I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 221 The Eve of the Storm

In the hall, pictures of Gongcho staggered can be seen everywhere.

As the host of the party, Lyon walked around with champagne, chatting and laughing with the guests, pushing the glass to change.

At this time, there was a pulling force from the arm, and Leon, who was unknown, was suddenly pulled by Coulson and came to a corner where there was no one.

Looking at the serious seriousness on Lao Ke's face, Leon frowned slightly and asked with confusion, "What's wrong?"

I saw Coulson staring at him with those azure blue eyes of the same color as Leon, with a low tone: "You haven't told me yet, where did you get so much money to buy this manor?"

It was this...

Leon understood in his heart, and then unconsciously revealed a slight smile.

However, seeing Leon smiling and caring about Coulson, the wrinkles between his brows deepened even more, "You still laughing?!"

"I don't know what you invested in these years to make so much money, but it's not like your style at all to spend tens of millions and buy a set of manor that is not very useful. "

Having said that, Coulson glanced at Stark in the distance and said meaningfully: "Even Stark would not do this..."

In the eyes of Lao Ke, Stark is the kind of vain guy who spends a lot of money to buy face.

He didn't want Leon to become like that...

"Do not worry!"

Patting Coulson's shoulder, Leon smiled lightly: "You know me, I'm not that kind of person."

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing..."

Hearing Leon's somewhat general explanation, Coulson took a deep look at Leon, opened his lips slightly, and wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he forcibly took them back.

"That's good, if you need help, tell me anytime."

"Of course, who made you my Uncle Phil!"

The two uncles and nephews looked at each other and smiled, then picked up the wine glasses in their hands, and touched them with a "bang".

The birthday party was a great success.

All the guests seem to be satisfied with the party.

After greeting Leon, everyone left one after another.

However, before leaving, Hill, who was wearing a long blue dress, suddenly stopped Leon.

"Come to the headquarters tomorrow, Fury has a task for you!"

Leaving such a sentence, Sister Gao Leng Yu turned around and left, leaving only the thoughtful Leon...

. . . . . .

the next day.

Fragmented sunlight filtered through the windowsill and sprinkled the bedroom carpet.

Leon on the bed frowned and opened his eyes suddenly.

He didn't get up immediately, but slept on the big soft bed, quietly looking at the exquisite patterns of the ceiling, and fell into contemplation...

After a long time, Leon rolled over and got up, topless, and walked to the bathroom beside him.

Half an hour later, Lyon, wearing a leather jacket and jeans, dressed as a college student, came to the garage with a piece of toast in his mouth.

Then, a black Ferrari California T drove out of the estate and sped away towards Washington...

a few hours later.

Leon, who arrived at the Trident headquarters, did not immediately go to Fury to receive his quest.

Instead, he went to his two scientist friends, Fitz and Simmons.

In the rest area, Leon saw the two people who were always inseparable.

"Didn't we just meet last night? Is there anything I can't tell face to face..."

Simmons and Fitz looked at each other, and Fitz immediately showed a hint of embarrassment.

"It's like this... I forgot to tell you last night that the report on the potion you asked Dr. Pym to analyze has come out. The doctor asked me to bring it to you..."

While speaking, Fitz pulled out the document under his arm and handed it to Leon.

"Oh, so that's how it is..."

Taking over the document, Leon quickly flipped through it.

As he guessed, the content of the analysis report shows that whether it is recoding the repair center of the brain, or the activity factor beyond ordinary cells,

They are very similar to the desperate virus in his memory.

As a result, that orange-yellow medicine is probably a desperate virus!

"Also, the doctor asked me to convey to you that that kind of medicine is extremely dangerous, but it also has great research value..."

"So, he wants to continue researching that medicine."

"Like This…"

Lyon has no opinion.

He also wished that Mr. Pym could figure out how to solve the desperate virus.

In that case, if you encounter a desperate warrior in the future, you can also quickly solve the other party...

. . .

At the same time, in the director's office, Hill was holding some documents and reporting to Fury.

"Check it out?"

"Yes. That potion called Shafwad is a special potion jointly developed by Leon, Simmons, and Fitz."

"That is to say, there is a shadow of Leon behind Nirvana Pharmaceutical?"

"Should be right."

Listening to Hill's answer, Fury, who was sitting behind the desk, fell into silence.

He doesn't have a bad habit of spying on his subordinates.

It's just that he was a little curious about the secret of Leon's sudden wealth, so he asked Hill to investigate.

Unexpectedly, it was found out that Leon was developing drugs in private!

Originally, Fury still had many doubts about when Leon learned to develop drugs.

However, when he thought of Leon's super power, he suddenly realized.

With Lyon's super learning ability, it is not surprising that he has learned relevant knowledge from biochemical expert Gemma Simmons for a long time.

You must know that the private research results of SHIELD researchers do not need to be handed over to the organization and can be used for any commercial purpose.

Just like the Pym particle developed by Hank Pym, no one can force him to hand over the formula if he doesn't want to.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has clear regulations, agents are not allowed to participate in any commercial activities.

However, Lyon did not personally participate in the operation of the company and the sales of the drug, but only authorized the formula of the drug to the pharmaceutical company called "Nirvana".

So, strictly speaking, he is not violating the rules...

As for the private financial transactions, the masters who are short of public funds, and Fury, who builds secret bases all over the world, are naturally clear.

Leon is his trusted confidant.

No matter how stupid Fury is, he can't possibly order Leon not to sell that drug, right?

Who can't live with money?

Therefore, Fury can only turn a blind eye to his private sideline behavior...

It's just that, as a special agent, Leon doesn't do his job properly, doesn't do his best to maintain world peace, but runs a company to sell medicines and make a lot of money to buy luxury houses.

This kind of behavior still makes Fury a little dumbfounded.

However, it's not entirely Leon's fault.

All I can say is that it's still the fault of being idle and doing nothing!

Fury also feels that the world has suddenly become very peaceful recently. All superpowers and terrorists, as if making an appointment together, have all hid, and no one has come out to make trouble.

Of course, part of the reason is also because of a billionaire who wears a steel suit and keeps the peace from time to time.

However, the more this is the case, the more Fury feels that the current situation, like the eve of a storm, is terribly peaceful.

Somewhere they didn't know, there seemed to be a mighty storm brewing, waiting for the moment to come.

When this storm comes, no one knows how much damage it will cause to the world...

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