While Leon and Loki were chatting in the detention area, a debate was taking place in the laboratory on the second floor of the mothership...

Stark used a micro cracker to try to unlock the secret files of S.H.I.E.L.D., but was still discovered by Fury.

Just when Stark questioned Fury, "What is the second stage", Steve, who was carrying the Hydra energy ray gun, also came to the laboratory and participated in the questioning.

Perhaps the dispute in the laboratory made Hill in the bridge area feel a little uneasy.

After thinking about it, she asked Natasha to check it out.

Thor, who was on the side, had nothing to do, and wanted to go there to see how the search for the universe cube was going.

The two of them were halfway, and they happened to meet Leon who was approaching. So, the three of them came to the laboratory together.

However, the appearance of Thor made the somewhat stiff atmosphere even more tense!

"because of him!"

Thor, who was watching the play well, was suddenly pointed by Fury, a little confused.


Against everyone's gaze, Fury continued to explain:

"Last year, an alien visitor visited Earth, and two tigers fought each other, resulting in a town being trampled down. If you don't believe me, you can ask Agent Leon. He witnessed the whole process of the town being trampled down..."

Leon, whose name was mentioned, suddenly became the focus of everyone.

"So, Leon, you know this too?!"

Steve on the side stared at Leon with slightly disappointed eyes.

How he wished that the first friend he knew after waking up had not been involved.

However, he was disappointed...

Leon did not meet Steve's eyes, but expressed his opinion in a firm tone: "I don't know. However, I think it is extremely correct to do so!"

Without waiting for Steve to ask questions, Fury looked around and continued to explain:

"From this war, we not only learned about the existence of other life in the universe, but also found that our force is far behind them!"

"My people just want to live in peace with the earth..." Thor, who knew the situation, also retorted.

"But you are not the only alien life?! There are other creatures that pose a threat to us. The universe is full of unmatched opponents, and no one can control them..."

Having personally experienced the cruelty of war, Steve strongly disagreed with Fury's remarks.

"Control them like you want to control the Rubik's Cube?"


Without waiting for Fury to answer, Thor on the side also began to refute Fury's remarks:

"It is precisely because you use the universe cube to make weapons that you have attracted Loki and his accomplices. You are sending a signal to other civilizations, declaring that the earth is ready for advanced warfare."

The atmosphere became more and more intense. The three S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Fury and the Avengers led by Stark had a heated debate on the sharp question of "should we use the universe cube to make weapons?" .

For a while, the entire laboratory was noisy.

Several passing agents couldn't help but speed up their steps, for fear of being affected by Chiyu...

"You say you want to control, but you are afraid that the world will not be in chaos..."

"That's his style, isn't it?" Leaning at the laboratory table, Bruce Banner echoed Thor.

There was nothing but sarcasm in his tone.

"What kind of team are we? No, putting us together will only cause chaos, we're... ticking time bombs!"

"Don't make fun of you!"

Seeing that the scene was getting out of control, Leon, who was standing aside, suddenly made an unexpected move:

I saw him suddenly pull out the Glock 18 from the holster beside his thigh, the pitch-black muzzle aimed at Bruce Banner's head!

"Dr. Banner, I think you need to calm down!"

For a time, whether it was Bruce Banner who was pointed at gunpoint,

Everyone who was still arguing looked at Leon, who suddenly drew his gun, with amazed eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly condensed, and a tense atmosphere filled the entire laboratory.

Everyone was very puzzled by Leon's behavior. Obviously well said, why suddenly pull out a gun...


Thor, Natasha, who were close to Leon, and even Steve, who had just had a disagreement with Leon, called out Leon's name in unison.

For his sudden behavior, everyone suddenly raised their hearts to their throats.

"Agent Leon, what are you doing?!"

Fury secretly unbuttoned the holster with his hands, held the handle of the pistol, and said in a deep voice, "Put the gun down!"

However, Leon did not do the same, but pursed his lips tightly, and still aimed the muzzle at Bruce Banner.

"Sir, I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do"

Stark, who was beside him, also lost his condescending demeanor and stared at Leon with a serious face, as if he was thinking about something.

"You don't know what you're doing!" Fury whispered.

While looking at the muzzle that seemed to be ready to devour everything, Bruce Banner showed no fear and said in a low voice:

"You can't kill me, I've tried so I know!"

"Oh, is it? Let's try it!"

Before he finished speaking, the corner of Leon's mouth rose, and he was about to pull the trigger!

Just at this critical moment, one step faster than him was a crisp gunshot!


A rapidly rotating bullet directly penetrated Leon's wrist, knocking down the Glock 18 in his hand, and leaving a clear trace on the white wall.

When everyone looked at the door, they saw another unexpected picture:

I saw the brown-haired man standing at the door, holding a Glock 18 pistol tightly in his right hand, it turned out to be another Lyon!

Two Lyons? !

Whether it's hairstyle, clothes, or appearance, the two Leons are as if created by the same mold, there is no difference!

"What The Fuck?!!"

Stark, with his eyes wide open, expressed the voice of everyone in a very simple but expressive sentence.

I saw everyone looking at Leon A, who was holding a bloody wrist, and Leon B, who was holding a pistol and aimed at Leon A, and suddenly didn't know what to do.

At this time, Leon B, who was holding Glock 18, slowly walked into the laboratory. The muzzle of the gun never left Leon A's head during the movement.

Looking at the incredible scene in front of them, everyone knew that one of the two Leon Coulsons must be real and the other fake.

It's just that they don't know which is real and which is fake.

The air in the laboratory is gradually dignified...

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