New York State, Adirondacks.

Nearly thirty miles south of Mount Massey, a large, brightly lit research facility stands out in the dark of night.

This is a research base that operates in the name of dark energy research jointly conducted by S.H.I.E.L.D., NASA, and Pegasus Engineering.

At this time, in a large laboratory under the base, a bald middle-aged man wearing a plaid shirt was directing his subordinates to conduct research on the cosmic Rubik's Cube emitting a faint blue light.

"Hey! Be careful, I don't want to see the lab blow up again..."

"Inject energy, expand protection, and minimize interference and radiation!"

If Leon is here, he can definitely call out the identity of the bald middle-aged: Eric Shavig!

Since the New Mexico incident, the astrophysicist has been invited by Fury to S.H.I.E.L.D. to conduct research and development on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

The appearance of Thor has made Eric Shavig even more fascinated by mysterious things.

Being able to study such magical items as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube at close range made him eager to plunge into the research work immediately.

He even quit his professorship at the university and moved directly into this research base!

Now, after several months of tireless research, Eric Shavig's research team has begun to bear fruit...

Just as the scientists were working diligently on various instrument panels, an untimely voice sounded in Shavig's ear:

"Dr. Shavig, how's it going?"

Eric Shawig turned around and saw Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who was always dressed in black.

Seeing Fury, Shawig couldn't help but step forward, pointing to the cosmic Rubik's Cube fixed on the ring shelf, and explaining: "It's going well."

"At present, we have initially grasped how to stabilize the energy of the universe cube and conduct experimental manipulations. Next, as long as we further stabilize the energy of the cube and keep the energy peak at a certain value, we can enter the next stage. experiment."

to hear that everything is going well,

Fury, who doesn't know much about science, also breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "So, when will the second stage be opened?"

Shawig glanced at the cube of the universe, which radiated brilliant light all the time, his eyes flashed with a hint of intoxication, and he continued to say:

"Director, don't worry... We still need some time for the deconstruction and analysis of the energy weapons you sent last time. After that, we can start building prototypes..."

After chatting with Shavig and getting a general understanding of the progress of the weaponization of the Rubik's Cube, Fury turned his one eye and looked at Hawkeye, who came to his side at some point.

"Agent Patton, continue to keep an eye on the situation here, and don't let anyone other than Dr. Shawig's team approach the Rubik's Cube."

"Understood, sir!"

After staying at the research base for a while, Fury, who was busy, took a helicopter and returned to Washington.

There, there are still a bunch of things waiting for him to deal with...

. . . . . .

"I just went to the base. According to Dr. Shawig's analysis, the research progress of the Rubik's Cube is going well, and it should be able to enter the second stage soon."

"That's good. Once the second phase of development is completed, the tragedy of the New Mexico incident may not happen again..."

In a large conference room in the main building of Trident Headquarters, Fury, wearing a black trench coat, stood in front of five virtual projection screens, reporting with members of the World Security Council all over the world.

On the screen in the center is one of the leaders of Hydra, Gideon Malik.

As a global intelligence agency, S.H.I.E.L.D. has branches all over the world.

Because its law enforcement authority and scope are too extensive, and the forces it holds are too powerful, in order to prevent S.H.I.E.L.D. from interfering in the politics of other countries, governments around the world have established a World Security Council to conduct special supervision over various operations of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In addition, the funding and funding of SHIELD are determined by the Security Council.

Of course, the research project on the Rubik's Cube was only carried out with the approval of the Security Council.

Fury is naturally obliged to report the progress of the project to these sponsors...

The research progress of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is just one of the agendas of Fury's meeting with the Security Council today.

Suddenly, Fury looked at Gideon Malik on the central screen with his one eye, and said:

"The Avengers plan I handed in, you have discussed it for a long time..."

The subtext of this sentence is obviously, "Can you do it, give me an accurate word!"

Hearing this, the British representative of the Security Council, a middle-aged woman, pondered for a moment, and then gave an answer:

"About this, after a long discussion, we finally believe that this Avengers plan does not meet our current needs."

"So, the council decided to suspend this plan and put it on hold for the time being."

Hearing this answer, Fury was not too surprised.

The butt determines the head, and different angles have different views.

From his point of view, this emergency team composed of people with extraordinary abilities can quickly respond to various emergencies;

However, in the eyes of the Security Council, this is just Fury's selfish intention to form a private arm for S.H.I.E.L.D. under the banner of "protecting world peace"...

This kind of trick has been seen by the Council many times in the past ten years.

Using various reasons or excuses to apply to the Council for grants and action funds has always been Fury's strength.

After all, the funding required to form an emergency team is not a small amount.

Do you want special transportation?

Weapons and equipment, and even logistical teams, too, right?

Forming an elite army has never been cheap...

At this stage, they have already put a lot of resources and money into the development of the universe cube, and they are not willing to invest any more money in a project that they think is of little use.

What's more, with the energy weapons derived from the Universe Rubik's Cube, is there any need for an emergency team? !

This is one of the reasons why the Security Council has shelved the "Avengers Project".

At this time, Gideon Malik, who was located on the central screen, also followed the words of the British representative and continued:

"At this stage, we hope that you will continue to focus on the development and research of the universe Rubik's Cube. As long as we have the second-stage Rubik's Cube weapon, we don't need any Avengers, do you think so? Director Fury..."

Looking at Gideon Malik's majestic and slightly old face, Fury rolled his eyes and said solemnly:

"I understand…"

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