I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 213 Return to Osborn

Outside the Osborne Group headquarters building in Manhattan, New York.

Looking up at the surface of the towering building, the huge "", Leon couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, while tightening his suit, he whispered:

"This time, I'm going in through the front door..."

Before he finished speaking, in a suit and leather shoes, he walked into the building with steady steps.

As soon as you walk into the lobby, you can feel the leadership of the entire Osborne Group in top technology and a full sense of the future.

In the virtual projections that can be seen everywhere, a blond beauty is constantly introducing Osborn's new and old products to passers-by...

All of this made Leon, who had seen the various black technologies of S.H.I.E.L.D., also sighed secretly: "It is indeed a high-tech group called Stark! When you look at this posture, you can know that Osborn's overall technology The level has reached the top level of today..."

After passing through the security monitoring door protected by several guards, Leon, dressed in a black suit, came to the front desk.

"Welcome to the Osborne Group, how can I help you?"

The attitude of the lady at the front desk is professional and kind, and the smile is also very good.

Leon smiled back, then said, "I want to meet Mr. Osborn."

Hearing this, the lady at the front desk couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted and asked, "Oh, do you have an appointment?"


"I'm very sorry, if I didn't make an appointment, I..."

Leon raised his index finger and interrupted the other party's words:

"But! Please let me know that Leon Coulson wants to meet him."

"I think he should know how to do it..."

Seeing Leon's confident smile, the lady at the front desk hesitated, and finally nodded: "Okay, please wait a moment..."

As soon as she finished speaking, she picked up the phone and informed her superiors.

As for Leon, he stood there, reached out and touched the potion in his pocket, and then showed a slight smile.

The "Nirvana" company that has changed its owner is just a small shrimp in the pharmaceutical industry.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to cooperate with a large group like Osborne.

Even in the name of Nirvana Pharmaceuticals, he couldn't even see Norman Osborn's face.

This is also the reason why Leon will personally come to the Osborne Group in a private capacity.

The life-saving grace two years ago finally came in handy today...

Not long after, the lady at the front desk who received instructions from her superior also put down the phone in her hand, and with a smile, she seemed slightly flattered: "It's been a long wait, Mr. Osborn is waiting for you in the office, you can go directly See him, the elevator is over there..."


As soon as he turned around, Leon walked to the elevator entrance where people came and went.

Taking the elevator, Lyon quickly reached the 38th floor, where the president's office is located.

Through the glass floor-to-ceiling windows, Leon looked at the scenery outside, and suddenly felt a little sighed.

He still remembers how he and Clint Barton got into the building the last time he was here...

In the sky, the sound of the wind whistling from his ears made his memory fresh.

"Mr. Coulson?"

At this time, a call brought him back to his senses from his past memories.

Turning around, he found a blond woman in a professional woman's attire holding a document, looking at him with searching eyes.

The short shawl hair, blue eyes, and just the right graceful figure and delicate face made Leon's eyes shine.

The blonde beauty in front of her looks exactly the same as the blonde beauty who introduced the history and products in the virtual projection in the Osborn Building!

"You are?"

"Oh, I'm Mr. Osborn's secretary, Carly." During the conversation, the other party stretched out his hand and gestured, "Mr. Osborn asked me to come pick you up..."

After a brief moment of amazement, Leon immediately reacted and tidied up the corners of his suit:

"Let's go then!"

Under the guidance of the blonde secretary, Leon walked through the long corridor and came to the president's office.

Pushing the door and entering, Lyon immediately saw Norman Osborn, whom he had not seen for a long time.

It is still the same look that is still in the light of the wind and the clouds, and contains a strong atmosphere of a superior...

"Oh, long time no see, Leon!"

Getting up from the office chair, Norman Osborn came to Leon with a small smile on his face, and gave him a hug that was not abrupt.

Although I hadn't seen each other for two years, Leon couldn't help but sighed in the way he treated people like a spring breeze: "It's not without reason that the Osborne Group has reached its current position..."

After a little chat, the two of them took their seats on the sofa in turn, facing each other.

The blonde secretary who had just met, brought in two cups of hot tea, and left them alone.

After sizing Leon up and down, Norman Osborn spread his hands and said with a smile:

"What wind brought our future star of S.H.I.E.L.D. to me?"

"Mr. Osborn, I came here today, not in the name of S.H.I.E.L.D., but in my personal name, to discuss cooperation with you."

"Oh? Cooperation?"

Raising his brows, Osborn's face clearly showed a hint of curiosity, "I'm listening."

Leon took out a bottle of fluorescent-colored medicine from his pocket and placed it lightly on the coffee table.

"This is a special medicine called "Shafwad". Its specific effect is that it can effectively relieve the withdrawal reaction..."

Along with Leon's detailed introduction, the interest in Osborn's eyes gradually grew stronger.

He was a very good scientist and businessman himself.

He knew the potion in Leon's mouth. If it was as magical as he said, then this bottle of fluorescent potion would be a very big cash cow!

So here comes the question...

"If, as you said, this potion is really so magical, why don't you produce it yourself and sell it?"

Leon had already prepared for this question.

"My Nirvana Pharmaceutical Company can of course produce and sell it independently."

"It's just that I have more ambitious goals..."

Speaking of this, a look of awe flashed across Lyon's face, "I hope that through the cooperation with the Osborne Group, I can occupy the US market as soon as possible, so as to bring this medicine to the global market!"

"Such cooperation is beneficial to both of us without harm."

"Sounds very tempting." Osborn picked up the hot tea, took a sip, and then said, "However, I have a better proposal..."

"If I said, I want to acquire the formula patent of this medicine, and your company, how much would you accept the offer?"

Hearing this, Leon couldn't help but take a sip, and then took a sip of hot tea.

After a few seconds of silence, Leon, who had a smile on his face, replied in a calm and determined tone:

"I would say: No!"

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