I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 204 Hey! Do you need help

Someone once said that love is a weakness.

When the woman you love is caught by the enemy, and the sharp blade is aimed at her neck, what do you feel?

anger? Fear? Or anxious...

Almost all of these emotions flooded into Wade Wilson's head at this moment, making him unable to keep a trace of calm.

Seeing Wade constantly roaring, the dreaded black man manipulated the suspended kitchen knife and pointed at Vanessa, who was horrified, while sneering:

"Hehehe, I didn't see it, you ugly bastard, you are still a lover..."

In normal times, Wade, who was laughed at, would definitely knock out this guy's teeth and stuff it into his chrysanthemum.

But now, he can't do it...

Not only was he nailed to the wall with a bone spear, unable to move, but more because his girlfriend was under the control of the other party.

Under the taboo, Wade quickly looked for a solution other than violence.

"What do you want?"

Wade, who looked solemn, looked at the burly bald man who seemed to be the leader, his eyes full of exploration.

"If it's me, let her go! I promise, I'll go anywhere with you!"

Hearing this, the trio looked at each other in dismay, and finally seemed to have reached some kind of agreement. As the leader, the bald man said:

"Sorry, our employers want yours..."


Before he finished speaking, Wade, who realized something, suddenly looked in Vanessa's direction!

A mournful cry followed:

"Do not!!!"

I saw the boning knife, which was only a few centimeters away from Vanessa's neck, flew back a distance, as if it was doing a run-up before piercing Vanessa's throat!

Just as Wade was about to watch his girlfriend pierce her throat with a sharp boning knife,

At the moment when the dreadlocks black man grinned...

An unexpected thing happened!


Accompanied by the sound of glass breaking, a vigorous figure like a knight in the night suddenly broke through the window!

In mid-air, the sudden figure stretched out his palm and sent out an invisible wave of air towards the dreadlocks black man who had not had time to react!

He only heard a soft sound of "bang", and the dreaded black man only felt a huge impact, like a large truck sprinting at a speed of 130 miles per hour, hitting himself.

Before the dreaded black man even had time to control the kitchen knife to stab Vanessa's throat, he vomited blood, and the whole person flew towards the wall like a cannonball!

His whole body slammed against the wall, and then fell to the ground.

Judging from his white eyes and motionless body, this blow directly knocked him unconscious.

Or, just kill it...

All this happened in a short moment.

The kitchen knives that lost their control fell from the air and landed on the wooden floor, making a "bang bang bang" sound.

Until this moment, everyone present could clearly see the appearance of this figure - a black trench coat, a slender figure, and a confident smile on his face!

Wade looked at this in shock, killed the black version of Magneto with one palm, and saved his girlfriend's guy by the way, and couldn't help exclaiming:



Someone stopped calling him "DiCaprio"...

That's right!

The man who successfully entered the apartment and killed an enemy by means of special forces raiding the building is Leon who has returned!

Looking at Wade, whose entire left shoulder was pierced and nailed to the wall, Leon couldn't help but lift his mouth lightly, revealing a kind smile: "Hey! Need help?"

Hearing this sentence, Wade almost cried with joy.


On the other side, seeing Leon's sudden appearance, and the black man with dreadlocks lying on his face in an instant, the bald man and the blond woman couldn't help frowning, sending a message to each other with their eyes: This is trouble!

The atmosphere fell into an inexplicable silence for a while.

At this time, Wade broke the brief silence:

"If you guys don't mind, can you put me down first? I feel the new growth, like it's stuck..."

Pointing to the bone spear on his shoulder, Wade looked like a good baby.

However, except for Vanessa, who hid behind the sofa again and observed secretly, no one paid any attention to his cuteness...

"This is a private matter, not your S.H.I.E.L.D. business. If you don't want to die, get away!"

As soon as the words fell, the bald man was demonstrating, and punched the wall with one hand!


The wall made of cement bricks was directly penetrated under the fist of the bald man, like soft tofu.

However, having witnessed the "fairy fight" between Destroyer and Thor, and seeing this kind of pediatric posture, Leon was not surprised at all...

Compared with the other party's superpower, Leon is more interested in this: how do they know that they are from S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Before he could speak, Wade, still restless, was pinned to the wall and sneered: "Hehe, obviously, this Oscar winner is here to help me, you thought he would leave because of your few words... "

Before Wade could finish speaking, Leon interrupted him with a smile: "Okay!"

This unexpected answer turned Wade's words into...


Leon couldn't help being in a good mood when he saw the little bitch slumped with a puzzled expression of "You're not from my side?!"

Realizing that the enemy has not been completely solved, and it is difficult to show his inner smile, Leon immediately looked solemn, his eyes like a falcon, swept to the bald man, and said solemnly:

"As long as you put him down obediently and roll as far as you want, then I'll leave here too."


"Are you letting him go now, or am I doing it myself?!"

Before he knew it, Leon was infected with a certain guy's talkative attributes and became more talkative.

Seeing that the conversation could not solve the problem, the bald man and the blond woman looked at each other and made a decision immediately.

In this case, killing two and killing three is not much different!

"Bone marrow {marrow}!"

With the shouting of the bald man, the battle started instantly!

"Ah..." The blond woman roared, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, a bone spear made of bones connected quickly grew from her wrist, and shot towards Leon's head.

The burly bald man waved his fists and charged towards Leon with a ferocious face!

"Give me death!"

In the face of the joint offensive of the two, Leon's eyes narrowed, and he stared at the bone spear that was flying, and his head was slightly dodged to the left!

His dynamic vision, comparable to that of Hawkeye, made it effortless for him to dodge the swiftly attacking bone spear.

Immediately afterwards, Leon suddenly stretched out his hands, and under the extremely surprised gaze of the bald man, he seemed to grab his fist casually!

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