I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 206 Boom! head is gone

Looking at the messy apartment and the two corpses on the ground, Vanessa looked at her boyfriend with a little worry.

"What now? Do you want to call the police?"

Without waiting for Wade to answer, Leon, who was standing by the side, waved his hand, "Oh, no, the police can't control these superpowers. I will send someone to fix it..."

"The most urgent task is to figure out the identity and purpose of the other party."

Speaking of which, Leon and Wade all looked at the fainted black man with dreadlocks.

"Fortunately, we still have a prisoner..."

Next, Wade placed an intact seat in the center of the living room, while Leon helped the fainted black man, put it on the seat, took the rope handed over by Vanessa, and Its tied tightly.

Afterwards, the excited Wade, holding a bucket of ice water, stood in front of the fainted black man and muttered in a low voice:

"I love this torture session so much!"

As soon as the voice fell, "Pfft!", a whole bucket of ice water was poured directly from scratch!

The dreadlocks black man who felt a chill on his body suddenly shivered and finally woke up.

When he just woke up, he saw Wade and Leon standing in front of him, as well as the chills coming out of his neck.

Before he could react, Leon's cold tone, like a cold wind, swept in:

"If you want to manipulate metal, I advise you not to do that...because if you try to do anything dangerous, you will leave an unsightly scar on your neck."

As he spoke, Leon pointed to Wade, who was holding a samurai sword and placed it on the neck of the black man with dreadlocks, and warned in a deep voice:

"This guy won't be as gentle as me..."

Long before the black man woke up, Leon learned the origin of the collar from Wade, and also guessed the general ins and outs.

The culprit behind all this, Wade's sworn enemy, Francis, is the head of a research organization.

That unknown organization specially tricked some terminally ill people into the research facility, and then used serum to stimulate the mutated genes in their bodies, thereby gaining superpowers.

As for the existence of the collar, it is Francis' key means to control these artificial superpowers as goods and sell them to various private organizations.

According to Lyon's speculation, the collar should contain a miniature bomb. As long as the switch is pressed, with a "Bounce!" sound, the head will explode like a watermelon hit by a baseball bat!

Even Wade had already killed Francis with his own hands.

However, the super-power warriors he sold with his own hands went their separate ways and became the private property of major organizations.

Now, these three super-powered warriors wearing collars are obviously the products of Francis' research...

Only, Francis is dead, who will send these people to assassinate Wade?

This is the answer Lyon and Wade want to know.

"Now, tell me, who sent you here?!"

The dreaded black man also probably understood what happened when he passed out.

It's nothing more than a failed assassination, two of his other teammates were killed, and he became a prisoner...

Facing the samurai sword that was placed on his neck and could open his throat with a light stroke at any time, the black man with dreadlocks was very spineless and said directly:

"Tell you yes, but I have one condition! If I say who sent us here, you have to let me go!"

Leon and Wade looked at each other, and then replied: "This depends on the information you provide, whether it is worth it..."

"If the information is true, I can even take off the collars around your necks and give you back your freedom..."

Hearing such generous and attractive conditions, the dreadlocks black man who had no intention of fighting, lowered his head for a moment and pondered for a moment, then raised his head suddenly, and said to Leon:

"Okay, I said!"


At this moment, the red dot on the collar between the dreaded black man's neck, which has always been bright, suddenly began to flicker!

Accompanied by a sound of "drip", "drip" and "drip" that is getting faster and faster,

The red dot flashes faster and faster.

The sound like a life-threatening talisman, listening to the black man's ear, seemed to be like a scythe that the god of death was constantly approaching, which made him suddenly feel endless fear!

"Ah ah ah..."

Seeing the rapidly flashing red dots on the collar and the frightened black people, Leon and Wade immediately realized the seriousness of the matter!

The collar is about to explode!

Not only the collar of the dreaded black man, but also the two dead bodies lying on the floor, the same sound came.

drip... drip... drip...

In the midst of this close call, the unwilling Leon tried to extract information from his mouth:

"Come on! Who sent you here!!!"

The result, of course, was futile.

The black man whose collar was activated was already dominated by the fear in his heart. He only focused on shaking his body, trying to break free from the shackles of the rope.

He just said the same words helplessly: "I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die..."

I don't know if it was five seconds or six seconds, but the sound of the collar changed from "Di Di Di Di" to a long "Di Di..." sound.

At this moment, as if realizing something, the dreadlocks black man suddenly looked at Leon, his eyes were full of hope for life, his lips moved slightly, and he said the last word of his life:


The next moment, with a sound of "Boom!", the head of the dreaded black man was instantly blown to pieces!

The thick white liquid and blood splattered everywhere, dyeing the surroundings with a burst of swaying red ink...

If it weren't for Leon and Wade, seeing the situation was wrong, they would have already hid behind the sofa, and they might have been splattered with blood.

The heads of the two corpses lying on the ground, followed by explosions.



Looking at the headless corpse tied to the seat, Leon, who seemed to think of something, frowned, didn't say hello to Wade, got up suddenly, jumped out from the window!

Wade was surprised and hurried to the window.

When he saw Leon, who jumped from the third floor but landed steadily, was looking around, as if looking for something, he couldn't help asking, "Hey! What are you doing?"

Leon replied without turning his head, "He's nearby!"

Wade was confused, "Who?"

"The man who started the collar!"

According to the killed bald man and blond woman, the details of the collars were not activated. Combined with the words that the black dreadlocks were about to say, Leon guessed that the reason why the collars were activated was because the black hand behind the scenes did not want the black people with dreadlocks to say Name the messenger behind it and the emergency measures taken!

That is to say, the black hand behind the scenes is nearby, observing their every move through some means!

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