed on the ground, Little Pepper's eyes were full of worry and anxiety.

However, she is a smart woman.

She knows that she is here, without any help, it will only distract Stark...

After hesitating for a moment, she nodded: "Well, let's get out of here."

Leon and Pepper came out from behind the stage and walked along the edge of the stage to the messy auditorium under the stage.

Bang bang bang!

Taking advantage of the three people's battle, they were all concentrated on the left side of the exhibition hall. Leon and Little Pepper quickened their pace and came to the door of the main exhibition hall.

Outside the gate of the main exhibition hall, several New York police officers were holding small pistols and hiding behind the bunker, as if they were struggling with "whether or not to come in to support Iron Man".

Seeing Leon and Chili come out, several policemen rushed to them.

The steps under his feet did not stop, Leon directly took out his FBI certificate, and after revealing his identity to them, he immediately commanded: "You guys, escort Miss Potts out of here!"

"Yes, sir!"

At this time, Xiao Chili, who was still worried about the safety of other tourists in the park, asked aloud: "Wait, I want to know, have everyone in the park been evacuated?"

"Not yet, but soon. We have dispatched several squadrons of police to guard the two exits to the north and northeast..."

Before the police could finish speaking, Chili pepper immediately interrupted: "The southeast and the west should also send more staff!"

"Okay. Also, we closed the subway line 7 to prevent the chaos caused by the crowds..."

"Send buses to take these people to the subway lines that have not been closed, and I hope they can leave as soon as possible and safely."

"Okay, ma'am."

Seeing Pepper's orderly arrangement of tasks, Leon couldn't help but secretly said: With such a clear mind, it is no wonder that the huge Stark industry can be managed in an orderly manner...

However, Pepper's words also reminded Leon of the scientific duo who came with him - Fitz and Simmons!

"I don't know if the two of them have left the expo safely now..."

As early as the chaos in the main exhibition hall, Lyon immediately called Fitz and Simmons and told them to leave the expo as soon as possible.

In addition, Leon regained control of the Iron Soldiers from Ivan Vanke in a very short period of time, and the plot of the Iron Soldiers causing the exposition did not happen.

In this way, the damage to the exposition and the number of civilian casualties were kept within a very small range.

In this way, Leon felt that his [Battle of the Fair] quest should be able to achieve more than 80% of the quest progress...

Suddenly, a cry interrupted his thoughts:


Looking at the reputation, Leon saw Natasha, who was wearing a tight-fitting SHIELD battle suit, walking towards him and Pepper.


Coming to Leon, Natasha glanced at his messy clothes and found that he was not injured.

He looked in the direction of the exhibition hall and asked, "How is the situation inside?"

Leon tilted his head, his tone slightly hesitant: "It seems a little less optimistic, but I think Mr. Stark and Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes should be able to handle it..."


Before Leon could finish speaking, a figure suddenly flew out of the exhibition hall at an extremely fast speed!

And, it smashed hard on the decorative fountain in front of the main exhibition hall gate.


A stone sculpture of a girl holding a water bottle, also under the impact of this collision, the entire upper body was instantly shattered and fell to the ground.

When everyone saw the figure clearly, Leon, whose eyes flashed with surprise, couldn't help but murmured softly, "When I didn't say anything..."

The red figure that was thrown out was Iron Man - Tony Stark!


Seeing his old (old) board (male) being thrown flying, Little Pepper, who was standing beside him, also shouted with a distressed expression.

Before everyone could recover from the situation in which Iron Man was sent flying, a figure flew out from the exhibition hall again!

This time, it's Stark's good friend, Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes.

He glanced back at the exhibition hall and saw Ivan Vanke who was about to come out. Leon quickly turned his head and reminded everyone loudly: "Run!"

As soon as the words fell, Leon's eyes narrowed, goose bumps suddenly appeared, and he seemed to sense a huge danger that was coming.

At this time, Natasha, who was standing not far from Leon, seemed to see something, opened her eyes wide, and warned Leon loudly:

"Be careful behind your back!"

When it was too late, Leon suddenly bent down, put his hands on the ground, and rolled forward with no image!

With a sound of "Boom!", Ivan Vanke's electric whip slammed hard on the position where Leon was standing just now!

This blow directly smashed the floor into a pit with black smoke...

Leon, who quickly got up from the ground, couldn't help taking a deep breath when he saw the power of this blow...

If he hadn't used the skill [Front Roll] immediately and escaped from the range of this attack, the consequences would have been unimaginable...

Ivan Vanke has some regrets for not splitting Lyon in half.

He was still thinking about taking a step forward and giving Leon a whip, Iron Man flew up in time!

A punch hit Vanke in the face, followed by a palm pulse cannon!


Vanke, who was hit from the front, swayed backwards.

The unforgiving Iron Man wanted to keep up with a set of punches, but he didn't expect that Vanke would directly push him away with a hammer.

Then, with a flick of his left hand, the electric whip, which was six or seven meters long, tied Iron Man's neck directly, controlling his entire body!

The electric whiplash of the electric light splashed, constantly eroding the defense of Stark's steel suit, making him unable to move.

At this time, the flying war machine also wanted to use the machine gun to rescue Stark from Vanke.

Da da da…

However, the electric whip, which was flung away by Vanke's right hand, tied the neck directly and slammed it down!

This time, I can't save people, but I also put myself in...

Seeing that Vanke locked the necks of the two at the same time with an electric whip, this familiar scene reminded Leon of the plot in the movie, and he couldn't help but lift his spirits!

Is that move coming...

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