At this time, Leon finally understood where his inner unease came from.

Staring at "self" who was holding his injured wrist tightly and bending his body slightly, Leon's face was sinking like water, and he couldn't help but murmur in his heart:

"Loki, is this your trump card?"

. . .

Go back to ten minutes ago...

Leon, who had just left the detention area, first changed the surveillance video quietly and silently, and then returned to the bridge area, ready to call Thor and head to the laboratory.

However, in the corridor on the second floor, when he passed an agent, he suddenly moved his ears slightly and heard the other side mutter:

"Huh? Why did Agent Leon come over here again..."

It was these words that made Leon's footsteps slammed!

Just after talking with Loki, the extreme sensitivity in his heart made him realize that something was wrong!

I saw him immediately turned around and called the agent just now, "Hold on!"

"Sir, are you calling me?"

"Yes, I seem to hear what you said, have you seen me just now?"

"Huh? I don't quite understand what you mean..."

The other party was a little confused, but he still told the truth about what he saw just now:

"However, I did see you, Agent Romanov, and a blond man walking towards the laboratory together..."

When Leon heard the words, as if thinking of something, he involuntarily cursed:

"Damn it!"

Before waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Leon turned into a black lightning bolt, stretched out his long legs, and charged towards the laboratory!

Only the stunned agent was left, standing in place...

When Leon rushed to the laboratory, he happened to see "himself" holding a gun and was about to pull the trigger on Dr. Banner. In a hurry, he didn't think too much, just pulled out the gun and shot!


It's the incredible picture that Thor and others saw: two Leon Colsons!

Facing the suspicious eyes of everyone, Leon understood that at this moment, he had to do something to keep the situation from developing as Loki expected...

So, he spoke up!

"I can prove that I am Leon, and you can ask me any question, preferably a secret that only you and I know."

Although he didn't know how the other party became "himself", Leon believed that appearance, clothing, and even skills could be copied, and only the memory in his mind was something that belonged only to him.

That is impossible to copy and disguise!

Hearing this suggestion, everyone made eye contact for a moment, thinking that this might be a good way to distinguish the true from the false.

However, just when Natasha opened her lips slightly and wanted to speak, a sudden change occurred!


A sudden burst of laughter echoed throughout the laboratory.

Under the slightly surprised gaze of everyone, Leon A, who was bending over clutching his injured wrist, began to move.

I saw him slowly straighten up, staring at Leon B with those eyes like the deep starry sky, and whispered:

"It's a pity, just a little short, I can release the beast..."

Before he finished speaking, Leon A's whole body began to emit a faint light under the watchful eyes of the public.

It only lasted for less than a second, and the light dissipated.

A woman suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The seductive yet domineering green leather jacket, the long flowing golden curly hair, and the almost perfect appearance and figure made Thor and Leon on the side exclaim in unison:


That's right, the person who turned into a fake Leon was the charmed witch of Asgard - Amora!

Wearing an extremely hot outfit, Amora greeted her "acquaintance" like a long-lost friend.

"Hey! Thor, long time no see!"

After beckoning to Thor, Amora immediately looked at Leon, who looked like a great enemy, smiled slightly, and opened her red lips slightly:

"Leon Coulson, we meet again..."

The moment he saw Amora, a beautiful and dangerous woman, Leon immediately understood why Loki did not choose to escape after seeing Hawkeye being caught, but was willing to be captured.

Because, Hawkeye has always been just a pawn that can be discarded in order to attract attention. And the female mage of Asgard in front of him is his real trump card!

The appearance of the stranger made everyone in the laboratory energized.

"Another Asgardian?! Please, do you want to form a group when you travel to other planets?"

Stark's complaints did not ease the dignified atmosphere much.

Standing in front of Amora, Fury, who still put his hand on the handle of the gun, asked with a serious face:

"Thor, Leon, do you know her?"

The meaning of this sentence is actually asking, whether this woman is an enemy or a friend...

Leon heard the words and immediately warned: "She is Loki's subordinate, everyone be careful!"

However, Amora didn't seem to agree with Leon's words. She shook her slender and fair index finger and retorted:

"No no no, I'm not Loki's subordinate, I don't work for him..."

At this time, in the laboratory, another person who knew Amora also asked suspiciously, "Amora, what are you doing here?"

Facing Thor's question, Amora smiled sweetly and said softly:

"Oh! It's like this, I owe Loki a favor, so I need to do something for him to repay this favor..."

Thor frowned, then asked, "What's the matter?"

"like this!"

Before she could finish her words, before everyone could react from her words, Amora turned her head slightly and sighed lightly at the face of Bruce Banner on the side!

In an instant, the pink mist, like a psychedelic breeze, suddenly entered his mind from between Banner's nose.

The next moment, Banner's eyes gradually lost focus, and his whole person was like an addict who had just taken a big mouthful of marijuana, showing a silly and very satisfied smile.

This situation, in Leon's eyes, is so familiar.

It reminded him of the first time he saw Amora!

Combined with Amora's murmur at the beginning, a terrifying thought, like a huge lightning bolt, passed through Leon's mind.


She wants to control Banner and release the Hulk!

Thinking of this, Leon's eyes widened and he shouted loudly, "She wants to control Banner and make him transform!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and immediately took two steps back, making a defensive gesture.

However, looking at everyone's actions, Amora gently stroked her golden hair and showed a charming smile:

"Oh, it's too late..."

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