I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 198 The Winter Soldier's First Appearance

Coulson's residence is not far from Natasha's apartment.

I don't know if it's for the convenience of surveillance, or the lady in the internal department is lazy. The SHIELD field agents in New York are all assigned to various areas in Queens.

It only takes about twenty minutes to drive from Natasha's apartment to Colson's place.

It was supposed to be like this...

It is very unfortunate that this time coincides with the peak travel period in New York!

Looking at the slow-moving traffic ahead, Leon pouted, and while holding the steering wheel tightly, he looked down at his watch to confirm the time.

"It's 7:20, there are forty minutes left, I should be there on time..."

After muttering, Leon, who felt a little bored, looked at Natasha who was sitting beside him, looked up and down, and smiled: "I just wanted to say, you look beautiful today."

Leon's compliment was not casual, but very sincere.

The appearance that is very similar to Scarlett Johansson, coupled with the hot figure that bulges forward and backward under the black skirt, the combination of the two obviously makes all men fascinated by it.

It's no wonder that when Leon was riding Natasha just now, several old black brothers passing by were still whistling to Natasha with expressions like "Dude!

Driving a luxury sports car and bringing such a beautiful woman out, enjoying the envious gazes of passers-by, at this moment, Lyon finally understands why Stark likes the prostitute life of driving a luxury car all day long and shooting beauties everywhere. …

Because this feeling is really cool!

However, he only sighed in his heart for the "power of capitalism", and then put these emotions behind him.

Money is good and a very useful tool.

However, when a person is blinded by money, at that time, he is no longer his original self, but becomes a slave of money!

Money can be manipulated.

Controlled by money? That's free!

Leon's compliment made Natasha, who didn't know what she was thinking about, suddenly come back to her senses.

"Well, what did you just say?"

Looking at Natasha, whose eyes were slightly blurred, Leon's brows could not help but wrinkle, and then he asked: "It's nothing, but you, what were you thinking about?"

"Just now? Oh, I was just thinking, what type of woman is Coulson's girlfriend..."

Before Natasha could finish speaking, Leon interrupted her directly:

"Don't lie, I don't know you yet? You always like to be alone, and suddenly you asked me to come out for a drink with you. You must be looking for someone to tell you about it."

As he talked, Leon looked at her quietly with a hint of searching eyes in those azure blues:

"Tell me, what happened?"

Anyway, the reason why Leon was drinking was to talk to him about his depression.

Now that Leon has spoken to this point, Natasha didn't think too much and told the truth.

"Do you remember the last time I told you about the man who was frozen in a research facility in Canada? It's called..."

"Winter Soldier!" Leon took Natasha's words and continued: "Of course I remember, who can forget such a thing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Leon, who seemed to think of something, frowned, and quickly asked, "What? Did you see him?!"

Natasha showed a slightly depressed expression and nodded slightly: "Well, that's it..."

Hearing this, Leon couldn't help but feel a little surprised, and a bold guess flashed in his mind:

Could this be Hydra's plan?

Help Pierce and others to clear Fury's men by sending the Winter Soldier to assassinate a senior SHIELD agent? !

Leon, who had countless thoughts flashed through his mind, continued to ask, "When? Where?"

"A few days ago, in the Middle East!"

"At the time, I was on a mission to escort a nuclear physics engineer out of the Middle East, but I didn't expect that when we drove near Odessa,

Someone blasted our tires with a gun! "

"The car lost control and rushed towards the edge of the cliff. The engineer and I were lucky enough to jump out of the car when it was about to fall off the cliff..."

Listening to Natasha's understatement of the extremely thrilling scene, the wrinkles between Leon's brows deepened even more.

"Then, when I took the engineer and was about to leave, he stood in the distance and shot us!"

While speaking, Natasha's expression gradually became serious:

"That shot directly penetrated my waist and hit the engineer's chest..."

"Just like that, my 100% mission success rate was terminated by a guy wearing a mask!"

"Not only that, but I also said goodbye to my bikini..."

In the slightly depressing tone, it could be heard that Natasha was worried about the other party's 100% success rate of terminating her mission and leaving scars on her body.

However, Leon had no time to comfort her at this time.

The appearance of the Winter Soldier made him think a lot at once. He must find out whether the Winter Soldier's action this time was simply a mission to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D., or was it aimed at Natasha.

However, from Natasha's words, he could hear a clue.

"After he killed the engineer, he left?"

Natasha nodded, "Yes, I tried to track him... However, the bullets he used were bullets made in the former Soviet Union, and there was no ballistic..."

Hearing this, Leon, who knew it in his heart, confirmed again: "Then how do you know that he is the Winter Soldier you saw in Canada?"

"Although I only saw his figure from a distance, it looks like the man who was frozen in the freezer."

"But!" Natasha paused, twitching the corner of her mouth, revealing a confident smile:

"The reason I'm sure he's the Winter Soldier is because his left hand is a mechanical prosthesis, a silver metal arm that he'll never forget."

"And the frozen man I saw in Canada also had such a metal arm!"

The truth often appears in front of you inadvertently!

During a mission, Natasha met Captain America's lifelong friend, Bucky Barnes, the "Winter Soldier"!

Natasha's slightly ethereal voice continued in the enclosed car, and sounded:

"After my investigation, I found that this Winter Soldier has a great background!"

"Many intelligence agencies don't believe his existence, and even when I was in the red house, I didn't see any intelligence about him."

"In the past fifty years, he has been considered the murderer of more than twenty assassination cases that have been drafted and closed!"

"I thought it was just a ghost legend until I saw him with my own eyes..."

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