I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 227 Emergency Mission

"Regarding the special appropriation, the council has already criticized you quite a bit..."

"The council's dissatisfaction with me is not a matter of one or two days. As long as there are potential threats in this world, they will not kick me out of this position..."

"Even so, but you still have to pay attention..."

In the director's office, Fury, who was leaning on the chair, was chatting with his old friend Pierce about work.

However, not face to face, but through a virtual projection screen.

Although he is in the same building as his old buddy, instead of visiting in person, Fury prefers to sit in his office and communicate through virtual projections.

This gave him an inexplicable sense of security...

Just as the two were chatting, a few rhythmic knocks on the door interrupted their conversation.

Pierce, who was on the other side of the communication, also heard the knock on the door, and then said very wisely:

"It seems that there is trouble coming to the door again... Then I will not disturb you, I will take care of the council."

"it is good."

After simply replying a word, Pierce turned off the projection screen with a "swoosh" sound.

It was only then that Fury looked in the direction of the door and said solemnly, "Come in!"


With a low ponytail, Hill hurriedly pushed in the door and came to Fury's desk.

"Sir, there is an abnormal situation over the Rubik's Cube!"

As soon as Gao Lengyu opened her mouth, it was a big news!

Hearing this, Fury frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"The specific situation is not very clear. Listening to the tone from NASA, it seems to be very urgent..."

The Rubik's Cube is their key to developing more powerful energy weapons to defend against alien enemies, and there is no room for error.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Fury got up from his seat, tucked his windbreaker, and immediately took the lead out of the office.

Hill followed.

As he walked towards the elevator, he asked Hill behind him, "How soon can we arrive at the research base from Washington?"

"Two hours at the earliest."

Hearing this answer, Fury couldn't help but paused, then continued to walk forward, and began to give orders: "Who are the senior agents closest to the research base?"

"Hand, Coulson, and Lyon."


After stepping into the elevator, Fury told the elevator to the destination, and then instructed Hill on the side: "Let Coulson go over to investigate the situation first."

Not knowing what to think, Fury added: "Let him call Leon too."

Hill's eyes flashed with surprise, then disappeared, "Understood!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two people who took the elevator arrived at the ground hangar.

On the tarmac not far away, a Black Hawk helicopter is already ready...

. . .

Meanwhile, on Long Island, New York, in the basement of the "Lion" estate.

In the area that was transformed into an underground training ground, Leon, wearing a special combat uniform, stood in front of a camera fixed by a tripod and spoke to the camera: "The thirty-fifth time, the thunder and lightning form change experiment, Start recording!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the center of the training ground.

Concentrating, mobilizing the power of the god of thunder in the body, then open the palm of the right hand, palm facing up.

The next moment, along with a burst of energy fluctuations, on Leon's right hand, a few sizzling miniature thunderbolts were generated out of thin air!

Looking at the lightning flashing blue light floating in the palm of his hand, Leon frowned and continued to increase the energy output.

Time is passing little by little...

I don't know how long it took, just as Leon's face gradually turned pale, the thunder and lightning in his hand finally began to change!

I saw a few miniature thunderbolts, and very reluctantly, they began to slowly move towards the middle, as if they wanted to merge into one.

Seeing this scene, Leon couldn't help showing a hint of joy on his face.

However, just between the lightning and flint,

Mutation is sudden!

The few lightning bolts that originally flashed blue light, like taking a strong medicine, suddenly gave off a deeper color.

"Damn it!"

Realizing what was about to happen next, while cursing, Leon didn't forget to quickly turn his palm toward a specially-made dummy in the distance.

With a sound of "Boom!", the out-of-control lightning bolts shot straight at the dummy like a tiger coming out of the cage.

Under the raging thunder and lightning, the special dummy used to practice target shooting was instantly scorched.

"Failed again..."

Seeing that the experiment failed, there was not much depression on Leon's face.

While he was talking, he came to the computer on the side and recorded all the test data this time.

After many experiments, he has a general understanding of the power of the magic lightning that he can create.

Under normal conditions, he can create a lightning bolt that is half a meter wide and several meters long, enough to instantly melt titanium alloys.

In the case of continuous energy delivery, lightning can also be maintained for a certain period of time.

Especially in the rainy environment, the power and existence time of thunder and lightning have a significant bonus.

However, it is a pity that since there is no Thor's body, the thunder and lightning he created cannot touch the body and can only be released directly.

Even with such a restriction, Leon still revolved around magic thunder and lightning, and thought of several powerful moves that could attack, retreat and defend.

However, the only problem is that he has not fully grasped the method of how to change the form of lightning.

The more deeply he mastered the skill [Power of Thor], the more Leon was ruthless at Thor's behavior, and he couldn't help laughing.

However, he could understand.

Why, as Thor, the god of thunder, did not further develop his own magic thunder and lightning, but held a hammer all day and fought anal melee.

After all, people only need to go up in a reckless way to defeat any enemy...

Even if no one tells Thor, with his years of fighting experience in pacifying the Nine Realms, he can understand this truth.

Just like a bald head, what can be solved with one punch, do you still need to think about so many fancy moves?

Just after Leon encrypted the data of the test video just now, the mobile phone on the desktop suddenly rang!

Looking at the caller ID, Leon casually pressed the answer button:

"Hello? Find me..."

Before Leon could finish speaking, Coulson's slightly urgent voice came from the other side of the phone, "Where are you?"

"Home, what's wrong?"

"Urgent mission! You will join me at the New York branch now!"

From Coulson's tone, Leon could hear the urgency of the matter.

So, without any nonsense, he answered directly:

"Okay, give me fifteen minutes!"

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