I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 232: Team America Reappears

One o'clock.

New York, Brooklyn, the neighborhood where the "Myers" boxing club is located.

Under the streetlights, dim yellow lights were reflected.

On the street, except for a homeless man pushing a supermarket cart, there was no one else.

However, right now!

Dressed in a black suit, Leon, who seemed to blend in with the surrounding night, took a silent pace, stepped out of the darkness, and came to the building where the club was located.

He raised his head slightly, looked at the floor where the boxing club was located, and the lights came from the window. He couldn't help but pursed his lips, took a step, and stepped into the building.

It's now the third hour that the Cosmic Cube has been taken away...

. . .

Bang bang bang!

A burst of rapid and rhythmic beating sound reverberated continuously in the spacious club.

Steve Rogers, a man who has been sleeping for seventy years, is standing in front of the sandbag, pouring out his inner negativity.

This is his pastime. It is also the only way he can temporarily gain peace from the memories and fragments of the past.

The strong and burly muscles are more powerful and beautiful under the wrapping of the white T-shirt.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the special sandbag weighing 200 kilograms has no resistance under Steve's hard punch!

The entire sandbag was directly knocked out, and the sand contained in it was sprayed out from the damaged part of the sandbag.

Steve, who has long been accustomed to this, heaved a sigh of relief, and then walked to the sandbags neatly placed on the ground.

However, right now!

"Can't sleep?"

Suddenly, a magnetic familiar voice came from behind.

Steve paused, then turned around.

When he saw the appearance of the person coming, he couldn't help showing a slight smile, "That's not it, it's just that I suddenly want to sweat..."

While speaking, Steve noticed Leon's outfit and a document in his hand, and frowned, "Looking at your appearance, you must not come to me to practice boxing... Are you here with a mission?"

"Frey finally remembered my old guy?"

With a slight smile, Leon came to Steve, handed over the document in his hand, and said solemnly:

"That's right, I've brought a quest... a quest that's perfect for the best soldier in history to come back to life!"

Unfastening the bandage on his hand, Steve took a look at the document and immediately found the photo of the universe cube.

"Isn't this Hydra's secret weapon?!"

"This is your old friend Howard Stark, salvaged from the bottom of the sea while looking for you. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been trying to study it for years."

"Frey seems to think that this may be the key to developing infinite sustainable energy..."

Between the words, Leon deliberately or unintentionally removed himself from the Rubik's Cube research project.

After all, he knows Steve's character well: stubborn, determined to walk the path he thinks is right...

Leon didn't want Steve to think that he had something to do with the project of using the Rubik's Cube to make weapons.

Leon does not agree with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s use of the Rubik's Cube to study weapons of mass destruction, but he does not oppose it either.

Although doing so, to a certain extent, is inhumane.

However, he always felt that this was just a decision that Fury, an ordinary human, had to make in order to protect his homeland.

Thinking from a different angle, he can understand the unease and fear of Fury, the director of SHIELD, who has nowhere to place the powerful unknown enemy.

If he were Fury, perhaps, he would have made the same decision.

Of course, he will choose to use a smarter approach, such as being open and honest, inviting Stark and Banner, and even Dr. Pym, to join the project together...

And the research project has changed from weapons of mass destruction to large barriers or defense tools that can protect the earth.

However, all of this is just Lyon's fantasy.

His most urgent task at the moment is to bring the soldier who has been sleeping for seventy years in front of him back on the battlefield...

A few hours ago, after the Rubik's Cube was taken away by Loki, Fury immediately returned to Trident headquarters and held an emergency internal meeting of S.H.I.E.L.D.

At the meeting, he listed the Rubik's Cube being robbed as a Level 7 incident, and immediately issued several emergency orders.

Interestingly, the seventh-level event is an emergency code name that only appears when a major dangerous event occurs, such as a nuclear crisis, war and other major events.

Generally speaking, a seventh-level event means that only a small number of senior agents and high-level officials will get relevant information about this event.

Leon, who was originally only a sixth-level agent, was not qualified to participate in this meeting.

However, due to his heroic performance in the research base, Fury temporarily made an exception and was promoted to a seventh-level agent.

In this way, at the age of 23, Leon became the youngest level 7 agent in the history of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

The promotion of the agent level is not only the authority to obtain more advanced secrets, but also the responsibilities that come with it.

Fury, who had raised his favorability to "zealous", revealed to him part of the information about the Avengers plan.

Leon wasn't too surprised when he learned he was also on the Avengers shortlist.

This is very logical.

With Leon's outstanding abilities, it's not normal for Fury not to include him on the Avengers list...

Finally, Fury handed him a document about the universe cube and sent him to bring back the Captain America on the list!

That's why, he's here.

"Who took it away?"

"His name is Loki, and in a sense he's an uninvited guest from afar. There's a lot more to know if you're joining the mission."

Having said this, Leon couldn't help but paused, spread out his hands, and meaningfully added:

"This world is much stranger than you remember. Some existences can't even be explained by science and common sense. I hope you are prepared..."

Hearing this sentence, Steve was stunned for a moment, then got up and patted Leon's shoulder with a relaxed tone:

"Hey! Who am I? An old guy in his nineties! I haven't seen any big winds and waves. I've already seen it."

"Okay, you muscular old guy..."

While chatting and laughing, Leon did not forget to remind Steve: "The mission report has been placed in your apartment. Take the time to take a look, tomorrow morning, an agent will pick you up, I hope you won't Airsickness…”

"Ha! That's funny!"

. . .

Leon, who had just walked out of the "Myers" boxing club, suddenly stopped, as if thinking of something, then took out the SHIELD satellite phone and pressed Coulson's number:

"It's me, I have good news to tell you..."

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