I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 225 New members of the Rising Tide Organization

"Welcome, what do you need?"

"Bring me a latte with sugar."

"Okay, a sweetened latte... Please take your order number and wait a moment."

After receiving the banknotes handed over by the customer, the beautiful clerk smiled slightly, and then started to operate the machine.

Looking at the guest with the laptop under his arm, he came to a seat by the window, sat down, and started playing with the computer.

The beautiful clerk standing at the cashier also flashed a hint of envy in her eyes.

She also wants to have time to sit in the coffee shop and enjoy the air conditioner while playing leisurely on her computer or mobile phone.

Too bad she has to go to work...

New York today may be blessed by God.

The bright sun shines on the pedestrians on the road through the shade of the trees on both sides of the street.

Even the outdoor temperature in mid-June was a little hotter under the sunlight. However, all the people who passed by outside the coffee shop had smiles on their faces.

It was only because of two consecutive days of heavy rain in New York that it finally stopped earlier today!

The warmth of the sun shining on the body is definitely more lovely than the wet rain.

Just when the beautiful clerk stared at the scene outside the window, when she was a little lost, a shout suddenly sounded in her ear:


"Help me bring this cappuccino to table seven!"

The beautiful clerk who had reacted turned her head slightly in a panic, and quickly responded: "Oh, okay..."

Putting the heart-shaped cappuccino on the tray, Skye skillfully placed a convenient creamer and a packet of sugar on the tray.

Holding the tray firmly, she quickly came to table number seven, "This is your cappuccino..."

The young woman just glanced at the coffee on the table, and then continued to play with the mobile phone in her hand, without even a simple "thank you".

However, the expression on Skye's face was still sweet.

"Please take your time."

Afterwards, she picked up the tray, turned around and returned to the cashier, and continued to take orders for the upcoming guests.

This kind of life, Skye has long been accustomed to.

Since graduating from a missionary school two years ago, in order to find her parents and find out her true identity, she left her host family and honed her computer skills to join the world-renowned hacker group Rising Tide.

The Rising Tide Organization is an underground civil organization led by a group of geeks and tech nerds, with members all over the world. Everyone in the organization has extremely good computer skills.

Part of the reason why Skye was able to join the Rising Tide organization was because of her talent in computers, she was a Stark-like existence!

Just after learning computer technology for two years with her boyfriend, she has changed from a computer rookie to a new member of the Rising Tide Organization.

Of course, learning to crack the system and joining the Rising Tide Organization, all of which were the only means she could think of to get closer to the truth.

She has always lived in no fixed place, and has traveled all over the West Coast of the United States. This time she came to the bustling city on the East Coast, and she plans to stay here for a longer time.

However, in order to better hack into various networks and systems, she needs some funds to upgrade her equipment.

If you want to do good work, you must first sharpen your tools. Although she doesn't know this proverb, she also understands the truth...

So, Skye found a job as a coffee shop clerk in Brooklyn, and while earning some extra money, he collected any information about his parents and the "institution" in this vast metropolis.

Today, though only her second day at work. However, she has had various part-time experience before, and she is very handy when it comes to work.

bell bell bell…

The bell of the store door opened for a while, and the girl who was distracted was brought back to reality.

Looking at the guest in front of her, she once again showed a kind but formulaic smile and asked:

"Welcome, what would you like to drink?"


. .

As the night grew darker, the streets of Brooklyn and the facades of many stores were hung with "closed" signs.

In a small alley at the corner of Glen Street, a blue pickup was parked.

And Skye, who just got off work, was sitting in the modified car at this time.

The interior environment of the car is a little cramped, but also a little warm. A bed, a desk, and a lot of equipment make up this small space.

This shabby-looking pickup was Skye's home and her office.

Because he didn't have a high degree of education, no formal job, and he was unwilling to use his hacking skills to do some illegal things, Skye had been very hard for the past two years.

However, today's life did not dampen her enthusiasm to continue to investigate the truth, but made her believe that all of this will be revealed in the near future...

Sitting in front of the computer, she manipulated the mouse, entered the dark web, and opened an anonymous website.

This website is a website transfer station developed by the Rising Tide organization to bypass government surveillance. Only members of the organization can access it.

I saw her moving her fingers, flipping over the keyboard with ease, and soon entered the password representing the organization members, and then entered this encrypted website.

After quickly browsing the entire website, she found that there was no relevant information that she cared about, her eyes darkened, she sighed softly, and then exited the website.

Another fruitless day...

At this moment, as if she had remembered something, she suddenly moved the mouse and, as usual, opened a document called "Truth" on the computer desktop.

In the document, there is only one video file.

This is the sixty-seventh time she has watched this video since she obtained this video from the channel of the Rising Tide Organization a few months ago.

The reason why I watch this video so often is because, here is the information she wants...

Click on the video, and the video is only a few dozen seconds long, and it is a bit blurry. However, using his own computer technology, Skye restored the quality of the entire video to its original clarity.

In the picture, on a cluttered street, a large "robot" is walking step by step towards a man dressed in black tights, leaning on a long sword tremblingly, with blood on the corner of his mouth.

If Leon were here, he would have seen at a glance that this video was the one of him fighting the Destroyer in Old Bridge, New Mexico!

Skye moved the mouse to freeze the picture on the close-up of Leon's face, and then stared at it, his face full of stubborn determination:

"SHIELD, I will find you!"

Just when Leon obtained the first epic skill for himself and was overjoyed, he did not expect that his existence had become the only clue in the heart of a girl looking for her parents...

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